Chapter Seventy Nine

Start from the beginning

He glares up at Harry as his best friend chuckles, before moving to sit across from Zayn on the floor, “how did you get in here?” Zayn asks confused, before looking back down at his sketch. Harry chuckles and gestures behind Zayn, making Zayn turn his head to look, and he sees a smirking Louis leaning against the wall behind the couch. Zayn grumbles under his breath and turns back to his sketch, Louis laughs and moves into the room, to sit with Harry, “why are we on the floor?” he asks, and Zayn shrugs. “It's easier” Zayn answers as he shades in one of the trees he just drew, Louis makes a sound like he understands, before Harry makes a shushing noise, Zayn grins sightly at the exchange. They sit quietly for a minute before Zayn looks up again, “why are you here, exactly. And Lou, I figured you'd be with Liam” he asks. Louis shrugs his shoulders as a response, “I missed you, alright?” Harry murmurs, and Zayn can't help but grin, “the flat isn't the same without you Zee” Harry adds. Zayn would launch himself at Harry in a hug, but his cast makes that impossible, so he settles for just grinning at him instead. Louis chuckles, “and I was with Li, but I left early, he was just finishing up, said to tell you he'd be here soon” he says as an explanation. Zayn makes a face, but doesn't say anything, he does wish Louis had stayed with Liam though, he knows most of the negative stuff to do with management came from Eleanor, but he's still not entirely sure he trusts them. “I know that look, he'll be fine Zee, Liam's a big boy” Harry soothes suddenly, and Zayn narrows his eye, because he forgets sometimes that Harry can read his mind, “I know, I just, I didn't want him to go in the first place” Zayn sighs. Harry barks out a laugh and Louis chuckles, Zayn pouts and puts his focus back on his drawing, ignoring the couple across from him. Louis shakes his head, “if it makes you feel any better, he didn't want to leave you either” he supplies. Zayn looks up momentarily before nodding his head, “it doesn't but thanks Lou” he murmurs, before going back to his drawing.

Harry and Louis have made themselves comfortable, abandoning Zayn on the floor in favour of the couches, and television, the pair cuddled into each other as they watch a Criminal Minds marathon that's on TV. Zayn would join them, but he's too wrapped up in his sketch, and getting down onto the floor was easy, getting back up proves to be slightly more difficult. He's just cleaning up his art supplies, attempting to get them back into the organized mess he usually keeps them in, he's grateful to Liam who returned to Craig's store a few days ago, and bought him all new supplies to replace the ones that didn't make it home the day of the accident. Although he did protest loudly at Liam spending his money on him, Liam of course had rolled his eyes and waved Zayn away, insisting he was doing it one way or another. Zayn's trying to push himself up off the floor, knows Harry and Louis are paying him absolutely no attention so he's on his own, he's grabbed onto the coffee table in an attempt to pull himself to his feet, but a shooting pain through his ribs makes him sink back to the floor, with a defeated groan. Liam's strong hands are suddenly wrapping around his waist, and gently pulling him to his feet, “I got you, Love” Liam murmurs, pressing a kiss to his cheek, Zayn blushes and bites his lip, he never even heard Liam come in.

Zayn knows he's covered in lead smudges, from shading and smudging on his paper, and he was hoping to clean up a little before Liam came back, “thanks, Li” he murmurs, shyly. Liam chuckles and walks Zayn towards the couch Harry and Louis aren't occupying, pulling him down into his lap. Zayn resists, but Liam's grip is firm enough he can't, so he gives in and slumps against Liam's chest, “I need to clean up” Zayn whines. Liam shakes his head, “no way, I've never seen you right after you draw, it's kind of sexy” he growls lowly. Zayn just blushes and bites his lip, at Liam's statement, unable to form a coherent thought, Liam chuckles and Zayn twists slightly to glare at him, “you suck” he mutters. Liam laughs again, “maybe later” he winks and Zayn scoffs, unsure where this is coming from not that he minds, not really. Liam's been hesitant to do anything with Zayn since he regained consciousness, no matter how much Zayn has begged, and he has begged a few times, becoming almost desperate in his need to be touched by Liam, like that again. Zayn bites his lip, taking a few deep breaths before turning in Liam's lap so he can see his face, “don't tease me, Payne” he mumbles, Liam glances over at Harry and Louis, before leaning down to kiss Zayn. Zayn doesn't waste any time before he responds to the kiss, allowing Liam to invade his mouth almost instantly, whimpering when Liam pulls away, and knocks their foreheads together gently. “Someone may have pointed out, I'm not being very fair, with not...having sex with you, so I promise no teasing, but we have to be careful. I don't want to hurt you” Liam murmurs, Zayn can feel himself blushing and he doesn't know what to say, so he nods, slowly, and leans forward to press a kiss to Liam's lips.

