Love The Way You Rap

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When it got to Yoongi's part, Anna bit her lip as she watched him. Seeing and hearing him rap like that, well, it was really hot. Not that she didn't find her other soulmates desirable when they performed it a certain way, but Yoongi, in particular, had always stirred something in her.

Her soulmates who sitting around her weren't paying as close attention to the rapper's performance as Anna, so they noticed her reaction. Taehyung felt her thighs clench on either side of him and he tilted his head up to look at her face.

"Yoongi-Hyung's so hot when he raps, isn't he?"

Without thinking, Anna nodded. Taehyung's smirk widened when he caught Jungkook's eye. The Maknae tucked Anna's hair behind her ear and whispered in her ear while resting his hand on her thigh.

"His voice makes you want to drop to your knees, right? Or perhaps you're wondering what else his tongue is talented at? He never did get to you show you that night, did he?"

"Didn't he? Well, I bet he can't wait to get in between your thighs..."

"Woah, guys. There's a time and place for such talk, and here and now is not it."

"Aww, Jin-Hyung!"

"I think you're too late, Hyung."

Jimin was looking at Anna who was breathing a little heavily.

"I think I need to - I'm just going to -"

Taehyung quickly moved out of the way as Anna stood up. Carefully and quietly, so as not to disturb the rehearsal, she made her way around the edge of the room until she reached the door to the lounge. Luckily it was empty, as all the staff members were in the dance studio.

Anna tried to take some deep calming breaths, but her body shivered as the whispers of her soulmates' words echoed in her mind. She tried to rid herself of the image her younger soulmates had painted, but with the faint sound of the rap-line's song still playing in the background, it was near impossible. Instead, memories of her night with Yoongi and Jungkook entered her mind.

Running her fingers through her hair, she gripped the strands in frustration. It must have been too long since she had last spent time with one of her soulmates intimately if she was getting worked up like this.


A voice behind her made Anna spin around to see that Yoongi had just walked in. The rapper was still recovering from rehearsal, but the others had told him Anna needed him straight away. They had refused to tell him why, and his worry only increased when he saw her. He frowned thinking she looked upset or angry.

She didn't know whether to curse or thank the others when she saw Yoongi alone in the room with her, but there was only one thing she could do. Anna walked the few steps between her and Yoongi so fast, that the rapper hardly had a chance to comprehend what was happening before she slammed into him.

The kiss was fast, hard, and full of passion and desperation. Feeling Anna pull his hair knocked Yoongi back to reality and he put his hands on her hips, pulling her in closer. He didn't know what had come over her, but he certainly wasn't complaining.

Taking over, Yoongi turned them and pushed Anna against the wall. When he broke away, they were both breathing heavily.

"What's this about?"

"I was watching you rap and..."

"And what?"

"You were so... sexy."

"Really? Me rapping turns you on?"

Yoongi smirked and ran one of his hands up Anna's body.


"But you've seen me rap before and never got worked up like this. Have we been neglecting you, princess?"

The rapper leaned in and placed a few kisses on her neck before whispering in her ear.

"Perhaps we can fix that when we get home. Would you like that?"

He heard Anna's breath hitch and started thinking about all the things he could do to her, and who he could do them with.

"Which of our soulmates helped get you in this state?"

"Taehyung and Jungkook."

"Hmm, I thought they looked a little too pleased with themselves. Naughty boys. Maybe I should make them watch..."

Yoongi shook his head. He was getting ahead of himself. They needed to calm down. They were at work and he still needed to get through the rest of practice. He wondered if he could convince them to finish early.

Pulling back, the rapper rubbed Anna's arms soothingly before kissing her, hoping to bring her down gently. After a few more kisses, he sighed.

"Remember that you're the one that started something they couldn't finish."

"Hey! I could argue that you're the one that started it, but I think we should blame Taehyung."

"Works for me."

They both laughed before Yoongi spoke again.

"Are you okay to go back in there?"

"I should be asking you that. You're the one who's got to dance, I've just got to sit there and watch."

"If you think we've never gotten worked up at work before, then I'm sad to say you're mistaken. Don't worry, I can manage."

When they entered the dance studio, Yoongi led Anna over to where she had been sitting before as all of their soulmates had gathered there during the break in rehearsals. Jungkook grinned knowingly as they approached.

"Did you help Anna out with what she needed you for, Yoongi-Hyung?"

"Yes, thank you, and Jungkook? Make sure you find somewhere else to sleep tonight."

"What? Can I join -"

"Nope. You're not welcome tonight, and neither's Taehyung. Anyone else... is up for discussion."

Taehyung and Jungkook gave cries of protest, while Jimin laughed at them.

"As much as I love this discussion, and believe me I do, we need to get back to practice and then we can wrap it up as quickly as possible. Okay?"

"Yes, Hoseok."

"Yes, Hoseok-Hyung."

They all walked into the centre of the room, giving Anna a peck on the cheek or forehead as they passed. Yoongi gave her hand a squeeze before letting go. Jin was the last to go.

"Will you be okay watching this? You could always wait for us next door if it's too much."

Anna slapped Jin on the arm for teasing her but smiled as she watched him laugh as he walked away. She sat back down on the floor and tried not to think about what was going to happen when they got home.

I was only watching them rehearse. How did this happen?

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