Kira and her mother jerked in surprise when they saw who it was. "Marko," her mother gasped, going over and squeezing his shoulder.

Marko looked tired, and he had a thick bandage around his right eye, but otherwise, he looked well enough. Kira was relieved to see him up and about.

"Marko, I'm so sorry about all this," her mother said in earnest. "It feels horrible to think that you got involved in such matters. And now, look what's happened to you, my poor boy..."

But he wasn't looking at her. His gaze was on Kira, though she couldn't quite return it.

"Kira? Are you alright?" he asked, nodding at her head.

"Huh?" She was confused for a moment, then realized what he was talking about. Reaching up, she lightly patted the gauze over her ear. "Yes, I'm fine. It's just a little skin off the top of my ear. Nothing serious."

"That's good. I'm sorry my aim was a little rushed."

"I'm just glad you were there."

"That's it?" her mother said to her. "He's apologized to you but have you apologized to him for what happened?"

"Mama Berma, I'm not looking for an apology. I was only trying to help Kira."

"Even though you've lost an eye?"

"If it meant saving her, yes, I'm happy to make the sacrifice."

"Except the one you were saving was that savage."

"That's right. A savage I saw her fight tooth and nail to protect." He sighed, shaking his head to himself. "I don't understand it myself. To me, he will always be the man who caused my sister's death, and I will never be able to forgive him for it. But..." He paused, turning to speak to Kira here. "I saw how you two fought for each other. It seems you've chosen to live, and die, by each other's side. I am just going to have to accept that."

Kira was so stunned, she didn't quite know what to say for a moment. "Thank you, Marko."

At their exchange, her mother's shoulders drooped. She seemed to realize there was not much point in arguing further.

"Marko, could we talk alone for a moment?" Kira asked.

He nodded, following her off past the great tree so that they could have some privacy behind her old home. "My mother wasn't wrong," she admitted to him. "I do owe you an apology. A few apologies. This should not have happened to you, Marko. And I'm sorry for not telling you about Drev. I was just trying to protect him."

"I know. Had you told me, I'm not sure what I would have done, so I don't blame you."

"You know, you saved his life. And mine."

He smiled a little at that. "Being seen as the town hero might not be so bad. It might even be worth the eye."

"If there's any way I can ever repay you..."

"Say no more, Kira. We are friends, after all." He looked off, inhaling deeply. "So, what will you do now? You and him?"

"I don't know. Right now, I'm not even sure if he'll be alright."

"Then you should go be with him. I'm sure he'll want to see you the minute he wakes up. That's how I would feel if it were me and the one I loved," he said, starting past her.

"Marko," she said, grasping his wrist.


She leaned forward, putting her arms around him. "Thank you."

He nodded silently, his chin bumping the top of her head. After a while, they let go of each other, and she watched as he walked away and was soon surrounded by people, her mother included. So many people had rushed over here to help when they'd heard what had happened to him.

But no one except her and Lobo cared to stay by Drev's side. She returned to Drev's tent, sitting beside him to wait.

Later in the day, her mother came again. She said nothing, merely leaving some food for Kira to eat before making her way out again.

Kira ate the dried meat and bread, sharing it with Lobo. Even then, it was a big portion, and she felt sleepy after that, so she lay down with her head on Drev's shoulder for a nap.

She drifted off, dreaming of that first night when the savages had come to her village and she'd been carted off to become a bride. She never would have imagined that anything good could have come out of that night of blood and fire, but life had surprised her so many times this year.

"My arm's gone numb..."

"Oh, sorry," Kira mumbled, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. Only after a few moments, did she realize what had just happened. "Drev?" She blinked the sleep away, seeing Drev staring up at her as he rubbed his shoulder.

"You could have at least used a pillow."

"Drev!" She leaned down, pressing her lips to his in a firm kiss. Tears fell down her cheeks as she hugged him.

"Ow, ooh, Kira, don't..."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she said as she pulled back, wanting to smack herself. "I'm just... so glad.... "

Drev reached up, grasping her chin and tilting her head to the side to check on her ear. "Don't worry. I'm fine," she assured him.

"Are you sure? No other injuries?"

She shook her head.

"What happened exactly? My memory's all fuzzy."

Drev listened patiently as she explained everything up until that moment, except for the part about her mother being unhappy when she'd found out the truth.

"He's dead then," Drev said, referring to Sylar. "Good. Good riddance. He always hated me." He pillowed one hand behind his head as he looked up at her. "That man - Shay's brother - he came after you last night."

"He'd been coming with me every night lately. He found out that I was sneaking away to come here and insisted on accompanying me."

"I figured something was going on when Lobo kept bringing back food, but I wasn't sure what exactly." He sighed heavily. "Why did it have to be him? First, his sister, and now, this... How much he's suffered."

"I think he understands now, though. He says he can't forgive what happened with his sister, but I don't think he'll be starting any more fights. There's been enough fighting as it is."

"You have a point there."

"Drev," she said, taking his hand in both of her own. "I don't care where I am anymore as long as I'm with you. I want us to be together."

His face softened at those words, a wistful smile on his lips. "I want that too."

"I think I could stay here with you."

"Just the two of us?"

"Hey, don't forget about Lobo."

"But what about your mother?"

"I can visit her. Or she can come visit me, if she can find a way to be civil." She lay down again, curling up next to him. "I want to help you finish that house on the hill."

"Hmm... I could use some help. Don't get me wrong, Lobo's an excellent assistant but he doesn't have any fingers or toes."

"What do you need toes for?"

"Oh, I don't know. I'll figure something out," he teased, nudging her feet with his.

"Alright, but promise you'll take it easy and not start anything until we know you're fully recovered."

"You're just going to have to be my personal nurse then."

She leaned up on her elbows, cocking a brow at him. "How is it that you can be so cheeky already after what happened? I ought to - mmpf!" She was cut off as he yanked her to him for another kiss, one that flowed into another and another as he cradled her in his arms as if never wanting to let her go.

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