Louis shouting makes Zayn pull back “I know I told you to give in to him Li, but I didn't mean on the couch, and I certainly didn't mean in front of young Harold” he teases. Zayn groans as Liam rolls his eyes, laughing when Harry smacks Louis' arm lightly “don't call me Harold” he mutters. That's when Zayn realizes what's actually going on, he was whining to Harry on the phone about the lack of touching between him and Liam, and his best friend must have told his boyfriend who in turn talked to Liam. Zayn can't believe Harry would do that to him, and wants to hit him across the head with one of his crutches, he settles for glaring at his curly headed best friend, who is suddenly very interested in the arm of Liam's couch, refusing to meet Zayn's gaze. Liam nosing at his cheek draws Zayn's attention back to him, “don't be mad at Harry, he was trying to help you” he murmurs, Zayn sighs, but drops the glare to turn his attention back to Liam, “can we, or well you, kick them out, now?” he asks. Liam laughs loudly, then shakes his head, “I promised Lou dinner, but after, I promise” he says, Zayn pouts at him, but decides it's the best he's going to get so he nods.

Dinner turns out to be Chinese take away, and although it's from Zayn's favourite place, he can't bring himself to enjoy it, he's still worked up from Liam's words, and kisses earlier, and he just wants Harry and Louis to go home, so he can be alone with Liam. Zayn's shifting in his chair slightly as everyone eats, Liam reaches over and rests a hand on Zayn's thigh. And the thing is Zayn knows he's trying to be comforting, attempting to sooth Zayn, but he's already so worked up, without meaning to be, that the touch is anything but. Zayn feels hot, too hot, and he can't manage to eat another bite, he's only eaten about half of his meal, he sets his fork down, and clears his throat, before taking a sip of his water. Liam's started to rub his leg gently, and Zayn knows it's not intentional, at least he's pretty sure it isn't but it's been so long, that he's already half hard, at the contact. Zayn whimpers lightly, before blushing and hoping no one heard, Liam leans closer to him “you alright, Love?” he murmurs, Zayn bites his lip before deciding to just be honest with his boyfriend, and shaking his head. Liam's look turns concerned instantly, “are you in pain? Do you want me to get you your pills?” he asks frantically, Zayn shakes his head again as he plays with his fork absently. Harry and Louis have both looked up in concern at him and he doesn't want any more attention on him, “I'm fine, really” he tries, but his voice sounds off, wrong, even to his own ears. Louis looks unconvinced but Harry whispers something Zayn can't hear that has Louis smirking, and returning to his food, Harry smiles at Zayn before focusing on his own plate once more.

Zayn groans slightly, biting his lip, before he rests his hand on top of Liam's hand on his thigh, taking a deep breath Zayn gently moves Liam's hand until it's resting directly on top of where he wants him. He watches as Liam's eyes widen slightly, before he forces his expression neutral again, and clears his throat. Liam looks at Zayn for a moment, and Zayn just nods, blushing lightly and biting his lip, Liam clears his throat again before he stands up “Louis, Harry, um thanks for stopping by, but Zayn's tired, so I think it's time for you to leave” he says in a more polite tone than Zayn himself could ever manage, right now. Louis lets out a loud bark of laughter before turning to Harry who's grinning, “you're a shit liar Payne. But we'll get out of your hair. Call me in the morning. C'mon Harry” Louis chuckles, pulling Harry to his feet. Harry comes around the table and hugs Zayn gently, “have fun tonight” he whispers, with a wink, that leaves Zayn blushing, as Liam walks the pair to the door. Once they're all out of sight Zayn sighs and slumps back into his chair, eyes scanning aimlessly around the room. Liam's suddenly back beside him, “why didn't you just tell me?” he asks lowly, nosing at Zayn's neck, and gently pressing his lips against it. Zayn shivers slightly and shrugs, “I tried when I asked you to kick them out” he murmurs. Liam chuckles and nods his head, before he scoops Zayn into his arms, Zayn squeaks in protest before wrapping his arms around Liam's neck, “'s'faster than walking” Liam says as he heads towards his bedroom. Zayn grins and presses a kiss to the birthmark on Liam's neck as he walks, grinning when his boyfriend shivers at the contact.

A/N: I just....I have nothing to say

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