The Armory

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A small group from the 2nd Mass are on a mission to check the armory to see if there were guns inside. It's dark out and they had to be alert, knowing there is a Mech patrolling; and where there's a Mech, there's a Skitter. They all know it could be a trap, but they had to check, to know for sure. Skyelar is obviously on this mission along with the oldest two Masons, Dai, Jimmy, Karen, and Anthony. They had also brought a very sweet golden retriever named Nemo. Mechs don't shoot animals, much to Skyelar's liking.

                Tom and Dai run to a car closer to the armory while the rest hid behind another vehicle. Nemo sits between Skyelar's legs, the other members just to her left. "Who's got the ball?" Tom asks as he and Dai reach the others. "Right here," Hall holds up said ball. Skyelar hands Nemo's collar to Jimmy for him to hold as she readies her rifle. Tom has the ball and is about to throw it when Hal stops him. "Think you can get it that far, old man?" Hal teases. Skyelar looks at him with a smile on her face. "$5 million says you can't hit the front step," Tom challenges his son. "You make that a stick of gum, you got a bet," Hal says before showing Nemo the ball. Hal throws the ball and Nemo follows it as it lands really close to the front sidewalk. Skyelar chuckles when Tom slaps a stick of gum into his eldest son's hand, a triumphant grin on the young man's face. They all duck for cover as a Mech comes around the corner, Nemo barking at it. The Mech pauses and turns to Nemo as if confused or intrigued. "Nemo, come back!" Jimmy yells as he runs from their cover. The others chase after him as the Mech turns its sight on Jimmy. Jimmy freezes when the Mech's lasers focus on him. Luckily for him, Tom grabs him and throws him to the side, just as the car beside them blows up. They began running and Skyelar let out a sharp whistle, signaling Nemo to come to her. He comes running to Skyelar as she and the others continue running back to the 2nd Mass.

                The group made it back by morning, they separated to do their own thing. Hal and Skyelar are stopped on their way to get breakfast by a small group of adults. They showed the two pictures of their missing kids, asking if they saw them with the group of harnessed kids. The two could only reply by saying they hadn't seen them and that they didn't know. Skyelar felt slightly guilty for not looking at other faces, but when she saw her best friend and the little sister she failed, she couldn't see anything else.

Tom and Matt exit one of the houses and look over to the group in front of the two teenagers. "If we see them we'll let you know. I'm sorry," Skyelar apologizes, watching leave sadly. She had seen Ben and Lucy, she knows what happened to them, but none of those parents know what happened to their children. "What was that?" Tom asks the two as he and Matt reach them. "Word's out Skye and I saw harnessed kids before we hit the ShopSmart. They want to know if we saw their kid," Hal explains as the four walk to where breakfast is being served. Skyelar laughs lowly when Matt groans upon seeing that it is once again oatmeal. "Aw, man. Oatmeal again?" Skyelar couldn't help but agree with him though. She'd always hated oatmeal because of its texture, but now she had to get over it. "We passed a Denny's. Maybe you can get a Grand Slam," Hal teases his little brother. "Bite me," Matt snaps back. Skyelar chuckles once again, knowing he got the expression from her. "Not much of a morning person, are you, Matthew?" Anthony chimes from where he and Dai eat their bowls of oatmeal. Skyelar's not much of a morning person which is why she loved night mission and night posts so much.

                Hal and Skyelar grab their bowls and walk over to where Karen is sitting and eating. The three talk while they eat and once they finish they pass their bowls off to the cleaning crew, thanking them politely. Then they make their way towards the river to help carry jugs of water up to the center of camp where someone would boil it to make it drinkable. They each take two jugs, Skyelar glares at Hal when he takes both the larger jugs, leaving her with two smaller ones. They walked up the slope and were briefly stopped by Mike, another soldier of the 2nd Mass. "Hey, Hal, Skye. Those harnessed kids you saw the other day. They were head west?" He asks. "Yeah, but they may have changed directions after we saw them," Skyelar says truthfully, internally hoping they hadn't. Hal then stopped Mike from walking away by speaking after him. "Hey, you, uh, never asked if we saw your son," Hal adjusts his water jugs. "I figured you'd tell me if you had," he states. "After I saw Ben and Lucy, you know, I just-. I didn't see anything else," Hal admits, Skyelar nodding in agreement. "We'll be going out tonight. We'll be looking for them," Skyelar adds. "Well, when you go, I'd like to go with you," Mike tells them. "All right," Hal nods.

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