Lose It All

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The darkness of the store provided the perfect coverage for the Bishop sisters. The oldest crept in first, her pale green eyes scanning the dark store through the scope of her rifle. Once she's satisfied with her sweep, she moves in; turning to her sister with a nod for her to follow. The little girl scurried in quickly. Passed her sister and crouched down in the corner by the door. The oldest girl swung her rifle over her shoulder and turned to her scared little sister; she observed the small girl. The two sisters looked so different, the oldest looks like their dad while the youngest looks like their mother. The oldest, Skyelar, has slightly wavy black hair that flows to her mid-back. Her eyes are a pale green, forever scarred. The youngest, Lucy, has light brown curly hair that goes to her shoulder in ringlets. Her eyes are a dark blue. Those eyes were once full of life and joy. It breaks Skyelar's heart to see the fear in her eyes, it's been there since the Mechs attacked. It's been there since they blew up their house and killed their parents.

It's been about 3 months since they came, 3 months of being on their own; completely alone. Skyelar sighs and crouches in front of Lucy. "Hey," she whispers to her sister. "You stay right here, okay? I'm gonna search the store. Tell me if you hear any Mechs. And don't move." Lucy nods as her sister kisses her forehead. Skyelar stands and quietly searches the store, filling her bag with anything useful; non-perishables, first-aid, water. As she does, her mind begins to wander to her old life, to the Masons, to her parent, and to her baby sister. Lucy is only 8, she shouldn't have to live like this. Always looking over her shoulder, always being scared, scavenging for supplies in dark and dusty buildings. Skyelar hate it for her sister. Lucy should be going to school, making friends, singing songs that make no sense to anyone but her. She should be going on bike rides through the park or having playdates with Matt Mason. Everything is different now. Skyelar used to do gymnastics, she was in the 10th grade. She was the smartest girl in her grade, she had a love for mechanics and motorcycles. And she had the greatest best friend anyone could ask for. But now, she doesn't even know if the Masons are alive.

Skyelar sighs heavily as she zips up her backpack. She throws her greasy hair into a quick and messy ponytail before grabbing her gun and turning around to her sister. Instead of seeing a fuzzy-headed girl curled up by the door, she sees nothing. Her heart drops and begins to race. Her head snaps around the store in a panic. "Lu," she whisper-shouts into the darkness. "Lucy, this isn't funny! Where are you?" Skyelar is now in full panic mode, she had been so lost in thought that she didn't see Lucy leave the store. Her feet begin moving, out of the store, before she can even think about it. To her right, she hears a whirring sound, her eyes snapping to the source. She froze. Gun in her hands, eyes wide, mouth dry, her heart pounding painfully in her chest, head screaming to run. However, her feet were frozen in place, refusing to listen at the sight of the Mech's victim. A Skitter on one side of the machine looks down at the little girl.

Her mind is whirling a mile a minute, but nothing seemed to be processing properly. The last family she had, her sister, her responsibility, was caught by the same creatures that took her parent; that took her whole life. Tears ran down the teenager's face as she saw the look of terror on the sister's face just before her blue eyes closed. The Mech turns, bringing Skyelar back to reality. It raised its mechanic arms, its weapon system firing just to the left of her, making her jump and cover her head. The Mech turns to her fully and she lets out a startled gasp, her teary eyes pooling with so many emotions all at once; none of them positive. As the Mech begins to approach her, she looks at her sister with so much sorrow and guilt before turning to run. As she runs, tears fall from her eyes while avoiding the Mech's shots. So, Skyelar Bishop runs downs the streets of Boston, her heart aching with guilt. She didn't dare stop running, even when she had lost the Mech; she couldn't. All the time she was running, she kept thinking, I will get her back. But I can't help her if I get caught too.

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