18- The Battle

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"I can't believe Sam told you where Bucky and Steve are going! I didn't even think he would tell me!" I exclaim.

"They say honesty is the best policy, so I just told him the truth: I messed up" Tony explained.

"The Tony Stark, admitting his mistakes? The world must be ending."

"Jeez, you're like a little Natasha, you know that?"

"Why, thank you. So what's the plan?"

"For you? Stay inside the jet and wait patiently, of course."

"You're kidding, right? You don't know what you're taking on, you need me."

"I know they're looking for the other super soldiers, that's enough. You know something more than that?"

"Well, not exactly. But c'mon, you know I'm the strongest. I'm a goddess!"

"Good for you, but I don't care. I know if it comes down to it you'll go after your little soldier boyfriend which, by the way, is a death wish. I have a responsibility to keep you as safe as I can, and that's what I'm doing."


"But you're lucky you're not locked up right now. What would your brother say to you if he were here."

"Hey, that's not fair!"

"Yeah, yeah. Well, duty calls. FRIDAY, lock the jet doors as soon as I go, and do NOT let Y/n unlock them unless I say so."

"What are you d-"

Before I get a chance to finish my question, Tony presses a button that automatically puts his iron man suit on him, he drops through the bottom of the jet and flies away.

"Asshole" I mutter. "FRIDAY, where is he going?"

"The same place as us, Ma'am. His suit allows him to travel faster, so he will arrive long before us" the robotic voice replies.

"Damn it" I mutter. 

I start to try to find some way to escape, but FRIDAY must sense it, as she announces, "Sorry, Ma'am. I'm afraid you're stuck here for the time being."

I keep looking for a little while longer before I eventually give up. I begin to try to text someone, anyone, before remembering I had no service in the air. This sucks, I thought.


I must've fallen asleep at some point because I'm suddenly woken up to see that I've landed in some arctic area. I look out the window to see a figure standing there, watching me. I think I recognize him, but I'm not sure where from. When he presses a button on some type of remote he's holding, I move to get a closer look, and the jet doors all suddenly open.

"Hey! How'd you do that? Who are-" Before I finish my sentence, it dawns on me. Bucky's fake psychiatrist.  Zemo.

He glanced at me with a grin of total accomplishment, seeing my recognition.  "Sorry about your attempted murder on my part. It wasn't you that I was after."

"The alley... the ball... the bombing... all of it was you?" I gasp. "Where are all the super soldiers?"

"Yes. It was all me. The super soldiers were a distraction; they're far gone, been dead for years" he answers, proudly. Above his shoulder, I see T'challa approaching us.

"This is all you wanted? To see them rip each other apart?" T'challa questions. My eyes widen in fear. Steve. Tony. Bucky. T'challa must notice and understand my fear because he points in one direction.

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