Chapter 26: The kamo clan(part 3)

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Aside from blood manipulation, the second hereditary technique of Kamo clan is absolute command. It is a technique that allows the user to change the trajectory of a projectile in midair. Most people mistaken its greatest strength to be the ability to increase accuracy of long range attacks, but the real deal is, as the distance between the user and the target increase the power of the projectile. Beyond 50 meters the impact of the projectile becomes like an explosion of a bomb so aiming is not an issue anymore.

And that's exactly why I lured all this guys here, the distance between the garden and where my sister is almost 100 meters,

- Do it, Now! I tell her over the phone.

As I say that, I see 3 arrows falling from the sky, they change trajectory midair, as expected the impacts are ravaging most of my father's man are caught in the impact,

- All of you, stay clear from open spaces or you'll be caught in Miyo's attacks, scream my father, leave the garden.

Everything goes as Noritoshi said, their only ways of escaping are few and we both use that opportunity to take them down while they are trying to flee, Noritoshi unleash slicing exorcism, while I use my gates to attack them by surprise. Unfortunately we didn't manage to take everyone down, and my father is one of them, and he is heading where Miyo is and she is no mtch against him,

- Go help her and meet us later, says Noritoshi, I'll take care of the old lady

I run after my father(I used a lot of cursed energy in this battle), and I use my phone to tell my sister that our father is after her.

When the battle began Noritoshi gave me the permission to use the akatsuki, a special grade cursed tool that belongs to the clan for generations. I have a gate engraved in the cursed tool storage of the clan, which allows me to take any of them at will, but I can take the akatsuki only when the head of the clan allows me to.

I rush and get to my sister's side fast and as expected she is struggling against our father. She is lying down and he is preparing to finish her, I create a gate beneath her and bring her near me,

- Are you okay? I ask her.

- Yeah I'm fine, I only have minor injuries, She replies, I was out of arrow and he took advantage of it.

- Like I would need some sort of advantage to beat a useless 3rd grade like you! Replies our father.

- Big talk from the guy who relies on an old hag's trickery to destroy the very clan he is trying to take control of.

- You know nothing kid, says father, this so called clan isn't the real Kamo clan that it used to be, only the name remained, and that Noritoshi is the cause of everything.

- That's a lie and we both know it, I reply, you are just jealous that he is the one who inherited blood manipulation, the fact that you allied yourself to that old woman is a proof of it, I mean look at yourself, the effects of the old woman's technique are kicking in already.

His body is showing reddish marks, just like what Noritoshi said. He seems to be angry after hearing what I said, he is rearing to go, Miyo has no arrow left but, since I have access to the cursed tool storage I pick up few arrows for her, each of them is a 3rd grade cursed tool from what I know. I draw the akatsuki get ready to fight, after seeing it, my father prepare to unleash his blood manipulation,

- Slicing exorcism!

As father unleash his concentrated disc of blood, we dodge the attack while my sister put some distance between her and us I move in close and attack him in close range. Me and my sister fought together so many times, that we know how to coordinate our movements, but that won't be enough against him, with his innate cursed technique.

Geo-analysis, it is a technique that allows him to anticipate other people moments just by looking at their body position, slicest movement, he can predict the immediate movements. Which means that close combat is a bad idea but it is the only way for us to win, I attack him in close combat and just as expected I'm overwhelmed, but Miyo covers for me with her arrows attacking him from different angles, but he is able to dodge the attacks but that created the opening I was waiting for, I stub his shoulder with the akatsuki. But he immediately fall back and put some distance between us,

- The akatsuki huh, he starts, a cursed tool that can absorbe, store or release blood at the user's will, a tool specially designed for blood manipulation users, I bet it is imbued with Noritoshi's blood.

As expected he is well informed on how it works and that's exactly what I'm counting on. As he talks I see the blood on his wound solidifie, so he stopped the bleeding,

- If that's all you two are capable of then we are done here, says father, this might not be my natural innate technique but I can compensate with my other cursed technique.

- Don't worry we're just getting started! I reply.

Right after my last words he start concentrating his blood in 3 orbs, it is convergence, he is preparing to use piercing blood. I won't let him, I use one of my gates to get close,

- Supernova!

As he unleash his technique, the blood orbs starts flying in all direction, one of them hits me in my back, but the impact isn't as devastating as I thought it would be, he is getting weaker. Behind me, Miyo unleashes her arrows and but our father hardy manages to dodge, but I take that opportunity to attack him and I stub him multiple time and this time I absorb his blood instead of injecting Noritoshi's, but he won't go down that easily.

He punchs me 3 times, but his attacks are really devastating. The first went to my stomach, the 2nd to my jaw and the last in my face. I'm disoriented and down to my knees because of the pain. For him to make such accurate attacks means that he is back to using his cursed technique and he is not using blood manipulation anymore, he is weaker!

- Look at you after giving your all, he says, you are the one lying down, who's pathetic now? huh?!?

- You didn't even realize it, did you? I reply.

- what are you talking about?

- The human body reject all blood if it isn't ours but there are exceptions.

- Noritoshi and I have different blood type so what you're saying is absurd!

- That's true but Noritoshi's blood type happens to be O negative, he is a universal donor, and that's exactly why your body didn't reject it.

I watch him as he realizes what is happening and with Noritoshi's blood in his vein and him not being able to use blood manipulation, he could die at any moment. While he is still in shock he fall to his knees and then his head hit the ground and that means that Noritoshi activated his technique after Miyo called him.

Seeing that I decide to stay there lying on the ground and rest. It is finally over!

jujutsu kaisen : : My Cursed fateNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