"$450 plus $50 community expenses. Water, electricity and other expenditures are not my problem." She said strictly looking forward.

"So, $500 just for one parking spot?" the butch woman nodded. No wonder people lived like this. Valeria quickly did the math in her head, subtracting the tax, washrooms, and security prices. This woman didn't need money, she was ripping of people just fine. Then why selling it?

They walked by a woman in her forties trying to get on the ramp at the end of a trailer but failing as her wheelchair got stuck in the mud.

"Erica let me help you." The older woman quickly walked toward the stuck lady while Valeria looked around in the small garden in the front. There were colorful pin mills plugged in the ground next to a bunch of white flowers. "At least they are trying to make it look somewhat tasteful." The architect thought.

"Don't you dare to touch me." The woman's voice brought her back from watching the bushes. Her voice was filled with hate and disgust.


The landlord raised her hands showing that she doesn't mean any harm, but the lady in the wheelchair looked at her threateningly stopping the woman two meters away from her.

"Let me help you then, Miss." Valeria offered, thinking about crossing her daily good deed with this one.

Erica nodded not even looking at her, while pointing a finger toward the other woman.

"If you ever dare to step on my property, I am gonna' kill you!" she had a noticeable accent, as her face became redder and redder.

"It's not even yours! And tell your daughter that she owes me this month's rent" the woman yelled at the disabled woman in anger.

"I don't care!" Her short blonde hair slapped against her cheeks as she sassily turned her head in the other direction.

Valeria decided it was enough, grabbing the handle of the wheelchair, she pushed it upwards getting it out the mud.

"Thank you." The woman finally looked up at her, leaving the fuming butch behind. "You grew tall, little girl." She looked at Valeria's 5'7 frame in shock. "Don't even mention it." And with that she left the woman with an eye roll.


„So how much?" They were sitting in Blair's small and dirty office.

"$550 000" Valeria almost chocked hearing this ridiculous amount of money.

"You are kidding right?" the woman was insane. This shithole was not even worth $10 000.

"I am not, what's your offer?" she lit a cigarette not even asking if the younger woman minded.

"$150 000." it was still in New York, which is a good place if they want to attract tourists.

The old woman let out a hearty laugh, wheezing some of the smoke into Valeria's face. She started seriously getting pissed off by how disrespectful this idiot was.

"What's so funny?" now she used her ice-cold tone, watching the woman like a hawk.

"Girly, at least give me a serious price!"

"I already did."

The woman shook her head, as if she couldn't believe the Dutch woman's words.

"It's too cheap for a land this big."

"Well, yours is too expensive for this place. Think realistically, the ground is too wet, you can barely build anything on it." The woman explained to her like she would to a child, not using any technical words. "Who knows maybe you have a pipe fracture happening under your feet."

This caught the woman's attention. That wouldn't be cheap to repair.

"We will need to remove as much ground as we can, replacing it with either dry sand or stone tiles and fix any damaged pipes." Seeing she finally got the attention she needed, she continued.

"That was the first problem, the second is that there is barley any grass as the soil is too wet for anything to grow on. Everywhere you look, there is mud. It's like a pig farm. Seriously, who the fuck would come here willingly?"

"Be reasonable Blair...You wouldn't buy it for $500 000 neither." Straightening her back she looked the woman in the eyes. "$180 000 and that's my final."


"Then $250 000 is it." They shook hands, much to Valeria's unwillingness touching the woman again. Blair fought hard but gave up in the end.

'They always do.' Valeria chuckled to herself. Getting the papers out of her bag, she wrote the price and her signature on it, sliding it in front of the woman.

"You have one month to clean this whole place out, I don't want to see any leftover rubbish, trailer or mobile toilet." The older woman gave back one of the now fully signed paper. In exchange Valeria gave her $100 000 in cash. "The other half will be transferred onto your bank account in thirty days from now on."

"Okay, I will inform everyone to start looking for a new place." The tired woman rubbed her face, not believing that this woman could bargain so well. She lost $300 000, but she needed to get rid of the place as soon as possible.

"It was nice meeting you Miss Anderson; don't worry I can find my way back." She quickly stood up, not wanting to shake the woman's filthy hands again, and left the smelly office as fast as she could.

Checking the papers, she was satisfied with herself.

"What an idiot." She muttered to herself getting into her car and grabbing her hand sanitizer napkins. Honestly, she would have given $300 000 too, seeing how big of a property they were talking about, but she was not feeling like it today.

Pulling out her phone she called her dad.

"Valeria, how did it go?" her father sounded excited.

"Hi dad! I am doing fine, thank you so much for asking!" a sigh was heard from the other side. "$250 000."

"Just?" he asked astonished.

"Yes, she was hard-headed, but not the sharpest knife in the drawer, if you know what I mean..." she put on some balm, making her lips look moist.

"Good job Valeria, I am proud of you!"

"Thanks dad! By the way I want 20% share of the hotel as I will be the one building it." Her father let out a hearty laugh. She was really his daughter.

"No problem sweetheart, come in and we will sign the papers."

"Okay, bye."

"Bye. Love you." It was not a secret that she was his favorite from the three of them. 

A single Promise (Wegberg trilogy 1.) (Lesbian story) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now