chapter 2: what happened?

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"..., do we have to tell him what happened?"

That voice, I think I recognize it, it's  Fushiguro-senpai and he is talking with another person,

- look, he is waking up...

As I open my eyes I see Fushiguro-senpai, and the principle of our school and 2 other people,

- how are you doing, Ojiro?

- I'm fine, who are these guys?

- What's the last thing you remenber?

- the last thing I recall, is exorcising the curses, then... I was attacked!

Now everything comes in a flash, the attack from the super strong curse, me trying to flee and then nothing,

- you were attacked by an unregistered special grade cursed spirit, you have been cursed, it didn't attack you physically, but you have been in a coma for an entire week.

- I see, so I'm fine and out of danger now, right?

- No, you are not, says on of the other guys in the room, we are not able to identify the type of curse, but thanks to Okkotsu here you are still alive.

(Wait did he say Okkotsu, like the special grade sorcerer, I've heard of him, I'm a huge fan!)

- I used a reversed cursed technique to try to cure you, but it didn't work, actually we don't know what's going on with you, says Mr okkotsu.

(🗣Damn... I'm fan of his voice too, but wait now, what did he say??? That's not reassuring at all, AT ALL!!!).

- now tell us what you saw?

- I didn't see anything.

- and me who thought that we could learn something from this kid, says the unknown man.

- I guess we're gonna have to keep looking, says Fushiguro-senpai.

After that short conversation the 3 men leave me and Fushirguro-senpai alone,

- Don't mind principal Kamo, he can be intense sometimes.

- Principal kamo, like the principal of our sister school in Kyoto?

- yes that one, but more importantly how are you doing?

- I'm fine, so far nothing is wrong with me! But why were those men all here? aren't they some important higher-ups?

- I guess that question couldn't be avoided, there have been many cases of jujutsu sorcerers attacked throughout Japan, they were attacked by that same cursed spirit, you are the only survivor to his assault so far.

- ah, I see.

- by the way you won't be participating in missions for a month, until we figure out, what that cursed spirit did to you, during all that time you are forbidden from using your cursed energy.

- okay.

After our conversation, my classmates along with the second years came to visit me. I spend an entire week in the hospital, they were still trying to figure out what happened to me. After that week, I went back to school normally, I started attending class normally. During our physical training, Kuroo has another fake disease just to skip the training( I guess he really is allergic to any form of physical activity), then there's just me and Ryu, our practice involve close combat with wood weapons, but as usual, I got my ass kicked by Ryu.

As we finish our training, Ryu came to talk to me,

- Hey you! I got some words for you! What do you think you're doing?

- Stretching..., I mean it's obvious, why are...

- shut up! He cuts me, that's not what I was talking about, weak people like you don't deserve to be out on the field facing curses, if you want to be useful go and be an assistant, at least there, you won't put your life or other people's life in danger for nothing.

- Dude, why can't you stop coming after Oji like that? Says Kuroo, not that I really care, but it's kinda boring to hear you say the same thing over and over again.

- this time it is different, you almost died out there, don't be a moron, you're not made for this job.

- That does it! Here I come b***, I'm weak that's a fact, but that doesn't mean I'm useless, I can still be of use, even if it means exorcising weak 4th grade curses! And I won't let you tell me otherwise, anymore!

- What're you gonna do about it, huh? Only strong people can decide their fate, useless people like you are only bound to be killed by the strong.

Ugh, I can't stand it, I can't stand being talked to like that, out of rage I take the bamboo sword we were using and attack him with it, he dodges my attack easily, and punch me in the stomach, that bastard doesn't stop there, he continue with a punch in the face, then another and another and another, then he throw me away,

- You said that you won't let me tell you that you are useless, he says as he comes my way, then what are you gonna do to make me stop?

I might have let him talk trash to my face in the past but I'm not gonna let him talk to me like that again, I know that I'm still weak, but I'm not gonna let him call me useless, I stand up not with ease, but I stand up, because if I stay down that means that he is right,

- what am I gonna do? it's obvious! I'm gonna kick your ass, it's as simple as that!

I attack him with the bamboo sword but just like before he dodges my attack then counter attack, but nothing is gonna bring me down this time, so I attack over and over again. Few attacks later I'm pretty beaten up, I'm in a bad shape, that bastard hits hard, I'm even having trouble standing,

- like I said the weak are...

- shut up, I cut him.

I take my guard and I'm ready to attack him with my batto sword drawing. While I'm preparing my technique Ryū and Kuroo seem surprised, but they know this technique pretty well, so why are they this surprised? Then I understand why they are speechless.

jujutsu kaisen : : My Cursed fateحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن