Chapter 2

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After first period, we had been told to meet up with our home room teachers, so that we could talk about the end of the school year trip. So we where currently sitting in home room, waiting for the teacher to arrive.

"Where do you think we are going to go when we arrive in Paris?" Avery asked looking at all the different places that existed in Paris.

"I have no clue, but one of them is probably going to be the Eiffel Tower."

"Can you imagine? Both of us with our boyfriends in front of the Eiffel Tower..." She sighed dreamily.

"Yeah I can, but the only problem in your plan is that we don't have boyfriend's." I reminded her.

"Which I don't understand! Like look at us! We're fucking hot." Avery pointed at her face and then her body causing me to laugh.

"...oh come on Sebastian! We are going to be surrounded by French girls! We have to take this opportunity." Liam walked into the class followed by a annoyed Sebastian.

"I am not hooking up with french girls Liam." Sebastian rolled his eyes.

They kept bantering while Avery and I giggled quietly. Liam and Sebastian fought like brothers, and it was adorable.

Did I just say that what they do is adorable?

As in they are adorable?


Everything that has to do with Liam is disgusting.

Sure he's attractive, but he's way to cocky.

After what he did to me... I won't ever see him as anything else as the guy I hate.

My thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of our home room teacher Mrs. Smith "Hi guys, so I wanted to discuss the trip to France that we are going on in a few days." She started, and then turned to grab a stack of papers from her desk. "This is the itinerary which we will follow."

Mrs. Smith walked around, giving each of us a copy of the itinerary.

"We are going to visit different places within Paris..." Our teacher gave us a excited smile.

"What about our graduation party?" A girl with blonde hair asked.

"That is going to be a surprise. Now, please make sure to arrive at the John F. Kennedy Airport three hours before take off, that way we won't be stressed."


Two classes later we where finally sitting in the cafeteria

It's safe to say that I didn't have any more run ins with Liam all morning, but I was mentally preparing myself for when he would walk through the cafeteria doors.

"Ok! So here are the empanadas, you can grab as many as you want." Avery opened the container, in which the empanadas where wrapped in foil to keep them warm, putting it on the table between us.

I grabbed one and just as I was about to take a bite of the delicious food, someone ripped it out of my hands, causing me to gasp.

"Damn this is delicious." A voice that I recognized all too well groaned.

I slowly looked up, not able to believe that this jerk just took the empanada, that Avery kindly gave me, and was currently eating it.

"You did not just take my food."

"I think I just did my dearest Olivia." He smirked down at me.

I scowled at the word 'dearest'

Avery whistled. "Rule number one Liam, never take a girl's food without her permission."

"Seriously?" He raised an eyebrow looking between us.

"You should listen to her." My eyes narrowed as they met his piercing green eyes.

"Fine you little demon, but when we get to France I won't have mercy on you." He leaned down beside me, setting the half eaten empanada back on the foil.

"Believe me Liam, I won't have mercy on you either." I turned my head to look at his face that was next to mine, raising an eyebrow as his eyes scanned my face.

"I can't wait, Olivia." Liam answered as he straightened to his full height, his fingers going through his silky black hair.

He then walked away without another word.

"Totally off topic...but I ship it." Avery's voice spoke up, causing me to look away from my enemy's retreating figure,

"You ship what?" I looked at my best friend questioning what she had just said.

"You and Liam."

I must have heard her wrong.

She couldn't have said me and Liam... right?

"Me and Liam?" My jaw dropped while Avery took a bite from her empanada.

"Are you going to repeat everything I say? Yes you and Liam!" She shook her head, and her blonde locks almost hit her face as she did this.

"Avery are you on drugs?" I looked at her alarmed as I realized why she had probably said that.

But she just rolled her eyes. "No. I am not on drugs Olivia."

"Have you gone completely crazy then?" I carefully pushed the empanada, that Liam had bitten into, to the side.


"Then why the hell are you saying that!"

"Because even if neither of you want to see it, you have chemistry." Avery set her empanada on the foil with a sigh, her dark brown eyes giving me a knowing look.

"It's not chemistry, it's hate." I scowled at the thought of this so called chemistry being between us.

The thought was absolutely disgusting.

"Believe me Olivia, you guys are going to notice it soon enough."

"Yeah right." I sarcastically told her.

Avery shrugged and began to eat her empanada again, while my eyes scanned the cafeteria for the one person that I've learned to hate.

Just when I thought that he must have left, my eyes met a pair of green ones.

We stared at each other for a few seconds, and then he winked at me! Can you believe it?!

So I gave him the sweetest smile that I could muster, and then showed him the middle finger.

That was enough for him to give me a glare, Liam then rolled his eyes and turned back to his friends.

"Avery?" I turned to her with a smile.


"This trip is going to be awesome."

Avery gave me a wide wide grin. "It definitely is going to unforgettable."

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