Chapter 11: Payback's A...... Dog?

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Remus and I both knew Sirius would get us back for what had happened, we just didn't know when or how.

Unfortunately for us, we'd have to wait a while to find out.

Lily's due date was nearing, she was due ANY DAY, and she was MISERABLE!

I went over to try and help make sure everything was ready for the baby, we still had to put some things together for the nursery but it was almost finished.

When Lily found out she was having a boy, she was excited to finally be able to pick out a color scheme and decorations for the baby's room.

She changed her mind a few times, but finally settled on one right before James, Sirius, and I started putting everything together.

Now all that was left was making sure all the clothes were in the closet, and that everything they'd need was already in the changing table

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Now all that was left was making sure all the clothes were in the closet, and that everything they'd need was already in the changing table.

I also went through and made sure she had everything she needed in what we were now calling her 'Go Bag'.

After everything was done, I sat down in the living room with my little note pad of things Lily had written down for me to go over with James.

Lily herself was at her final doctors appointment before the baby was supposed to be here.

"OK Prongs, what are you supposed to do when Lily tells you it's time to have the baby?" I knew he'd get annoyed by this question, and he did

"MERLIN KITTY! Now I have you asking me too?!?! Lily asks me every 2 hours!"

"Prongs, I'm just doing what she asked me to....."

"I know but it's annoying at this point." he said rolling his eyes

"I understand that but just humor her and tell me" I was trying not to smile

"It's not funny but fine.... I'm supposed to grab the bag, and help her to St. Mungo's, after that she's told me 'ABSOLUTLY NO PAIN MEDS!' which will be fun...."

"JAMES!" I yelled, hitting him with a pillow from the couch.


"She doesn't need your sarcasm! She's going to be in PAIN!"

"I know that Kitty...." he said with an irritated look

"Well then don't be an asshole!"

He just rolled his eyes

"What else? Keep going... She gave me a check list."

"Hold her hand, comfort her.... I know all of this already!"

"Fine, I'll stop asking what else is on the list, but when she gets home YOU can explain to her why everything isn't checked off!"

He didn't say anything, just rolled his eyes and walked away.

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