15- The Escape

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"Now why are these idiots in the water?" I ask aloud, exasperated.

I've gotten in a lot of fights in my life, but protecting Bucky has to be one of the harder ones. In the past few hours, I've snuck from California to Romania, broke into someone's apartment, fought the King of Wakanda (who was in a cat suit for some reason), had an entire tunnel collapse almost on top of me, gotten arrested, and now I've spent the past half hour keeping the one who we're trying to keep alive from killing everyone else. Definitely not what Thor had in mind when he sent me here. Whoever SHIELD sent in to evaluate Bucky obviously wasn't who they thought, because he knew the Winter Soldier trigger words- and said them. Long story short, I've had to save more than a few lives from being taken by the Winter Soldier since the power went out. 

As I get closer to the shore, I see Steve is pulling an unconscious Bucky with him out of the river as Sam runs up behind me. For a second, I'm not sure if he's breathing.

"Is he..."

"No, just knocked out. We have to get out of here before the rest of them find us out here" Steve finishes.

"I know somewhere we can hide" Sam suggests, and starts running towards some unknown destination, the rest of us following him.


I wake up from a nap in the rundown warehouse that Sam took us to, just in time to see the boys approaching a now-conscious Bucky. 

"Which Bucky am I talking to?" Steve interrogates.

"Your Mom's name was Sarah." Bucky answers. "You used to wear newspaper in your shoes."

"HA! Can't read that in a museum" I laugh, along with Steve.

"Just like that, we're supposed to be cool?" Sam asks.

"What did I do?" Bucky asks, nervously.

"Enough" Steve hesitates.

"Oh, God, I knew this would happen. Everything HYDRA put inside me is still there. All he had to do was say the goddamn words."

"Who was he?"

"I don't know. He wanted to know about where I was kept. I'm... not the only Winter Soldier. He's trying to find the others. They're the most elite death squad. Much worse than I am."

Sam sighs, pulling Steve and I aside. "This would've been a lot easier a week ago. If we call Tony..."

"He won't believe us" I finish. "Even if he did, who knows if the accords would let him help."

"We're on our own" Steve states.

"Maybe not" Sam muses. "I know a guy."

"This is getting to be a lot more than we put in for. You sure you in for all this, Y/n? You're not obligated to any of this, no one will blame you if you decide to go back to Asgard."

I look back at Bucky, weighing my options. But only for a second. "I know, I'm all in" I declare. "But on one condition."


"No way!" Wanda exclaims. 

Of course I wasn't doing anything before I knew my best friend was alright. And since she's Wanda, she insisted on helping us fight. Or in her words, If they're gonna make me a prisoner, I'll give them a reason to lock me up. Tony and his team had Wanda locked away in the compound, not wanting her to cause trouble while the accords were so new. Too late for that. Now, Clint is driving us to meet up with Sam, Steve, and Bucky, and I just finished telling her everything that I hadn't since Bucky and I met. In the van row behind us is Sam's mysterious recruit, sleeping.

"Way!" Clint mocks as we pull into the parking lot. The four of us exit the van to greet Sam, Steve, and Bucky. Once Sam's friend is fully awake, he immediately starts fan-girling over Steve, to which I roll my eyes.

"Jealous?" Steve asks me, smirking.

"You wish" Bucky backs me up, earning a giggle from Wanda. Just then, an announcement in German blares out. "They're evacuating the airport" he translates.

"Suit up" Steve instructs.


"Now where's Y/n?" Tony demands.

"Up there" Clint replies, motioning to the parking garage. Just as he looks up towards where I'm standing, I use my powers to break the gates, allowing Wanda to use her telekinesis to send all of the cars tumbling down towards Tony. I quickly make my way towards the airport to find Sam and Bucky.

"I don't know if you've ever been in a fight before, but there's usually not this much talking" I hear Sam say.

"Sorry, my bad" his opponent replies just as he tackles both Sam and Bucky to the floor with... spiderwebs? "Guys, look, I'd love to keep this up but-"

The opponent stops talking as I land next to him. "But what?" I ask, just before I use my ice power to push them through the window. "Do I have to do everything myself?" I ask as I free Sam and Bucky of the webs tying them to the ground. 

"I hate you" Sam tells me.

"You want her to put you back on the floor, Wilson?" Bucky laughs.

"You boys try not to get yourself killed by a spider boy while I'm gone." As I make my way back to the landing area, I hear a voice call out "Spider man!"

Some punches later, each side finds themselves facing the other- one led by Steve, one by Tony. Seconds later, each side is charging at the other. T'challa goes right up to Bucky, his claws out.

"I didn't kill your father" Bucky exclaims.

"Then why did you run?" T'challa questions, right as he throws a punch at him, knocking him to the floor.

"Because you were chasing him with those sharp ass nails!" I intervene just before T'challa claws Bucky's face off, blasting T'challa far away. I offer my hand to help Bucky up, and he take it. 

"That's two times in like 10 minutes you saved my ass. You my guardian angel?" Bucky remarks.

"You're welcome" I reply before running towards Sam.

"We need an intervention, Steve and Bucky need to get out of here!" he says.

"I got it!" Sam's friend, Scott, who can apparently shrink and grow volunteers. Seconds later, he's towering in the air, at least 100 feet tall. 

"I guess that's our signal" Steve says as he and Bucky start towards the jet. Soon after, Spiderman wraps webs around Scott's legs so that he falls. But it's too late- the jet is up in the air. Tony and Rhodey are flying after them, and I'm trying to catch up when all of the sudden, Rhodey starts falling through the air. He's falling fast and Tony's screams are filling my ears, but I manage to catch him just before he hits the ground.

"Thank you, Y/n" Rhodey breathes, extending a hand. Hesitantly, I shake it. Seconds later, Tony and Sam land beside us.

"I'm sorry" Sam tells him.

"It isn't over yet" Vision cuts in as he approaches us.

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