17- The Bail

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Y/n's POV

Since I saved Rhodey's ass, Tony's side decided to give me a break and forgive me as long as I came back to the compound with them. With the rest of my team locked up, aside from Bucky and Steve who's location was a mystery to everyone except maybe Sam at the moment, I didn't really have any other choice. I figured I could pretend to play both sides for a while until I could find and bail my people out when nobody was paying attention.

I'm looking for Natasha, when I find her having an argument with Tony. Naturally, I try to eavesdrop before either of them notice me there.

"T'challa told Ross that you let them go, so... they're coming for you" Tony states.

"You let them go, Nat?" I blurt out against my better judgement. Both of them turn around and sigh, though Tony's sigh was noticeably more dramatic.

"Steve isn't gonna stop, I know that now. I couldn't let someone I consider family get killed" Nat says to me, though I feel like it was also directed at Tony. Regardless, I flash my biggest smile of gratitude, annoying Tony to the max.

"That ice you're skating on is getting thinner by the minute, kid" he ridicules.

"Doesn't matter, I'll just control the ice. Did you forget I do that?" I remark.

"You know what I meant. Don't go pushing your limits or you'll be reunited with your buddies- in jail. Also, FRIDAY, remind me to never have a daughter."

"Harsh" Nat comments before exiting the room.

"Why are you being so stubborn about this guy, Y/n? Steve I can kind of understand, he knows the guy, while you've met him like, twice. Does the almighty goddess herself have a little crush?" Tony teases. I try to ignore the last part so I don't start blushing or something.

"Because he didn't bomb the UN, I'm sure of it. He's been through enough, I can't let him get killed for a crime he didn't commit. I bet you didn't even have FRIDAY check facial recognition to see if that photo was really him! And what about the psychiatrist who set him off, huh?"

Just then, FRIDAY alerts Tony of a priority upload from Berlin police before he gets a chance to respond. He pauses for a moment as if he was in deep thought about something.

"You know what, fine. You're coming with me little miss princess, and we'll have FRIDAY prove you wrong right on the chopper on the way to Berlin."

My face breaks into a wide grin as I go to thank him, but Tony cuts me off.

"But if I find something sketchy down there, you're staying inside. NO fighting. And if you complain, I'm having Vision babysit; it could be his punishment for shooting Rhodey out of the sky."

"He didn't mean to!" I protest as Tony and I begin walking towards the roof.

"I know, I know, he was 'distracted' which by the way, should be impossible for a robot."

"It should be impossible for a robot to fall in love, too, but you've seen him and Wanda."

"God, I've been trying to ignore it. I leave my high-intelligence invention with a teenage girl for ONE day, now he's pretty much a human? Like I said, remind me to never have a daughter."

"That not how Pepper feels" I tease as we step onto the jet.

"Ugh, FRIDAY, erase that last reminder" Tony sighs.

After the jet has flown for a while and we've settled in, FRIDAY notifies Tony that she's finished her search. She reveals that the real psychiatrist that SHIELD hired was killed by the fake one that we met, who stole his identity. The offender, named Zemo, was a former member of the Sokovian kill squad, a country that the Avengers accidentally destroyed. The best part? Zemo was found to have a wig and facial prosthetics that match the appearance of (You guessed it) Bucky.

"Son of a bitch" Tony mutters.

"HA! I told you!" I chant.

"Oh, shut up. FRIDAY, get this info to Ross. We're meeting him at the prison."

"That's where we're going?"

"Don't worry, you'll get to reunite with your BFFs soon. We're about to land."

"Wait, we aren't going after Bucky and Steve?"

"Wow, you really are out of the loop, they're nowhere near Berlin as far as I know. Sucks, doesn't it? Trouble in paradise with your assassin lover?"

Before I can come up with a comeback, my words are drowned out by the sound of waves crashing closely below us and the jet's gears working to land. I step outside to be surrounded by a place that looks straight out of a nightmare- we're on a tiny island surrounded by stormy waters with a giant, rundown tower behind us. I start towards the door, but Tony stops me by blocking me with his arm.

"What did I tell you before we left?" He asks, expectantly.

"Um, something about ice skating" I answer, trying to remember.

"Don't get smart with me. I told you no fighting under any circumstances, and if I find something sketchy you're getting locked back in that jet."


"And no complaining. That jog your memory?"

"Fine. Deal. Can I go inside now?"

He moves his arm, and motions for me to enter. Tony automatically walks to Ross to discuss the situation, but I'm veered off in a different direction.

"Wanda?" I call out frantically, seeing the disheveled state of my best friend. She sits in front of me on the floor of a high security jail cell, completely isolated from any other person. "What the hell is this?!" I yell at Tony and Ross. They don't seem to notice.

"I'm fine, Y/n, seriously. Don't make things worse out there by trying to help me. If they lock you up too, who will be there if the boys need help?" Wanda assures me.

"I can't just leave you here like this! It's... bullshit!"

"I know, I know. Please just worry about it later. I'm trusting you to bail me out after all of this is over. Okay?"

"Fine. But if they hurt you guys in any way, they're dead."

"I don't doubt it. How... how is Vision doing?"

"Feels super guilty, but he'll get over it."

We talk for a few minutes more before I notice that Tony is nowhere to be seen. I start to get up to search for him, but I end up not having to. The doors to another room burst open to reveal a speed-walking Tony with a look of pure determination. 

"Girl talk time over, Y/n. We're out of here, right now." he demands, not stopping on his path to the jet. Desperate to know what happened while I wasn't looking, I say goodbye to Wanda and run to catch up with Tony. Ross says something to Tony as I board the jet that I couldn't hear, but Tony seems to brush him off. As soon as the doors close around us, Tony flashes a smirk.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"We're going to Siberia."

**Author's note

Thank you all for reading this far! I'll be a lot more active from now on. I have a lot of plans! Don't forget to vote xoxo

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