Chapter 14: Team battle(3): The first years

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Mirai Shimizu, 3rd year at Kyoto jujutsu tech, the daughter of one of the most influential sorcerer in the jujutsu society, I heard she was born with almost no cursed energy so how can she be this strong?!?

She running around alot and attack Ryu with her claws that are reinforced with her cursed energy, she trying to make the fight last with Ryu unable to follow her movement it will be hard to beat her, she turned the fight in an endurance contest, that's the kind of opponent Ryu struggle against the most. I wonder how he will handle her, it's been a while since we've trained together.

Mirai keep running around at full speed, she is just like an animal hunting her prey,

- I wonder what kind of technique she uses? I ask Todo.

- She used the fastest way for weak jujutsu sorcerer to become stronger, she made a pact with herself.

- I see but now I wonder what kind pact she made...

- Every time she wears that mask of a fox, she looses her personality, her humanity, basically everything that makes the person she is to becomes a wild animal, with the strength, speed and instinct of a wild animal.

Now I understand what she's made but that's kinda risky if you ask me, because if she wears that mask for too long she might loose herself and completely becomes an animal.

Meanwhile on the field, Ryu has made his first move, he uses his technique cursed exchange and borrow Anko's eye of the midnight owl, I think he is trying to analyze the pattern of her movement and attacks, he is now able to block a few of her attacks by reinforcing his body with cursed energy, but she still has the advantage over him. She keep attacking him, he takes a knee leaving an opening, without any hesitation she attaks him directly, but he react in time and hold her in his arm,

- Gotcha..., cursed exchange : Sound amplification.

He uses Saeko's technique and scream loud right in Mirai's ear, she passes out immediatly. I wonder if he planned that from the beginning. I'm just glad he managed to defeat her. Meanwhile two of the charm in the watching room burns red one after the other, Anko and Ojiro just exorcised 2 curses. That's good, we have more exorcised curses than them.

Things are going slowly but we might actually win this team battle, we do have a disadvantage against them but we still have a chance to win this thing.

Right after Ojiro exorcised the curse, he receives a call from Kuroo telling him that 2 sorcerers from kyoto are after him, right when he receive that call 3 arrows fall from the sky consecutively, that's Miyo, I was right they really are after Ojiro, but he dodges the attacks easily,

- you have good moves kid! Says Iguro who appear out of nowhere right behind Ojiro.

He punches Ojiro with his fist imbued with cursed energy, yikes! That must have hurt, surprisingly Ojiro bounce back on his feet like it was nothing, his reaction time has improved, he protected himself with cursed energy at the last second, he must have realized that he won't be able to dodge the attack, so he reduced the damages to a bare minimum.

- It's wierd how you seem more interested in me than the curses!?! What's your real goal here?

- I don't get what you mean..., we are here to win this event, the best way to do that, is by beating our opponent.

- That's some bull shit, over there!

After the small exchange between Ojiro and Iguro, Todo seems to be angry, I knew it! Todo wouldn't make his student do something like that, he is not that kind of person, so it might be the kamo clan since both Iguro and Miyo are from it,

- Those damn old geezers are making Iguro doing the beating for them...

- So you are not the one behind all this things?

- Of course not, who do you take me for, answers Todo, but that kid of yours is in serious trouble.

- What do you mean?

- My little man over there, has recently been promoted to semi-1st grade, and he is one hell of a vicious brat.

This is bad Ojiro what are you going to do against those two, you are alone here no one will show up to help you.

On the field arrows start falling from the sky like before, Ojiro dodges them easily enough, but when he looks at Iguro, he disappeared, he is nowhere to be seen, then all of a sudden he appears behind Ojiro, but Ojiro is quick to react and counter attack but he is opponent dodges the attack.

This is the 3rd time he has done it, I wonder if it's because of a cursed technique, he is really hard to deal with,

- The name is tunnel, this cursed technique allows him to create 2 gates A and B, then everything that enters one gate comes out of the second.

That's a good technique to have, and while explain his technique he show off how it works by opening a gate to pick up Miyo's arrows, and open another one to give them back to her, He likes to show off. Miyo initiate the 1st attack, Ojiro just like before dodge and try to locate Iguro who is out of sight, he used his technique again, Ojiro recieves a upper cut, that came from one of Iguro's gate, that must've hurt,

- You might be able to attack me anywhere from everywhere, starts Ojiro, but whenever you use your technique you give away your position.

He charges at the place where Iguro is hiding, I see he is detecting Iguro cursed energy when he activates his cursed technique that's smart,

- aren't you clever..., says Iguro right when Ojiro get close to him.

Arrows start falling from the sky above Ojiro, he react immediatly and jump back to dodge the attack but then he enters one of Iguro's gate, he come out right in front of Iguro who attack him directly with serie of punches. Ojiro protects himself but it's not enough his opponent sends him flying.

Did Iguro planned all that from the moment he hided himself after Miyo's attack to now? he let Ojiro thinks that he had an upper hand by giving away his position then make a 2 stage attack in synch with Miyo, this first year's fighting, no... it's not only him all this first year are ridiculously strong for their age, both him, Ojiro and Ryu.

jujutsu kaisen : : My Cursed fateTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang