Chapter Twenty-Two: Obsession

Start from the beginning

Burke had been following Jays' slow progress as he returned to the centre of activity and made his way over to the beleaguered man as he came to a halt looking down at the charred remains of what had once been a bicycle.

"They went quickly Jay."
"Guess we should be grateful."
"It's better than the alternative," the Bomb Technician offered hesitantly, he wasn't sure if his new friend was being sarcastic or not.
"Do you know who first used bombs on people?"
"No," Burke frowned at the unexpected question, "I did some basic research after I joined the Bomb Squad but couldn't find any reference to the very first instance.  Bombs and IEDs were used in the Civil War and further back. The thing is though humans have been killing each other since time began .......,"
"Whether it's by sword, gun, bomb or some other instrument," Jay finished the thought solemnly, "guess one thing mankind has learnt real well is all about inflicting harm."
"Unfortunately yes .... but there are more good than bad people in this world."
"Some days I wonder."
"In your line of work you deal with the worst kind of people," Burke commented as Voight and Al approached, "but then in doing so you save good people."
"Not today," the Detective mumbled quietly in response as the others gathered.


Homeland Security Headquarters

The mood in the open plan office was sombre as the investigation team set about trying to locate witnesses and ascertain when the IED had been put in place.  In their section the Chicago men, and Burke along with the recently arrived Psychologist, were discussing the difference between the latest incident and the earlier ones.

"This time it was pot luck who got hurt," Antonio voiced grimly.
"But the SUV exploding in the street couldn't guarantee only specific people would be targetted," Burke countered
"True," Al acknowledged, "but those victims came under the heading of collateral damage for Wells ..... or King."
"You've lost me."
"He killed Dawes on purpose," Al referred to the terminally ill SUV driver and then elaborated, "that was his aim. The other victims were not chosen specifically they just happened to be there."
"So are there any other differences?' Kevin looked around.
"He's after reducing the number of victims the last three times," Jay put in remembering the Baker brothers in the alley and the typing pool victims.
"So he's de-escalating?" Antonio asked doubtfully.
"No," Jay spoke firmly, "he's getting ready for something big."
"Hell he's done big already," Adam reminded.
"Not like whatever is coming," Jay looked at the group grimly, "I think he's ready to make his final play."
"Where is this coming from?" Voight couldn't hide his surprise at the certainty in his youngest Detectives' words.
"He kept his brother hidden all along but now we know about him."
"He doesn't know that."
"When he phoned he identified himself as Lyle King," Jay addressed the major shift in Lyles' MO which they had yet to consider, "however once he knew we were aware of his real name he would naturally assume we'd also know about Philip."
"So?" Adam asked, nonplussed.
"If he was hiding his real identity to protect his sibling something has changed drastically for it no longer to be necessary."
"Like what?" Antonio frowned.
"His illness might have progressed," Jay suggested sending Parker an inquisitive look, "does that make sense?"
"Would fit the profile."
"But we don't know if Lyle is actually ill," Jay reminded as a caution, as always trying to cover all angles, "we still need to confirm that."
"True," Al nodded in agreement, "but if you're right and he is reacting to his illness getting worse it might push him too far.  He might slip up."
"You mentioned before that you think Lyle is going to go big.  Any ideas?" Parker queried with interest as he looked at the worn out Detective trying to hide his concern.
"Maybe he .....," Jay began hesitantly unsure if he was suggesting an unlikely event and grimacing as he continued, "maybe ...... the plan is to go out with a ..... bang ... literally.  Something public that would be impossible to ignore."
"I could see that," Antonio supported his friend knowing the strain he was under.
"Me too," Adam agreed.
"But whether it's one or ten victims they aren't ignored," Al pointed out.
"Well no," Jay accepted, "but I meant he wants to go out in a ......... blaze of glory."
"It makes sense Halstead," Voight finally spoke after carefully considering the possibility.
"There's a flaw in the theory though," Jays' quiet statement drew surprised looks.
"Philip King ....... we don't know what he's likely to do."
"For all we know he might decide to join his brother in a suicide pact," Parker admired the younger mans' innate ability to see a problem from every angle, a quality he knew any trained Profiler would envy.
"After spending years with Lyle he might no longer be a moderating influence on him," Kevin remembered the records on the twins' childhood behaviour when Philip tried to curb his siblings' cruel tendancies.
"And he's going after Jay just as much as Lyle," Adam muttered vehemently, for that there was no forgiveness in his eyes.
"There is another possibility," Jay eventually added, "maybe Philip is the one who's ill."
"You're going against your own theory," Mouse pointed out.
"Just putting it out there."
"Whether it's Lyle or Philip who's ill Jay is still right," Antonio noted seriously.
"Maybe we need a different approach with the Specialists," Mouse piped up as he pulled his eyes from the monitor before him, "we're not having any luck."
"What do you have in mind?" Voight checked, it was highly unusual for the man to make suggestions in relation to an investigation.
"We need to change the search parameters."
"Like approaching pharmacies?" Jay questioned, it had been something he was considering mentioning as they continued to hit brick walls with the Specialists.
"Yeah," Mouse nodded enthusiastically, unsurprised his former Lieutenant knew where he was going.
"Might have a bigger reach," Al agreed, "if he got a diagnosis out of state he'd still need to get prescriptions here."
"Good point," Voight complimented the IT Specialist, "do it.  We need confirmation of Kings' illness.  For now let's head out and start fresh tomorrow."

Various murmers of agreement came from the group.  As Parker watched Jay head towards the bank of elevators with Adam and the others in tow after saying his farewells he began to formulate a plan.  He wasn't sure Murphy would go for it but he was sure the gruff Sergeant from Chicago would not.  It might cause friction but in the long run could be beneficial to a lot of people.  He just hoped his idea did not cause any more angst for Jay ...


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