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Can you be mad at him?

Sort of, it's not like we were even in a relationship, to begin with.

After you'd caught him in the act you left before he could say anything else, not like there was much for him to explain.

What offended you most was that he slept with a human.

Couldn't he at least had the decency to sleep with a demon?

You weren't sure which one would piss you off more, both did either way.

Why were you so upset? You had slept with Akaza. You did the same thing to Douma yet you felt betrayal.

No. He knew what he was doing, I wasn't aware he had feelings for me when I slept with Akaza.

Is this what being in love is meant to be like?

Well, shit if it is it sucks.

You were getting close to the dojo, spotting Akaza's figure on the roof doing who knows what. He quickly noticed you, getting down from the roof and walking towards you.

"How'd it go? I felt your angry presence from a mile away."

You groaned, "How do you think it went Akaza? I caught him fucking a human."

Akaza's jaw dropped, "Ew he's into everybody, let me know the next time you two fuck and if you feel anything odd. Just watching out for myself." He teased.

"Oh fuck off."

"Come on get up, you've been moping over him for like an hour and I think getting better at your techniques would help." He went on about how you should stop being upset over Douma.

You couldn't listen, you were unsure why your heart hurt so badly.

"Get up or I'll get you up." He threatened.

"Is that a sexual threat or an actual threat?" You asked.

He shrugged, "Could be one or the other your choice."

He lent out his hand as you laid on the dojo floor.

"I'm not in the mood, let's just get this stupid technique thing over with." You got up and grabbed his hand.

"Super fun, so what even is your technique y/n?" He asked.

"Well it's just guns, I don't know why my blood demon art is so heavily influenced by my past. A lot of my technique names are just named after things in my past. The gun for some reason just correlated with it." You explained.

You pulled out your gun doing a hand trick with it, one of the many great reasons as to why you loved using a gun as a weapon.

"It makes me look pretty badass too." You laughed.

Akaza sighed in disappointment, "Don't think badass will get you anywhere but have you gone into fights using your techniques?"

"Well, sort of? I tend to kill victims quickly so I never have used some of them, I've only activated them."

"Yea I guess that goes for me as well, when I fought that hashira awhile back he seemed pretty strong. I had to use a couple of techniques I rarely get to pull out with opponents. He would've really been something as a demon."

"Sounds like you had fun, what does your technique consist of?" You asked.

He paused, thinking of a response. Akaza wasn't exactly sure why his technique was what it was.

"I guess it kind of reminds me of winter, my technique is heavily based on the soryu style and martial arts."

"Maybe you were like a ninja in your human life."

"A ninja? Really?" Akaza rolled his eyes.

"I mean I could've said something 10 times worse."

"Yeah, I can't exactly bare that thought, do a favor for me and try to hit me before I show you my final technique."

"Will do."

𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭  DoumaxReaderxAkazaWhere stories live. Discover now