Liquid Lipstick

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AN: ANGST just ANGST some cursing

You hated flying with Hope being so small. You honestly wanted to wait until she was a year old. But that fan posting about you spoked you. So, what do you do when you are scared? You run, but this time you were running to your sister. Patrick came with you to help you take care of Hope. Plus, it was a good way to travel. You took first class for the 3 of you. Once you landed you put on your sunglasses and put on a baseball cap. Hope starts crying you know she needs to be changed. So, you make your way to the restroom to change her You clean the baby changing station and take out the liners and talk to your daughter she understands when you call her name, blows raspberries, she likes to try sit up and face the world, you had noticed she loves to have tummy time. She wants to try to crawl. You pick her up after changing her and put her in her baby sling which allowed you to have her close to your heart but giving your hands access to take everything. So, you walk out and head to the car. You drive to your home were now Veronica and Danny live. Right before you get to your old home. You decide to finally login to your Instagram. You take a picture of you and Hope. You caption for the picture is: Heres to the nights we felt alive. Heres to the tears you knew youd cry. Heres to goodbye Tomorrows gonna come too soon.-Heres To the Night by Eve 6. You tag your sister and Danny. You post the picture. It is the first one you post in a year and the first one that you allow of Hope on social media. You get out of the car. Patrick takes all the things from the car and you go up to the door. You kiss Hopes forehead Mommy is scared little one, but I would do anything for you. You ring the doorbell.

It is the morning, and the sun is hitting Sebastians face. He has a headache but still can hear your voice singing. Gosh he misses you and he has been a wreck with out you. year and 3 months have been hell. He gets up and showers and drinks some coffee. Once he turns on his phone he notices alerts on his phone. A lot of alerts and tags to his Instagram. He chokes on his coffee when there are videos from last night. He sees you sitting on a stage with a microphone. He plays the video. That is when he hears the song from last night. He realizes he was so close to you. He kicks himself for not going into the bar. You were just across the wall. While scrolling he runs into a picture that was tagged to Danny and Veronica. It is you and his daughter. Both of his beautiful girls. He cries at the picture wanting to hold the both of you close to make the family he so foolishly tore apart with a stupid act. He knew you had trust issues. He knew you needed to be reminded that what you both had was not just something simple you were the missing piece of his soul. He would do anything to get his daughter and you back. He notices the caption. He shakes his head. Well played Y/N well played. He knew it was a jab at him. He decided to comment on the picture. So I try to understand what I cant hold in my hand/ And whatever I find, Ill find my way back to you/ And if you could try to find it too/Cause this place has overgrown with waxing mood/Home is wherever we are if theres love here too.-Home by Jack Johnson.

You are excited at finally seeing your sister that you honestly kept your phone in the diaper bag on silent. Danny opened the door. He sees you and is just staring at you and Hope. You smile at him. Hi Danny, am I able to come inside or shall I get a hotel room? He smiles at you and pulls you into a big hug causing Hope to stir. You push Danny a bit back. you will wake Hope up form her nap she just fell asleep. He lifts his hands in surrender Sorry, I am just excited to finally see you and Hope again. Also, back home you have to know how much Veronica and I have missed you being home. He lets you walk into the house. He notices Patrick coming up to the door. Oh, hey Patrick what are you doing here man I would think you would have stayed in Spain and enjoyed a few weeks off. He shook his head. I couldnt let these two lovely ladies travel alone. Plus, it is my responsibility to take care of Hope so Y/N can get some rest and work. You smile at Patrick. Danny quit being a jerk He is Hopes nanny. He gives us both the security of a male accompanying us. Plus, he is funny, and it helps with his thesis. Patrick nods his head in agreement. Before Danny can interrogate you on your relationship with Patrick. Veronica comes into the room you give Hope to Patrick. Veronica and you hold each other tight both crying. That exchange makes Danny turn on his Instagram live. Taking in your exchange with your sister. You both are just holding each other crying and talking in Spanish. Just making sure you both are ok and have been ok. You are telling her that you are not leaving her again. You tell her you are sorry for putting distance between you and her. Hope starts to fuss in Patricks arms you grab her then pat on Patrick shoulder and give her to Veronica. The whole interaction is put on Instagram Danny just keeps it playing as the three of you head to the couch and just talk with Hope between you both. She looks up to the both of you and makes baby noises and does a raspberry. You smile down at her and pick her up and give her a raspberry on her cheek. She laughs and you hand her to Veronica. Hey Vero, I am going to go get a water.

