Smudged Lipstick

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AN: Should be the last chapter of super angst some fluffy at the end as you know mature audience 18+ Minors DNI if missed a warning let me know please

Sebastian wakes up in the bed alone. For a brief moment he thinks yesterday was all a dream. From finally getting to hold Hope. To falling asleep next to you. He looks around the room and notices it is your room. The bassinet on the side he goes to shower and change. On his way out he looks down at the desk at sees the note pad. His heart is overrun by warmth and understanding. He takes another picture finally adding to the collection you both had. He looked at all of them. How many more would you have both added to this if he had not broken your trust. He clears his throat and makes his way downstairs. He is able to see Hope in her enclosed area on her tummy moving her arms and legs trying to get momentum to move and crawl. He sees Patrick on the couch keeping an eye on Hope. He nods his head to Patrick. He is about to make his way on the couch to the man who has been taking care of his daughter. When he heard noise from the kitchen, he also hears light humming.

Makes his way towards you. He notices some churros and hot chocolate on the table and you heating up some bread and a few eggs some sliced ham and have serrano pepper jam on the table. sitting down at the island while you cook. Who is this all for he asks. You turn around and smile warmly at him. This is a goodbye breakfast for Patrick. He goes home today. Sebastian gives you a weird look. Patrick comes in holding Hope. He decides to hand Hope to Sebastian so he can make a plate of the bocadillo and grabs a coffee. Yes, Y/N knows my favorite breakfast she hardly ever cooks it, but I am not passing this up. I am going back home to Spain to finish my schoolwork and spend time with my family. We will see where I end up afterwards. He looks at you and smiles and sits down to eat. Sebastian looking at the interaction between the both of you becomes a bit jealous. You notice this and lean over the island. Patrick and I would never be a couple there is love but it would never work. He is a free spirit doing what he wants when he wants. Nothing for you to worry about Sebastian. You serve him his plate and take your daughter. We got to get ready make it to the airport so we can go see your grandma. You look at Sebastian. Are you going to be joining us to go see your mom? He snapped his head in your direction. You are going to New York to see my mom? You nod your head. I promised her that I would be going over with Hope. Just needed to have Patrick go back home. It hurt Sebastian to hear you refer to Spain as home. Your home wasnt there it was right here were you both where right now that was your home. He gets up and walks up to you wrapping is arm around your waist. I would love to go back to my home with you. But Y/N is Spain home or is it home here with me? you deadpan. He has never been this forward or possessive. It is strange but you get where he is coming form with this. He is scared that you are going to run back to Spain. You look into his steel blue eyes. Sebastian, I am staying here I am not going back. I am home here with you. His eyes light up as if someone had turned a light into his eyes. She smiles at him then takes a deep breath before speaking. Sebastian, I know I have been hot and cold since I got back. But you have to understand. It is not easy, I trusted you it was broken. If it were just me and you, I wouldnt be as hesitant as I am now. But we have to think of Hope she is the best of both of us. I dont want to ruin whatever civil relationship we could have if we are not together. He lifts his finger up to your lips before you could continue rambling. Y/N I know I am sorry about that. It was the biggest mistake of my life. I want a chance to make it right. I know I am scared too. I am scared of not having either of you in my life. I want what is best for Hope. I want to be here more with her. But I am not going to lie I want to be here for you. Let me prove that I love you both Y/N. You close your eyes and nod your head in yes. He gently kisses your lips it is a feather light kiss as if to test your reaction. You both linger with your lips just touching but not fully pressed together. He is looking into your eyes. He is about to kiss you again deeply this time when Veronica yells your name at the top of the stairs.

