Sanctuary pt.1

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When Lucy had fully awakened, Skyelar was still there, awkwardly sleeping in her chair. For a while, Lucy just stared at her sister. Even in her sleep, Lucy could see how much her sister has been through. She looks older. Her hair is longer, and her skin is tanner than the last time Lucy saw her. Lucy's blue eyes land on Ben, who is also asleep on his own cot. Lucy doesn't know how long it's been, it was all a blur. "Skyelar," Lucy calls quietly. When said girl doesn't stir, she calls her a bit louder. Lucy slowly sits up, holding the large shirt to her small frame. "Skyelar," Lucy pats her sister's leg. Skyelar opens her eyes in a hurry, instinctively reaching for her gun. But she freezes when her eyes meet the familiar blue ones belonging to her sister.

              "Lucy?" Skyelar wraps her arms around her sister, moving to sit on the cot beside her. "I'm so sorry," Skyelar mutters, her voice breaking as Lucy hugs her back. The Bishop sisters relish in the comfort of the hug. "It's not your fault Skye. I'm the one-," Skyelar pulls away and grabs Lucy's shoulders. "No. No, I shouldn't have left you alone. I failed to protect you. It is my fault," Skyelar states firmly. "Skyelar. I went out there on my own," Lucy says to her sister. "Why, Lu? Why'd you leave the store?" Skyelar asks the question she's been thinking about for 3 months. "For you," Lucy looks away, her eyes mirroring her sister's watery ones. "I saw the monsters coming and I wanted to be the one to save you for once. I thought I could outrun them and then make it back to you but...I didn't see the Mech," Lucy looks almost guilty, as if she had let Skyelar down. Skyelar looks down at her sister in shock. She was trying to save me? Skyelar is silent for a moment longer before smiling softly at her sister. "You know what? It doesn't matter, okay? What matters is that you're okay and you're here and safe," she says.

              "How about breakfast? Are you hungry?" Skyelar offer after checking her watch. "Not really. But I'd like to walk around," Lucy says while rubbing her nose. "Okay. Let's get you dressed then. Anne brought you these, and I guess she brought me a new shirt too," Skyelar hands Lucy a pile of clean clothes before grabbing her own shirt. As Lucy gets dressed in the bathroom, Skyelar throws on the dark red long-sleeve shirt over her tank-top; her jackets are still sitting on her cot. "That feels a lot better," Lucy sighs as she comes back into the room. "All right. Let's go then." Skyelar pauses briefly to run a hand over Ben's head before turning to leave.

              The sisters didn't even get to the end of the hall before someone called out to Skyelar. The three Masons were at the clinic doors smiling as wide as Skyelar. "Lucy!" Matt yells. In a blink, the two had met in the middle, hugging each other like they always used to. The older two also hugged the small girl, and she gladly accepted all of them. "You headed to breakfast?" Hal asks. "I am. Lu just wants to walk around," Skyelar says. "Okay. I'm glad you're up and moving around, Lucy," Tom says. "Me too," she smiles back. They then part ways, Skyelar eats her oatmeal quickly and is back to showing Lucy around. "So, it's really been 3 months?" Lucy asks. "Yep. An incredibly long 3 months," Skyelar replies as they arrive at their room. "So, you're like a guard now. A soldier?" Lucy sits on Skyelar's cot. "Yeah. I had to be in order to get you and Ben back," Skyelar grabs the strap of her gun, which is over her shoulder. "I'm glad you found us," Lucy says, a yawn following. "Tired?" Skyelar chuckles. Lucy nods and rubs her eyes. "Okay. You sleep for a few hours. I'll wake you up for supper, okay? I've got to check in with the others anyway," Skyelar lays Lucy down and pulls the blanket over her. "Okay. I love you, Skye," Lucy says sleepily. Skyelar smiles fondly at her. "I love you too, Lulu."

              Skyelar lingers at the door, watching Lucy through the window in the door. She's scared it is all a dream and if she looks away, she'll wake up without Lucy and Ben. The sun is fully up in the sky and Lucy looks so peaceful sleeping as the sun's rays came through the windows. "Skye?" The voice makes her heart stop. She snaps her head to her left, now she is really scared that she is dreaming. Ben Mason stands at the end of the hall, in front of his family. "Ben," she breathes. They begin walking towards each other, but that seemed to be taking too long. Skyelar sprints towards Ben and throws herself into his awaiting arms. They held each other close and tightly, hearts pounding. Skyelar relishes the feeling of his arms wound tightly around her waist, she ignores his protruding spikes as she hugs him. Tears poll in her eyes and she is perfectly okay with letting them fall. The two stay like that for a good few minutes, the other Masons watching with wide smiles.

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