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It's been about 24 hours since Skyelar and Pope made the Mech bullet. Uncle Scott had set up a movie night with a funny film. The Mason boys and the Bishop girls sit in the back row of chairs together. Skyelar sits between Ben and Lucy, her arm around her sister's shoulders. Skyelar is enjoying this moment, she is relaxed for the first time in nearly 7 months. She is looking at the smiles on everyone's faces and she can't help but smile too. Skyelar leans over to Ben and whispers to him. "I guess you got to take me to the movies after all. Well...kind of," she says. Ben is glad it's dark so Skyelar can't see him blush. Her breath on his ear and neck, sends shivers down his spine. "Y-Yeah. Not quite what I pictured, but yeah. It's nice to be able to laugh," Ben smiles brightly at her. "Agreed," Skyelar nods with a matching smile. Skyelar looks down at Lucy as she giggles once more, the older sister smiles warmly at her. Ben continues to look at Skyelar fondly until something else catches his eye. Ben looks behind him to see his dad standing with Anne. When their eyes meet, Ben's smile begins to fade upon seeing the look on his father's face. But he soon gives a tight smile and turns back around.

              With the attack in two days, the civilians and off-duty soldiers enjoy a few hours of relief and a comforting distraction. In those few hours, Dai had arrived from going to see Porter. He came back wounded and was rushed to Anne and Lourdes. Also, in that time, Tom had been made aware that Weaver may not be in his best mind frame. All of this was unknown to Skyelar as she went to bed that night. Skyelar and Lucy's cots lay between Ben and Matt's, respectfully. Skyelar fell asleep that night facing Ben, and she slept peacefully.

              The next morning, Tom told Hal and Skyelar what he now knew about Weaver's unhealthy habits. "I can't believe this. For all we know, he could have been dosing himself for weeks," Hal says as the three walk down the hall. "That was before. Now we need to focus on today," Tom says. "So, what are we gonna do?"  Hal questions. "First, you're gonna follow orders," Tom tells him. "And go on that sentry mission?" Hal asks, brows raised. Tom hums with a nod. "There's no way I'm gonna leave you guys here to deal with Weaver by yourselves," Hal declares. "This isn't just about him," Tom states. The three stop in front of a window. "Dad, he's setting us up for the mother of all battles, if he's not 100% he's gonna get us all killed," Hal argues. "And if I accuse him of being unfit for duty without all the facts, it's gonna tear the 2nd Mass apart," Tom says lowly. "What more do you need to know?" Hal asks, obviously annoyed. "More," Tom declares. He then looks out the window, at the kids playing outside.

              "Do you remember what it's like before Porter brought us together? Everybody on their own, scrounging for food and water. Forget about fighting back. It was all we could do to survive. Soldiers like Weaver are a big part of what got us this far," Tom informs. "You're defending him," Hal scoffs. "No, I'm just saying that, unless we stick together and fight the aliens as a group...We're as good as dead. And until I talk to him, we're gonna proceed as if this mission is still a go," Tom tells him. "All right. Fine. You stay here. I'll go on the mission. But I need another rider," Hal's eyes drift to Skyelar. "You have anybody in mind?" Hal asks his dad.

              "Yeah," a voice comes from behind Hal and Skyelar. They turn to see Maggie. "He asked. I volunteered the no-questions-asked part intrigued me," she smirks. "And you're sure about this?" Hal asks his dad. "I don't see any other way. Be careful," Tom walks away. Skyelar heads to where Pope had set up shop making bullets. She helped at first, but she had other things to do. She mostly came by to check on Matt, who was helping. "...And how much fun you're gonna have shooting them with their own toys." Skyelar hears as she enters and walks over to Matt. Pope starts talking to Anthony as Skyelar watches Matt. "No. no, kid, you don't need to polish it to a shine like that. When it comes to Mech ammo, it's quantity, not quality," Pope comes over to the two. Matt throws the bullet into the bin before turning to Pope. "You sure your old man was talking about me?" Pope asks Matt. "He said, 'stay away from Pope'," Matt states. "Great. So, suddenly I'm the beneficiary of some preadolescent rebellious streak," Pope grumbles.

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