"So what do I do Rage?" I wipe my tears.

He walks over to dads desk and pulls out a folder, "First you go to California and complete these few tasks for dad. When you get back, tell dad how you feel about this mission and see what goes from there." He says giving me the manila folder.

"Oh yeah, cause he just going to stop the mission because I have a few feelings for Luca." I state sarcastically. He only shakes his head.

"Well you are his favorite child." He shrugs his shoulders.

"I'm not, it's Jycobi."

"Whatever." He laughs

"But seriously though, if dad gives the opposite of what we want, what then?" He's quiet for a few seconds.

"Then you'll just have to hurt us Reign, and please I know you're older but for once just do what I say."

"I'll have to think about it."

"Please do." His phone starts to ring and he answers. "What do you mean she's gone? How did she get out? Okay i'm on the way." He hangs up.

"That was?"

"Luca, apparently someone and their mother has escaped." He smirks.

"Well when you get to my apartment make sure they don't find my weaponry door in the closet please."

"I won't, be safe in California, love you." He kisses the top of my head and leaves the room.

I sit in dads chair for moment and think am I really going to be able to tell him.

When dad wants something done he expects it to be done. Not for anyone to tell him they can't do it.

I already know it's not going to work, but I want to give it a try.


She left.

When she promised she would stay.

How in the fuck did she leave?

Her phone says she's at her apartment, so I call Des and tell him to meet me at Luxury Villa.

I know I should let her leave but I can't. She already knows too much, she can't just up and leave. People have seen her with me which only makes her a target.

We get to her apartment and shes already gone. It hasn't even been an hour she can't be on a plane already.

Maybe they didn't take a plane. Maybe they drove, her car isn't here.

I check her room and nothing seems to be gone. Check the closet all her clothes are still here untouched. I curse out loud, punching the wall.

I scream on the inside on how painful that was.

I feel someone staring at me, looking over at them I see it's Desmond.

"Did you find anything?" He asks.

I shake my head. He walks closer and pats my shoulder awkwardly. I give him a side eye, he's trying to be caring. But I don't think he's that type.

"You should go get some rest i'll handle it from here." I shake my head again. "Dina already told you they were going to Chicago, send some men there to make sure."

"How did you know that?" I ask.

He gives me a really look. "Did you forget I can hack into anything, I heard you guys conversation on the way here." I nod.

"What if she only told me Chicago so that would be the only place I look." There's no way I would tell anyone where I was going if I were trying to run away.

"Maybe, or maybe they really did leave for Chicago." Des says looking around the room more. "Hey, send some guys there then rest. You've been on edge all day, I can handle this brother."

I look to him. "Yeah, okay I'll send some guys then i'll rest."

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