He's a major lightweight, it only took him two hits to get him fucked up.


I was serious about leaving him here. I cannot stand people who act like maniacs when high. They suck the enjoyment of being high, because instead of basking in the euphoria, you are worrying if they are going to do something stupid and harm themselves.

I was relieved when he calmed down and started acting like a normal human being.

What I didn't expect was the direction change our conversation went.

I don't know how it happened, I don't know what caused it, but somehow Harry and I began to talk about our...feelings.

Now, we weren't going into detail, talking about our deepest thoughts or anything like that, but for the first time in my life I opened up to someone.

I told someone how I felt. I've never done that before. Talking about how I feel, or my thoughts is something I avoid. It's easier to keep everything bottled up because it is safe. Nobody can hurt me if they don't know anything about me.

Maybe I opened up to Harry because he admitted he feels the same. I mean fuck, the words he was saying touched me in a way I can't explain.

He said things I thought no one else could feel besides me.

Harry Styles is much more than what meets the eye. He's broken just like me.

What happened to you Harry?

"I'm hungry." Harry slurs from beside me as he smacks his lips.

I open my eyes and turn my head to the side to look at him for what feels like the hundredth time today.

"What am I supposed to do with that information?" I squint my eyes, hovering my hand over them to block out the sun.

Harry turns his head and smiles at me brightly. He lets out a little chuckle, "I don't know...get me food."

Suddenly he twists his body around, and lies on his stomach. He props his elbows up and rests his head on his hands.

"What do you mean get you food?" I furrow my brows and frown at him.

"Well Miss Arlo Bitchbaby Steele." He smiles at me showing off his teeth, "my tummy over here is grumbling, practically a raging storm. I need to please it, and to please it, I need to give it some food."

I narrow my eyes at him, looking at him as if he's dumb. I try to process the ridiculous words that just came out of his mouth but I find it impossible.

"Okay, what the actual fuck are you talking about." I shake my head, and sit up, taking my legs away from the ledge and sit criss-cross.

Harry out of nowhere starts to hysterically laugh. He drops his hands down and leans his forehead on the ground.

His legs swing back and forth as he places his hand over his chest as he tries to collect his breath.

"Dude, I don't even know if I'm being honest." He mumbles, slowly closing his eyes as he rests the side of his head on his forearm.

"Okay Harry." I snap my fingers to try to get his attention. "Harry!"

I have no clue how he can go from laughing like a psycho to on the verge of sleep in the matter of seconds.

"Harry! Holy fuck wake up!" I hardly shove him on the side near his ribs.

He jerks up and sucks in a harsh breath. "Arlo, what the fuck!"

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