Moisturizing Lipstick

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AN: I know my dears I am sorry for taking so long to post this next chapter. Ran into some writers block and life happened. No real warning other than fluff and some anxiety description.

He saw you walk down to the living room. Watching you in your oversized t shirt and short shorts barely peaking out from under the shirt. You looked gorgeous without trying. He had woken up early to take care of Hope and spend time with her. He fed her was playing with her when you came down. While walking down the stairs you see Sebastian and your daughter together in the living room your heart burst at the sight. You had stayed in your sleepwear but brushed your hair along with your teeth before coming downstairs to get some coffee. You make your way to the kitchen with a big smile on your face. You get a cup of coffee and head back to the living room with Sebastian and Hope. “So how long have the two of you been up?” Sebastian gives you a beaming smile that just takes your breath away. “We both have been up for a good 3 hours. How did you sleep my love?” your words caught in your throat. “I slept surprisingly well. How about you? Where did you sleep because I didn’t feel you come into the bed during the night?” He sat next to you. “With you on the bed Hope slept on myside of the bed in her crib.” Resting your head on his shoulder. “I am sorry I slept for so long. But I am glad you both got to spend time together.” He wrapped his arm around your waist. Just relishing the feeling of having you both in his arms and life again. He couldn’t believe how happy he was. He never thought he would get this back in his lifetime. He pressed a kiss on your temple. “Shall we go to the park today? Just to walk around look at the swans.” You nod your head. “Just let us go change.” You pick up Hope and give her a kiss on her chubby cheeks. You brush her hair and put in in a braid to keep it off of her face and help keep her cool. Then you change her into some light blue denim shorts and a cotton off the shoulder grey shirt with white chevrons. You change into some dark blue denim short shorts. You also put on a shirt you know Sebastian would find hilarious. It is your grey tank top with the winter soldier star and his control words. You make sure to put sunscreen on Hope. You put some on your self you put on natural looking make up and some moisturizing lipstick you also decided to spray on some Rose Prick Eau de Parfum by Tom Ford. Putting your hair in a side fishtail braid that still have some fly away pieces of hair around your face.  It is your favorite parfum. Smells like Turkish roses mixed with a hint of pepper. You put on some dark grey sneakers. You put on some sandals on Hope. Picking her up you walk down back downstairs. When you come down you see Sebastian in some blue jeans black sneakers and a white t-shirt. You lower your head and smile gently shaking your head a bit. He drives you silly and you needed to keep a level head. He comes up to the both of you and takes Hope form your arms. “Look at this precious little one how pretty does she look.” he gives her a kiss on her check and put her into the car seat. you pick up your bag and sling it over your head so it can rest on your hip across your chest. Before you could turn around Sebastian already had his hands on your hips turning you around. You look up into his steel blue eyes. He raises his right hand slowly tucking in a stray of hair behind your ear. He ran is knuckles from the shell of your ear down your jaw. It sent a shiver down your spine and caused you to blush and bite the inside of your lip. You hear him groan a bit. “You look beautiful Y/N. Like that shirt by the way.” He winks at you and turns around to get Hope and take her to the car and you walk behind them. Her stroller is in the car already.
Once you guys get to the park. Sebastian takes the stroller out of the car and opens it up. You take hope out form the car seat and give her a few kisses before putting her in the stroller. You went to push the stroller. But Sebastian just lifted his right arm so you could fit next to him. So, you do you both wrap an arm around each other the other am on the stroller. You both walk the park. It was a perfect day you sat below one of the trees on a blanket that was packed already in the car. Sebastian had gone to go get something while you stayed with Hope. You took her out of the stroller and put her on the blanket next to you. she was crawling on the really big blanket that Sebastian had packed. Ten minutes later you see Sebastian coming towards you with some hot dogs and drinks. You just smiled at him. You both ate and you picked out of the diaper bag some food for Hope and Sebastian fed her while he handed you the book that you were reading. So, you started to read for a bit. When you looked up from your book you saw Hope asleep on Sebastian’s chest and he was reading a book as well. You leaned closer to him. You barely above a whisper call his name. He turns to you ever so slowly. You kiss him sweetly. He was about to deepen the kiss when you both hear people around you calling for him. You both separate and look around. There were a few reporters and some fans recording. You lower your head. Sebastian got up and put Hope in her stroller and you got up and went to the stroller and started to make your way to the car. You hear him “Blossom, my love” you turn around and see him handing you the blanket and the car keys. You don’t make it five feet before they have you and Hope surrounded. Asking a million questions all at once. The commotion wakes up Hope your priority is her, so you go to the front of the stroller and try to sooth your daughter while in the stroller. When a reporter opens the cover of the stroller to take pictures. That is when you scream “SEBASTIAN!!!!!!!” you pick up your daughter and put her to your chest and try to make your way to Sebastian. You are only able to take five steps before they circle the both of you. You are clutching Hope to you unable to find a way to escape you are on the verge of yelling crying and fighting. That is when Sebastian makes it to you. He hugs you closing Hope between the both of you. He runs his hands on your shoulders. “Blossom look at me love pleas look at my eyes.” you slowly look up to his steel blue eyes. There is worry in there but also a determination. “You will hold onto me I will walk you out of here and into the car.” You nod your head. Sebastian turns around and you grab onto his shirt from behind while Hope is still hiccupping from her startled state. You will sooth her once you are both safe. Before you know it, Sebastian has opened the back door of the car where there are tinted windows. You enter the car and immediately start soothing Hope. Once she is calm you put her in the car seat but keeping your hand on her little hand. You start crying silently. This was the first time you ever truly felt helpless and lost. Sebastian is driving the car while you cry in the back seat. you don’t make eye contact with him. But he does notice your tears through the review mirror. Once he is sure he is not followed he pulls over and makes his way to the side door. He opens the door, and you look up with him with tears running down your face. He wipes the tears away. Brings you in to a tight hug and you sob while telling him. “I had never felt like that. I was so overwhelmed and scared for Hope I was about to start yelling and fighting to find a way out for Hope and myself. I was so scared Daddy I feel like such a failure not being able to protect her fully.” He holds you closer and rubs your back while kissing your forehead. Once you were done telling him everything, he lifted your head from his chest. “Blossom, you are so brave and strong. You did everything that you needed to do for your safety but mostly for our beloved Hope’s safety. Please my love does not put more pressure on yourself. I am sorry for not paying more attention to our surroundings.” You shake your head. “We both know this comes with the territory of your fame. We will both just have to be more aware of our surroundings.” He holds you close to him. You cling onto him and breath in is unique scent. After some time passes you let him go and sit back in the back seat. Sebastian goes back to the driver seat, and you make your way to his mothers house. Just a few more days before you have to make the journey home. But at least you knew now that it didn’t matter what Sebastian would always protect you and Hope. Even at the const of seeming rude to fans and reporters. He cared enough about the both of you to put everything aside. You knew right then and there you could never leave him again. Your heart’s walls crumbled down with what happened today. You finally felt safe with him again no longer afraid of him hurting you again.
When you both reached home he took Hope and walked into the home with his hand on your lower back. You both knew you both needed just time with each other. So you made it up to the room you shared last night. He closed the door and put Hope in the middle of the both of you. You just rested against the bed looking at him taking in having the both of them here with you. He noticed you where starting to close your eyes he took Hope and put her in the crib next to the bed. He then pulled you close to him and you put your head on his chest and snuggled in. Not knowing when the both of you fell asleep holding each other. Only to be awaken by banging on the room door.

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