chapter 25 : The Kamo clan(part 2)

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- Why bother asking such question, says my father as he walks toward the old woman, you do not represent the values of the Kamo clan, this is a necessary evil that must be done to return the clan to its greatness!

I still can't believe this, but at the same time, I'm not surprised my dad despise Noritoshi-san. It looks like the other who have made their choice and most of them choose my dad, this whole thing is way too much what do I do?

Now everyone is looking at me, I guess they expect me to choose my dad. On my end, I'm completely lost, and that's the moment my phone start ringing it's my sister, she sent me a mesage,"I'm alive", so she is still alive, thanks good they didn't kill her. I'm really relieved and more importantly, I know what to do now.

- To tell the truth, I don't really care that much about the clan, I start, the only thing I care about is Miyo and you all piece of shit tried to kill her, so I think my position is clear.

There is no going back now, my dad looks pissed but I got more important things to worry about now, we are greatly outnumbered by this guys,

- Now that everyone picked their side why don't we get this party started?!? Says Noritoshi-senpai.

As he says that the veins around his eyes become red, it's flowing red scale, I see where he is going with this, he wants to use speed and reduce their number fast,

- Showing off as always, starts my father, the only thing special about you is your cursed technique, what if it was not special anymore?

As he says that, he puts his hands together infront of him, " convergence!" He says, as blood starts pouring out and coming together in a small scarlet sphere,

- Impossible how is he able to use blood manipulation?

- It is the old lady's trick, there's no time to explain just stay on your guards everybody, says Noritoshi.

- Roger! We all reply.

- piercing blood!

He says as he shoot a blood beam to Noritoshi, but the later react fast and dodge the attack and goes for the counter attack in close combat, 2 of my father's supports come to cover him as Noritoshi is closing in, he manages to take the two down, but they hold onto him to while my father unleash piercing blood, but I deflect the attack with my cursed technique, he uses blood manipulation to kill all the guys who were holding him.

- how is he able to use blood manipulation? I ask Noritoshi.

As ask him that question, I see other enemies who are about to use blood manipulation like my dad, I knew all this guys and from what I recall their cursed technique were different or they had none at all. Now look at them. 5 people unleashes piercing blood, their attack is aimed at Noritoshi but he dodges all their attack with ease, it might be thanks to flowing red scale, his reaction time is greatly improved,

- Iguro take everyone out of here, I will cover you as you retreat!

I do as Noritoshi says, and he is covering for us with his technique, we barely manage to escape. I took everyone to the other side of the mansion. As we take a moment to breath, I take that opportunity to call my sister, she tells me that she managed to hide from the curse user, she is heading to the tower at the center of the mansion. Meanwhile the others are taking care of those who were wounded in the attack and they also take that time to ask Noritoshi about the old woman,

- Her name is Yumi Kamo, starts Noritoshi, she was a menber of the clan a long time ago when I was a kid, she was considered as a failure until they discovered her cursed technique.

- What kind of technique is it? Ask one of the other guys.

- Her technique allows her to gift other people with somebody else's technique as long as she has the DNA of the persone she wishes to copy the technique, but her technique has some major backslash, that's what made her a pariah and then she left the clan, actually up until now I though she was dead.

- And what are those? I ask.

- First the more they use the technique she gift them, the more their body will suffer, second they can't hold those techniques forever, depending on the quantity of DNA of the original user she has, they will be able to use the curse technique longer, and lastly they are not used to the techniques s their movement will be slow and clumsy.

- Why don't we just run away and get help to fight them.

- This is a problem that belongs to the kamo clan, we shall be the one to solve it.

- So do you have a plan? I ask.

And my guess was right master Noritoshi has a plan. We use Miyo as scout and she tells us the movement of our opponents. My father and his men are the ones moving toward us, the old woman and the tall guy are on stand by.

After Noritoshi explained the plan, we move into action. There will be only 5 of us fighting, the others will take the wounded to safety. I'm first to move into action, I follow my sisters indication and move to offense, she points out where they are. The first phase of the plan is to lure all those guys in one place and with my technique I'm the best suited to act as decoy, just as expected they can use blood manipulation but they are movement are clumsy and slow so I'm abe to dodge and just as planned I lure them into the garden where Noritoshi is waiting to ambush them.

- Slicing exorcism.

He uses his blood to create a disc that manages to kill some of them but there others who dodge like my father, the other guys who are helping position themselves behind them to close the escape route,

- Pathetic! Starts my father, we have the advantage of the number and with blood manipulation.

- No you are wrong this is when all this ends! Replies Noritoshi.

Everything is in place, time to move to the next art of the plan, I take my phone," Miyo do it, now!". There is a reason if we choose the garden.

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