Chapter 26.5: The kamo clan(End)

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While we are dealing with our father, Noritoshi and the others took care of the guys who remain. While the others are falling back, Noritoshi attack the problem to its core, he attacks the old lady but with her is her grandson, who is more or less a problem. They start fighting before we get there.

We moving to the place where the old lady was.

- To think that we would be the one to kill him.

- What? Replies my sister, do you have regrets?

- Not really, I guess I still can't wrap my head around the fact that we are the ones who killed despite the influence he had over us not so long ago.

I send the akatsuki to Noritoshi, we move real fast to go help him, but by the time we get there Noritoshi finished the tall guy, and has the old woman down to her knees begging for her life,

- Sorry for the delay, I say.

- Don't worry about me, we need to attend to the wounded first.

We do just as he asked and treat the wounded while he restrain the old woman. Few hours later sorcerer from the head quarters, they are too late to help and it looks like they are more interested in all the man we took in custody, among them I recognize Mirai' father, Futakushi Shimizu, and with him there is the 3rd year from tokyo who was at the exchange event,

- So how is everyone doing? Ask Futakushi.

- We're fine we will survive, reply Noritoshi, and don't pretend that you care, because I know you don't.

The two of them seem to be accustomed to each other, since they are both influential man in jujutsu word I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

- I guess now we can move to the interesting stuff, says Futakushi, is she affiliated to the underground organization we're looking for.

- She is indeed, it would appear that she was working with them when they attacked us during the exchange event, but you can question her for mote information.

- I see..., thanks for the intel, I'll take it from here.

( All these events happened the day after Ryu and his friends took off to save Ojiro)

Sorry for the delay I was a little busy at school but I promise that the next chapter will be there in no time.

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