After Sebastian posted the comment, he expected to get a response, but he didnt get any from you. Just fans trying to get your attention and his. He lets out a frustrated groan. He wants and needs to talk to you. He notices That Danny is doing a live Instagram. That is when he notices it is you and Verónica both of you crying and holding each other just speaking in Spanish. Thank god he understood. That is how he knew she would be staying in California. He books the next direct flight. Something happens that makes his heart twist in pain. He sees a handsome young man holding his daughter. You go and pick her up and you pat his shoulder. He must find out who that is. Why was he holding your daughter and why was Y/N so close to him. He noticed the fans asking the same questions running through his head. They wanted you and Y/N back together. While watching the exchange of you and your sister he notices how Hope coos and how you look at her and give her all the attention his heart bursts how he wished he were there to shower you both with the love. While reading the comments he sees the co-star that he messed up with join the comment section. She basically explained who he was and why he was there. So now he knew his name was Patrick and he was the nanny for Hope. He just wished you had hired an older female nanny for Hope. But would not judge you for your choices. After of a half hour of live streaming Danny cuts the video when you get up to get water. Sebastian gets up gets his things. He should be at your door by tomorrow.

You finally take out your phone from the diaper bag. You see all the alerts. Follower requests, comments, and tags. It is overwhelming while scrolling through the comments most of them tagging Sebastian to your picture. You see his comment. It brings tears to your eyes. Your heart yearns for him burns for him. Your body aches for his touch to hear his voice and breathing next to you. But also, there is the sting of betrayal still there. He had made a promise and broke it. The promise of nothing would happen beyond the contract. But that was just too much to ask for. You choose to put all your feelings down you will have to be civil with Sebastian. Hope needs him and you will not be getting in the way of the relationship they both need and deserve. So, you put your phone away again. You just enjoy your time with your family. You call Sebastians mom to let her know you are back in the US. You should be stopping by in about a week just to have her spend time with Hope. You also let her know she could tell Sebastian since that is the best place for her and Sebastian to meet. Plus, Patrick would be back in Spain by then. He needed a week more of work hours for his thesis. You go upstairs bathe hope and feed her one last time before bed and she goes off to sleep. She has a bassinet next to your bed, so you sleep next to her with out her getting hurt.

When you wake up in the morning to do your morning you change, and feed Hope again plus put her in light grey pants a pink that states sassy little soul and you put a fake Demin jacket on her plus her little tennis shoes you put her hair in a ponytail. The both of you make your way to the kitchen. That is where Veronica lets you know she decided to hold a welcome home party inviting the cast members of the avengers and some close friends. You agree with her plans it has been too long since you have seen them, and you wanted to have a nice relaxing home party. You go upstairs to change into light grey jeans and a long burgundy sweater top that exposed your shoulders. You curled your hair and put nude liquid lipstick on and did a burgundy eye look to match your shirt. you put on some black kitten heels. You go downstairs and see Patrick with Hope just dancing to some vallenato. You feel the beat of the music, so you go to the back and dance with them. Your sister seeing the three-dance wanting to know what would happen without Hope. She goes up to you and takes Hope and pushes you towards Patrick. So, you both dance together swaying to the sensual rhythm of the song. You both still kept a respectable distance between pelvis that allowed you both to move with the rhythm. As soon as the song finishes you both just go on like nothing happened. As more people came in your friends come over and start the party to full swing. Dropping tracks and drinks for everyone around. You are just enjoying the music. When you see Sebastian walk through the door. You look around for Hope. You see her with Patrick on the other side of the yard he is showing her the flowers. Before you could stand up and go to her. He sits down in front of you. Y/N I would like to talk to you in private please we have a lot of things to talk about. Hearing him just causes you to laugh. Now? You want to talk Now? I still dont want to talk to you Sebastian. I am here to help you get a relationship with Hope. He leans forward on the table and licks his lips. You have to hold back your desire. I am here to have a relationship with Hope. But we both know we need to talk things through as well. You raise an eyebrow at him. That may be true but not right now. I am not ready to talk to you yet if you cant see we are in a middle of a party. What we need to talk about should be in private. So go run along with the girls over there and have fun Sebastian like the last time I saw you. you get up from the table going to go get Hope and walking into the house. You slam the door. Sebastian groans and goes after you.

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