This grabs your attention to your sister. Good morning to you too Vero, breakfast is in the kitchen for you and Danny. You put your free left hand on Sebastians chest and trace a few circles before moving away and going upstairs to pack a bag for her and you. You decide that you want her as comfortable as possible, so you put her in a light pink popsicle dress with short bottoms. You brush her hair and style it since she has a lot of hair. Instead of traditional pigtails you decide to do put them higher than normal and instead of ponytail you keep it tucked the ends in the elastic creating a mini folded bun. On each side and you brush her whisps down around her face. Well missy since you are all pretty and perfect for travel, I need to go change and get ready as well. You get up and grab your skinny black jeans and a white tank top and pair it with a heather grey leather jacket and put on your grey ankle boots. You do your make up and put on a red lip and you straighten your hair to have it down. You grab both bags and get Hope and make your way downstairs. Sebastian notices that you have bags along with Hope. He rushes to you and takes the bags away. Y/N you should have told me you needed help. You chuckle. It is fine Sebastian; I can manage with the bags and Hope. He looks up at you to tell you not to do that he is there now and not leaving. But he is stopped dead in his tracks. He sees you natural looking make up neutral eye shadow brows just brushed those damn red lips that make him want to kiss you until the both of you die due to lack of oxygen. He takes in your outfit, and he instinctively runs his tongue on his lower lip before biting. He then looks to Hope she looks adorable, and he just has to smile tenderly at his daughter. He still couldnt believe that beautiful child was his. You look at him all tongue tied and laugh and talk to Hope. It seems like your dad is all tongue tied little one. You would think he would at least comment at how cute you look right now. You tickle her tummy as you walk down the stairs. Sebastian just stares at the both of you as you walk into the living room. He takes the bags to his car next to his bag. He comes into the house in the middle of a conversation you are having with Veronica. So are you sure about this Y/N? You just got back, and he came, and you guys are acting like nothing happened. You smile at her. Vero, I know you want to keep me safe. But yes, I am sure it has been over a year since the incident happened and we both have to move past it. Plus, I know I love him and that he loves me and Hope. What more could I ask for? She grabs your hands. But it seems so fast again like dont the both of you know how to take your time? you laugh out loud. We are taking it slow. I havent slept with him, yet which is saying something I havent been with anyone since we got pregnant. If I wasnt sure Vero, I would have made sure to keep him away from me and only allowed him to get close to Hope no matter how much I missed him. Before you could be berated by more questions Hope lets out a cry letting you know she was hungry. You got up and went to feed her you made some baby oatmeal with your breast milk. Once she finished eating you burped her.

Going back to the living room you see Sebastian and Veronica talking. How Veronica is trying to get Sebastian to promise not to hurt you again. Letting him know that she just got the both of you back in her life. He told her he would try his best. He didnt want to lose either of you. Not to worry he would do everything in his power to keep you both happy and well taken care of. You walk in and going to the couch. Once you sit everyone goes to a different topic. It wasnt too much longer until you three had to leave. You get up and say goodbye to Veronica and Danny once he made it out of the side office. You three made it to the airport. Strange the last time Sebastian and you were at the airport he was going to NY by himself. Before you could mention it he wrapped his arm around your waist while keeping the side that was holding Hope tucked in between the both of you. He was holding his world with him. He was like a Hawke keeping an eye on everything trying to maneuver you too the less crowded area. He did start to notice paparazzi trying to make their way to you guys. Y/N, we will need o walk a bit faster I will try to lay as low as possible so that they dont find us. You nod your head letting him know it was fine. You guys where about to make it past the gates with them not finding you both. You put on the baby sling to put hope in so you can carry her while having your hands free. Sebastian looking at you while are putting Hope into the sling. Is she comfortable in that? giggling Yes she is actually she can fall asleep like this against my chest. Plus, like this I can have you take her to give me some time off. After a 6-hour flight the three of you were exhausted. Sebastian had set up a car to come pic you guys up. Once the car arrived, he opens the door to let you and Hope in. Once he is in the car you sit next to him leaning against him. Hope stirred and he ran his finger across her cheek. you open your eyes to see his interaction with his daughter. You smile and before falling asleep next to him leaning into his chest. He held you while holding onto Hope enjoying the drive up to see his mom. He could get lost in this moment for the rest of his life. Once you reach the house, he woke you up. Blossom honey, can you please wake up for me we are here. You wake up and smile at him before anything can be said you lean into him and give him a kiss that you both had been holding back the whole day. Properly smudging your perfect red lip.

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