Chapter 3

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The John F. Kennedy Airport was filled with people that where either rushing to their destinations or taking their time.

Three days ago we had gotten the itinerary for our trip, and now we where finally at the airport.

I was wearing a grey crop top hoodie with black leggings and white sneakers , while Avery was wearing black jeans, a black shirt, and a dark green jacket with white sneakers that where almost the same as mine.

"Olivia, we are going to France." Avery gasped, and I could clearly hear the excitement in her voice.

"I know." I laughed as I set my backpack on top of my suitcase.

Suddenly as we looked over to where Mrs. Smith was talking to a flight attendant from the plane we where going to board in a few minutes, an arm was on my shoulder.

"Excited for our trip Olivia?" A deep voice whispered beside my ear, causing me to turn my head.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" I pushed Liam's arm off my shoulder, disgusted by the fact that he had done that. But before I could help myself, I looked him over... and not too shabby.

Liam was wearing gray sweatpants and a black hoodie that made his swimmer body look even leaner than normal.

"Just trying to be peaceful... we are going to be spending a week in Paris together." He shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal, while he put his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah, but you aren't going to be touching me." I raised an eyebrow as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Fine if you don't want me to touch you in any way, then I won't." Liam put his hands up in surrender.

"Thank you." I said and then looked over at Avery who was looking at me like I had just lost my mind.

"But you won't be able to resist me Olivia..." Liam gave me a wink and then turned to walk over to Sebastian.

"I've got murder on my mind." I matter-of-factly said as I turned to look at my best friend who had a hand over her mouth. "What's wrong with you?" I tilted my head to the side in question.

"He-you-oh my God he likes you." Avery said after lowering her hand from over her mouth.

I raised an eyebrow. "Sure he does, and I like unicorns and rainbows." The sarcasm was obvious in my voice and Avery rolled her eyes.

"Just wait and see." She shrugged and walked over to Mrs. Smith who was waiting for all of us beside the gate, while I shook my head as I followed her.

When we were all standing with Mrs. Smith, she gave us a excited smile. "Alright everyone! In a few minutes we are going to be able to board the plane. Now, I know that all of this is extremely exciting, but I want you all to behave."

"Yes Mrs. Smith." We all responded, grabbing our bags and suitcases.

Suddenly, we heard a female voice say through the speakers that informed us that everyone that is leaving to Paris, France could now board the airplane.

As we handed our passports and boarding tickets to the woman at the gate, I was pushed to the side, almost tripping over my things.

"Move it." Scarlett said while rolling her eyes.

I glared at her as I adjusted the straps of my backpack, so that it wouldn't fall onto the carpeted floor.

When Scarlett finished showing her boarding ticket and passport, she ran after Liam who was walking down the hallway that led to the plane.

I moved forward handing my navy blue passport and the ticket to the red haired woman. After she checked that there weren't any problems, she gave me a smile, returning my things and letting me walk down the same hallway as Liam, Scarlett and the others that had been before me.

After a few seconds of me waiting for Avery to also be done, we finally made our way together down the hallway.

"Let me see which seat you got Olivia." Avery motioned for me to show her my ticket.

"I have...number 7A, what about you?" I asked her, as I turned my head to look at her ticket.

"Shit. I have number 10C." Avery frowned as she looked down at both of our tickets.

"Maybe we can switch places with whoever we're seated with?" I thought out loud and she nodded.

"Yeah, we might be able to do that."

We hurried down the rest of the hallway and when we reached the entrance to the plane, we gave the flight attendant a smile, then made our way to our places.

As I was passing each seat, I looked up at the numbers above, then I stopped, causing Avery to walk into me.

"Olivia!" She cursed under her breath. "Why did you stop?" Avery looked over my shoulder and gasped.

Liam King was sitting in the seat next to where I was supposed to sit.

This was not good.

"Wait, is he going to sit with you?" Avery said each word so quickly that I barley understood her.

"No way. He probably didn't read the number on his ticket correctly." I walked over to the two seats that where on the right side of the plane beside the window.

"Liam." I said crossing my arms over my chest.

Liam looked up from his phone with a confused look on his face. "Olivia?"

"I think you've got the wrong seat." I simply stated.

"What?" He sat up straighter, one of his hands passing through his jet black hair, turning his phone off in the process.

"You have the wrong seat." I repeated, but this time I left out the 'I think' part.

"This is seat number 7A and 7B right?" Liam questioned, and I nodded.


"Then this is my seat." Liam shrugged, then his eyes narrowed. "Why?"

"Because I'm 7A." I answered, and his jaw dropped.

"I'm 7B." His words came out in a whisper.

This couldn't be happening. Liam King and I where supposed to sit together... for almost eight hours.

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