The Wereslut

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Ughhhh where the hell was I? This was not my house, it was a hotel room. Oh shit did -she- decide to pay me a visit last night, the slut that someone had once told me called herself Roxy?

Looking down at myself I could confirm that she had. The dress I was wearing bulged awkwardly around the midsection, but sagged in the chest, no doubt it had fit her tightly indeed, and wasn't nearly as good a fit for me.

Oh crap. Well clearly she knew what I knew, so she had the combination to the lock on my shackles.

I didn't even have a plan to try to contain her next month.

Looking around I saw there was a guy still in bed with me, still asleep; good. They tended to freak out, waking up to me in the morning.

He was lying on his chest and I could see the red marks on his back from her fingernails, it looked like she might have even bitten his shoulder, kind of like I'd had that morning after.

I rolled out of bed before I realised I still had her shoes on; you think trying to walk in heels is unpleasant, try trying to walk in heels that are at about three sizes too small sometime. I got about three steps before I had to sit down on the floor and fight with the straps to get them off.

Freed from the torture of her shoes I went to the minibar, there was my least favourite taste in the world in my mouth and I needed something to wash it out, hopefully the room was on his card and not mine.

The taste of last night's cum was soon replaced by a couple mini-bottles of whisky, and I went to the bathroom to partake of the complimentary toothbrush. I didn't have time for a shower, I wanted to get out before her companion in the bed woke up, but at least I could wash off her makeup.

The first couple times, I thought about leaving it on as camouflage, but with my buzz cut there was no way I was passing for a woman when she left, so I washed it off, besides it was so badly smeared that even if I had hair, it would have attracted attention. And this dress would do plenty of that anyway.

Got damn, it was short. It barely covered my balls, and the hem of it was covered with white crusties. With a sigh I realized that would be cum, spilled on the dress when it got pushed out of an orifice that no longer existed.

Once I was as cleaned up as I could do here I crept back into the main room, thinking 'please don't wake up, please don't wake up' directed at her companion from last night.

A quick look around the room eventually turned up a pair of panties that had been tossed from the bed and landed beside the chair in the corner. They were tight and a thong but squished balls were better than visible ones, I cringed at the feeling of a piece of fabric sliding against my asshole, drawing my attention to how sore it was.

Great! She'd obviously used that orifice too, which meant I probably also had the remnants of some guy's load in my rear end right now. I eyed the pile of guy's clothes on the floor, it was really tempting to steal them rather than make my escape dressed in what would be generous to call it a dress, but stealing didn't sit right with me, not on top of what else she had already done to this guy.

Before I snuck out of the room I took one of the explanation letters I had left in her purse and set it on top of his wallet on the night stand. It started with "You have been infected" so I figured that would get his attention.

I picked up her purse and heels and slipped out of the room. The pink glittery phone I'd bought for her was inside and my phone was not, so at least the first part of my backup plan was a success.

I opened it up and checked facebook, sure enough there was picture after picture of Roxy wearing the outfit that I now had on, dancing at the club, sitting on men's laps, there she was with her latest victim the hand not holding her phone was clamped onto his crotch, much to his delight.

So this had worked too, setting up Roxy her own facebook account kept her from posting to mine. The first time I could explain away her photos as, a girl I was in the club with had picked up my phone by mistake, but each time that lie got less believable, since it was obviously the same girl.

I took her phone and looked up a taxi number, a company I hadn't used in a while. Hopefully by not using the same cab company every month word would not spread as quickly about the weirdo who gets picked up at hotels dressed like a slut.

While I waited I looked over another copy of the note I had left for Roxy's latest victim. How I wished I'd had something like this to explain it to me when it started happening to me. I had been a seventeen year old, good Christian boy who was saving himself for marriage, until he was attacked and seduced, practically taken against his will, by a wereslut.

"I'm sorry. You are a victim of a Wereslut. Sometime in the next month you too will be transformed. On the night of a full moon, you will become a slut, she will dress like a slut, she will act like a slut, and you will have no control over what she does. The slut is a female and her partners will not find anything unusual about her body, but in the morning you will regain yourself and your control. Those partners, should she scratch or bite them, and she will, may also begin to exhibit signs of the curse. I'm sorry, but this is your life now and you can't undo it, good luck."

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