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Jade ace Greene

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Jade ace Greene.

The loud music blasted through the club, hoes were dancing on any nigga they saw, niggas and bitches were smoking, drinking and snorting shit in different sections

Shawty across from me was looking over at me with fuck me eyes

My my mind was heavy and right now I was willing to risk it, she looked fucking good

"What's yo name?" I asked
"Ashley." She whispered looking me up and down

She wanted to fuck but shit so did I, After all I am a single man.

The only issue right now is that I haven't been taking my pills since that day.

- Flashback. -

"What's up?" Jade asked walking into their apartment but Megan stayed silent looking down at her phone

"What's up with yo ass?" He asked again but she just looked up at him silently

He noticed the tears running down her face, making him frown.

"What happened?" He asked sitting down
"You ruined their lives.." she whispered

He instantly knew what she was talking about. Apart of him never wanted her or India at the therapy session because he knew it would lead to this

"I've always been honest about my past Megan." He said

"That doesn't change what you did to them! Do you plan to the same to me and India?" She asked making him frown

"No! I fucking love you guys."

"Didn't you claim to love them? Or does that only apply to certain people."

"Look that's not what I"— he stopped himself looking her in the eyes and he knew that no matter what he said she wouldn't listen

Her mind was made up.

"I-I won't sit and turn into them.. if we did have kids I can't imagine neglecting them because you fucked me up to the point where I can't even get out of bed."

"Those pills that you had and the appointments.." she trialled off

He knew that she knew and that's when he finally looked down at her phone screen and saw it. The search bar said

"What are the main signs of a psychopath?"

"How long have you know?" She asked
"Since I was sixteen." He mumbled

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