Chapter 9: Teasing A Switch •

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It's been a few weeks since Lily announced her pregnancy, and things are going decently, she has a lot of morning sickness but that seems to be the only downside.

Remus also came out to James and Lily 2 weeks ago, while they seemed shocked at the fact we were all in a relationship, they were both very excepting of everything, Remus was relieved.

The only problem Remus and I have been having recently, is Sirius.

Sirius had been all but ignoring both of us since the night Lily announced her pregnancy, we both knew that James needed Sirius more than usual but it was frustrating as well.

Remus and I felt the need to sit down one day to talk about it.

We both really wanted him to be there for Lily and James but we didn't want him to lose himself in helping his friends either, which seemed to be what was happening.

Remus had the idea to just sit him down and talk to him but I had my own little idea, I wanted to get his attention in a more visual way....

"What if I took my old school uniform and altered it?" I asked

While his eyes went wide, he didn't seem to hate the idea.

"I suppose that could work..." He said, readjusting himself on the couch.

I tried not to smile but it wasn't working.

"Remus, it's supposed to work for him, not you." I couldn't help but smirk at him.

"Would you honestly complain if it worked for both of us?"

"No but the plan is to wear it for multiple days around the apartment before letting him touch me, which would mean I'm torturing you too." I was now trying not to laugh

"I'll be fine but you won't be if you laugh at me right now."

I cleared my throat, trying to compose myself.

"OK, I'll alter the uniform and show you later this week to get your opinion."

He laid his head back against the couch and groaned.

"Remus, I don't have to do this, we can figure out something else"

I really hated seeing him this frustrated because of something I was doing, knowing it wasn't him that was going to be the one receiving some sort of gratification from it.

"You can always wear it again later Kitty"

With that, the conversation ended and I went to work altering the outfit.

I'd never known why I'd kept my old school uniform but I was thankful for it now, it was definitely useful.

By the end of the week, I'd finished everything I need to and was really excited to show Remus, I thought it turned out great, now I just needed his opinion.

I had Remus come into the bedroom and sit on the bed, he seemed excited that the outfit was finished but slightly disappointed at the same time.

"Remus, sweetie, why do you look like you're disappointed" I asked this while I was walking into the adjoining bathroom to put the outfit on.

"You made this specifically for Sirius, I know you can always wear it for me later but it's still frustrating."

I was shocked he thought it was made JUST for Sirius, that was never the intent of altering the outfit.

"The outfit was altered for BOTH of you Remus, not just him. It just so happens he benefits from it first."

The part of my sentence that made me think the most was 'benefits from it first'.

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