The Serious Argument

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"I am not! I just...think that a woman' a sign of femininity. They're...nice."

"See! Can't even back that shit up!"

Sparks flew from the intense glares the two gave one another, Asuka once more smacking the ravenette upside the head. He growled at her but didn't say a thing about her abusing him. Rather, he attempted to hold it in solely for the hope that she would agree with him and let him beat Yamato's line of thinking. After all, he couldn't very well let the brunette get away with his ridiculous assertion.

"Well," Takuya murmured quietly, raising his hand slowly, "I...Personally, I think...the chest is better! I-It's like Yamato said! They're very pretty and womanly!"

"Taki!" the pink-haired boy whimpered, looking at his best friend as though he had just stabbed him, "Why would you say something like that?!"

"Wh...What? I just...I really like it when they're perked up!"

Kota pressed his lips into a fine line and backed away quickly from the white-haired boy, outright ignoring him. Instead, he began to introduce himself to the outspoken ravenette, shaking his hand energetically. It seemed that they became fast friends with that, Takuya practically bursting into tears at how quickly the pink-haired boy changed his friends. Upon seeing the disheartened male, however, Shota sighed and sat down on the armrest of the couch next to him, patting his shoulder.

"I agree with Takuya. The chest is a tactile wonderland, and it not only serves as something to excite both parties but also provides sustenance for children. They're very intricate structures, and are quite fascinating."

"I disagree," Ryota sneered, tilting his head to the side, "They're oversexualized and any idiot can sneak a peek at them. One low-cut dress and they're practically exposed. I don't recall ever seeing a respectable woman walking around where her butt can be seen. Or do you like people staring at your lady's bare skin, Yasojiro?"

"That's rich! What would you know of class​​, nouveau riche?"

"Obviously more than you! You said breasts provide nourishment for children? A ripe behind is a sign of fertility!"

"H-Hey, let's not fight, 'kay?" Hotaka panicked, attempting to step in between the two.

"Don't interrupt! If you're going to jump into the conversation, have something useful to say or get lost!"

The purple-haired boy worried further, attempting, but ultimately failing to stop the fighting between the two. They seemed to be completely set on their thoughts, having perhaps even more of an argument over the subject than the ones that brought it up in the first place. Kota attempted to grab onto Ryota's hands to pull him over to sit with him and Sora, but the older male scoffed and swatted at the boy's hands. With a glare, he practically threatened the boy's life, daring him to touch him again.

"For once, I agree with Shota," Rei chipped in, giving a yawn, "Cupcake's chest is very fun to play with. When you touch her there, she starts squeaking and squirming around, and her expressions are just...the best! It's just not as satisfying with her ass."

"Says who?" the blonde's older brother snapped, having yet another argument, "Maybe all you can do is squeeze? With her ass, you can grind on it, slap it - "

"Goddamn," Sora interjected with a chuckle, imagining the acts with delight.

"I'm sure you'd think that, Ichi, but you've never had good taste. Ever done it with tits?"

"So, what you're saying is, you'd rather masturbate with boobs than have sex?

The two brothers were held back by their elder brother, Kazuki blushing brightly but not saying a word. They growled, attempting to scratch one another's eyes out, but they were never able to get close. That childish need they had to win the argument drew Shota's eye who had since ignored Ryota despite the green-haired male's insistent glaring. Though the redhead hadn't believed the blonde would agree with him, his obsession with hips leading him to believe he'd be on the other side of the fence, it was nice to agree on at least one thing.

Insatiable Headcanons (and Oneshots)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora