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So I've been a bit busy lately, I'm sorry I haven't had the time to check comments and dms a lot :(

Alexa play Idol by Bts bc why not.


Chan woke up before everyone, his two hours of sleep not barely enough to make him as energetic as he was, specially with the dance practice and meeting they would have in the afternoon.

The older guy knocked on everyone's door and found Minho already cooking breakfast.

"Morning, anyone up?"

"Jisung. He's on his phone in the living room.", Chan hummed. "Pancakes?"

"Yes please. "He smiled, looking at the younger.

"Alright, what's up ? You have your weird face on."

Chan rolled his eyes, picking a piece of chocolate from the counter.

"Just wandering how things are going with you two, I feel like I'm not updated enough."

"We're good, nothing much has happened outside of normal."

Chan nodded.

"That's good, I want you two to stay happy forever."

"Cheesy, but after what we went through to even be together I don't think we are separating, at least I hope so." Minho looked at the wall as if he could see through it to his lover.

"You're adorable, when we met I never thought I'd see you this melted."

"Sungie's fault, he has this effect on me, you know? By the way, that hoodie is yours.", he pointed at the chair next to him. "Hyunjin took it two days ago to practice but it's not his."

"How do you know it's mine?", the older furrowed his eyebrows.

"He says it smells like you.", the cooker shrugged.

I like your scent, Chan Hyung.

The latter gulped, taking it to his nose.

"I smell nothing."

Minho shrugged.

"I don't think you can smell yourself. But Hyunjin can smell all of us, he knows all our scents."

"Do you know any?", Chan asked, curiosity perking up.

"Jisungie's, of course, no one else's. Can you?"

Chan felt his heart hammer his chest.

"N-no, I don't think so."

Minho furrowed his eyebrows, stopping in his place, plate in hand.

"Are you okay?"


They both turned to the recently arrived boy.

"Innie." Minho showed him a plate. "Your favourite."

The boy was clearly still half sleeping, but gave him a smile, waking to them and rubbing his eyes under Chan's soft gaze.

"Slept well?"

"Yep.", the younger popped the p, messy hair and puffy face looking down at the sitting leader. Minho dropped a plate in front of him too, and that's what made Chan realize he hadn't even touched his own food yet. "Anything this morning?"

"Just existing. You can sleep more after eating."

The younger made a bit of a happy dance and turners to the plate, shivering a bit before cutting the pancake.

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