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Hello there! It's the one, the only, That Dam Fangirl!

Thank you for clicking on this story! Please read this A/N before we begin, because there are some things I would like to mention.

This story takes place after The Last Jedi, and before The Rise Of Skywalker, so spoiler alert if you haven't watched these movies.

This story is based on the SNL skit "Undercover boss – Starkiller Base" so I recommend watching it before you read this (I put the video in the beginning of the A/N, in the media placeholder). Dew it. Watched it right now.

You watched it?


Now also keep in mind that in this AU, Kylo didn't reveal that he was Matt.

I hope you enjoy, and may the Force be with you, always.

Just A Radar Technician || Reylo AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora