Chapter 27: The toyono mountains( part 1)

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Ojiro here, sorry for leaving all this incapable socially constipated narrate the story for you, I'll take it from here.

Ryu, kuroo and Naonobu following their arrival in kyoto, they spent 2 days trying to get some information on the where abouts of the organization. They fast understood that Kyoto was full of curse user and lay low, and I know Ryuu isn't the type of guy who think about the consequences of his actions, but I guess he really wants to save me.

After the 2 days they realize that Jujutsu tech will be coming pretty soon, so they decide to act before that happens. They target one of the curse user in town and attack him in a small alley. They get all the information, they can get from him, he was just a weak curse user who wanted to join the organisation, and heard they were near Kyoto so he came in town. Among the information he gave them is the location of the HQ, and some names among which, Tendo, Ibiki and Amanai are listed,

- This should be enough, now let's go out there and free that idiot! Says Ryuu.

- We still need to proceed cautiously, there are alot of things that we still don't know, replies Kuroo.

- I just talked to Iguro, says Naonobu as he walks in, apparently jujutsu society intend to eliminate the organization tonight.

"In that case it is settled! we're making our move now, everyone gear up!". Ryuu while holding my sword in its sheath so firmly that you could think that he cared about me. They take different routes to leave the town, in order to avoid being caught by the other cursed users. An hour later they meet at base of the mountains of Toyono, they use Kuroo's Karasu as scout, they move as fast as they can, climbing the mountains running, as expected Kuroo can't keep up, he is dragging behind the other two who are beast when it comes to physical activities,

- Hey guys, stop! Says Kuroo.

- Lazy Kuroo, I'm not the one who told you to skip all the physical practice, replies Ryuu while running.

- No, you idiot, one of Karasu's division has been destroyed, we are already in the enemy's territory and they know we're here!

Ryuu and Naonobu freeze instantaneously after hearing Kuroo's words. As they keep they head down, Kuroo try to locate where the enemy is, based on the position of the division of Karasu that was destroyed, " Found you! Declare Kuroo, up there." He points in the sky, the other two can't see clearly, but Kuroo is pointing at a guy who is floating in the sky with lenses.

Just as they spot that one, Naonobu parry a blade aimed at Kuroo with his cursed tool, a guy showed upstream with many blades in his hands,

- hello there, where do you think you're going like that, huh? He ask them, we have been put in charge to defend this mountains from any intruder!

- I see, there are many of you then, conclude Naonobu.

The curse user is surprised and pissed that he gave away an important information like that, " there are 2 others coming this way, starts Kuroo, we need to leave or we will be overwhelmed by their number!", the other 2 agree with him. They run down the mountain as fast as they can, but they hit a barrier they can't get passed it, no matter how hard Ryu hits it.

At that moment, they were surprised that none of them managed to detect the curtain and didn't even realize that they penetrated the barrier. The one thing they didn't know is that the curse user have on their side a master of barrier techniques, the name of that person is Ibiki( remember the guy in a wheelchair).

- So..., now you can't run, time for you to die.

The knife curse user and the other 2 sorcerer have already caught up with them, " You shouldn't be so happy right now, because if we're trapped here that means that you have to fight us.", just Ryu says that he uses his curse exchange, to borrow Iguro's tunnel, to create a gate that takes him behind one of the curse user and he engage in an intense fight, Naonobu take his cursed tool and attack the guy with the knives, Kuroo on the other hand takes advantage of the confusion created by the other 2 and use Karasu to cover him as he flee from the fights.

You might think that Kuroo is a wimp because he is running away from the fight, well he is a wimp normally, but at that exact moment, he is not. He has another target in mind. Kuroo is a calm person, he always keep a cool head even in situations other people would be panicking. Back to the current events, earlier he understood how strong the curtain is, so he understood that to make it that strong, the caster or the object linked to the barrier needed to be exposed to danger, so Kuroo's target, is the guy floating in the air, he deploys Karasu to attack him, but he is attacked first by the other curse user, he protect himself with jade tortoise, which is strong enough to counter his opponents attacks,

- Cover me, I'm going after the floating guy!

Naonobu understand what Kuroo is trying to do and attack the guy that was after Kuroo. The curse user seeing what Kuroo is trying to do, decide to intervene. Ryuu is still busy with his fight, his opponent seem to be holding well in close range, but somehow he manages to get an opening and he punches him with all his strength, the curse user is sent flying, Ryu takes a quick look at the other two, to see how they are holding on, Naonobu is in a little bit of trouble with his opponent, Kuroo on the other side is laying down with his noose bleeding,

- Hey idiot what happened to you? Screams Ryuu.

- I have no idea!

"Time for me to educate you all, bunch of brats! Says the curse user."

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