Chapter 22

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When we arrived at the hotel, the first thing we did was walk to the elevators to go up to our rooms. Liam's arm was slung around my shoulder as he carried the bags that both of us bought in his other hand.

Since it was only the four of us in the elevator I closed my eyes the moment that the doors where just about to close.

But then the elevator didn't move.

I opened my eyes again and saw that a hand had stopped the elevator doors from closing.

It was a well manicured hand, which I recognized right away.

"Shit." I whispered under my breath as I felt Liam tense, pulling me closer to him.

Scarlett walked in as the doors opened completely, a smile on her face.

"Oh hi guys." She said as she pressed the number that was her floor and then leaned back on the opposite side of the elevator.

This was strange.

Very strange.

"So what did you guys get?" Scarlett spoke up again, making me turn to her raising my eyebrows in question.

But before I could question her weird and strange behavior the elevator dinged signaling that we had arrived at our floor. Avery and I where about to turn and say bye to the guys, but they simply pushed us out and they quickly followed.

Scarlett stayed in the elevator since she was two floors up.

We walked down the hallway in silence, and once we reached the door to Avery and my room, the guys were still beside us.

"Um what are you two-" I started but Liam rolled his eyes, taking the card out of my hand and opened the door.

There's the Liam King that I know.

Sebastian and Avery hurried inside and I glared at Liam before taking the card of our room back. Then we both followed our friends into the room.

"Alright spill." Avery said as Liam and Sebastian put the bags on our beds, the moment we heard the door close.

Sebastian sat down on the edge of Avery's bed as he ran a hand through his hair, while Liam was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

"She was in the elevator." Liam simply said.

"Who was in the elevator? Scarlett?" I asked bewildered. They seriously didn't want to be in that little space with Scarlett?

"Obviously." Sebastian muttered.

"You two guys are scared to be left alone with Scarlett McGuire?" Avery said as she sat down on the chair that was in front of the desk.

"Did you not see how she didn't even hesitate, to push Olivia and me out of the subway ?" Liam said as he raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah and about that, what did she do while we where gone?" Avery said turning to me. "Olivia? You know anything?"

I shrugged. "I overheard Mrs. Smith talking to her yesterday after dinner, so if I understood correctly, Scarlett was only able to stay here at the hotel, and Mrs. Smith even notified the hotel manager to make sure that she wouldn't go out while we where all gone."

"Wow..." Sebastian said.

"How come you didn't tell me this?" Liam asked as he tilted his head to the side.

"I wasn't in the mood to talk about Scarlett." I explained as I yawned.

A knock sounded at the other side of the door and we all looked at each other in alarm.

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