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Just lie.

"You know I was kidding about Lord Akaza, right? Do you honestly think I'd care for his opinion?" You laughed to ease the tension.

He made an O shape with his mouth and joined your laughter.

"I knew you were kidding!" He grinned.

Is this motherfucker stupid or do I have pretty privilege?

"If we're planned to spend eternity with each other I have something to confess. I couldn't bare to keep a secret from you." He rolled his head back and rested his hand on his forehead to dramatize his confession.

You slightly tilted my head, "What is it?"

"The hashira I killed, the one with the butterfly clip. I didn't kill her... I did but that was 4 years ago." He giggled.

Why would he lie?


You smiled, the fact that upper moon two had seemingly fallen for you and even attempted to get you jealous was more than pathetic. 

It was sad.

"To get me jealous I see, and the living together for eternity. Plus, you don't like the fact that Lord Akaza and I had sex."

He blankly stared at you, "I don't like when you mention what you two did. Please refrain from it. I'll have to show you one of these days why I'm better."

"Oh, I bet you will." You teased.

He gasped, "Is that a challenge?"

You shrugged, "Maybe, maybe not."

Douma chuckled, "Well I'd like to address something before anything else happens, I don't like you."


"You're a nice friend! Even nicer when I see you without that dress of yours!" He smiled.

You were stung by his words, it's not that you cared, it's that you wanted your assumption to be correct, "I guess you are too.." 

You looked at Douma, he was extremely attractive. The moonlight complimented his pale skin, and his smile was something you scolded yourself for liking but still enjoyed seeing whenever you spoke.

But he's just a toy.


He was only a few inches away, his long but muscular arms crept up on your waist, pulling you into... a hug?

He squeezed you tight. You stood there startled at his actions.

Nonetheless, you hugged back.

Douma's body felt brawny, and his height made it worse. He stood about seven feet tall, the average for a demon, but you couldn't remember the last time you'd hug someone and felt so... cheerful.

He chuckled, "You're pretty cute.. maybe if-"

Where am I?

You were no longer with Douma. You didn't feel his body hug yours, you didn't hear his faint chuckles, the moon wasn't even shining.

Not this place again...

You were back in the infinity castle that you'd previously been in. Where you received your ranking as lower rank two in front of your fellow lower rank-ees.

You looked around, the others stood in different places, some upside down, others sideways. You had a terrible feeling in my stomach, you took a headcount in your mind.

Just as I thought, one of us is missing.

Who could it be?

Lower moon five.

You weren't at all panicked. Just spooked, also curious as to why only the lower moons were here. It was said that all Twelve Kizuki meet together besides the day you became lower rank two.

You all suddenly stood together on one platform, the others looked confused and anxious themselves.

Who is that beautiful woman standing in front of us?

When you finally took notice of her, your eyes widened at her beauty. Who was she?

"Prostrate yourselves." She called out.

That's Master Muzan's voice.

You felt an urge, to fall to your knees, and noticed everyone else did too.

Lower moon four interrupted the grim silence, "Please forgive us since you've assumed a different form an aura-"

Muzan interrupted her.

"Who said you could speak?"

You heard her whimper.

He continued, "Don't presume to voice your worthless thoughts. Answer my questions. Nothing else."

You saw tears drop from her eyes onto the hard wooden floor.

"Rui was killed." He announced.

That's why he's missing.

"I'm talking about lower moon five."

His voice echoed through the castle, "I have but one question to ask of you."

"Why are the members of the lower ranks so weak? You shouldn't be satisfied merely being among the Twelve Kizuki. That is only the beginning. To devour more humans, to become stronger. Your starting point for becoming useful to me."

Everyone was shocked at how cruel his words were.

"For over a century, the members of the upper ranks of the Twelve Kizuki remain unchanged. It's always been the demons of the upper ranks who've disposed of those Demon Slayer Hashira. But what about you lower ranks?"

What's he planning?

"How many times have the members changed?"

Muzan's next words were out of context, and something that puzzled you, "That's easy for you to say but we..."

"What? Go ahead and say it."

He's a mind reader too?

You looked towards the other lower moons, trying to read their facial expressions and figure out who said it.

"What is bad?" Muzan asked.

You looked to Muzan whose face was now filled with veins.

"Go ahead and say it." He demanded.

You saw Muzan's arm turn into something you'd never seen before, it was a big and chunky monster?

You don't think it's a monster. It's worse.

Red all over with orange-yellow eyes that glared at lower moon six. Who was being squeezed by the ugly creature.

The demon screamed out, "Please forgive me master kibutsuji! Please show me mercy!" He begged

"I'm truly sorry." He repeated over and over again.

You heard blood splatter onto the floor.

Lower moon 6 was dead.

𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭  DoumaxReaderxAkazaWhere stories live. Discover now