15 - Don't break my heart

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"You looked at me then like you knew me, I thought it really was Eden, and I couldn't take your eyes in because I was loving the hoof marks on your cheeks."
-Tony Morrison


Park Chaeyoung

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Park Chaeyoung

(AN: mildly mature)

The presentation went in a breeze. But as soon as it got over and I exited the classroom with my setup. The reality hit me. The year was over.

Are we also over?

I hadn't checked my phone after I ran out of the cafe and still didn't want to. My mouth went sour thinking of the breakup text or possibly no message or call that Jungkook had left me. I rushed home, feeling drained out, I took a cab.

The time after reaching home went in blur. I came back to an empty home and a note from Lisa

Leaving for the trip with Tae. Ya ya we'll be careful. I'll see you in 2 days, soulmate.

P.S. Happy completion of one hell of a year, I ordered your favourite food for you since I won't be there to celebrate. It's in the kitchen.

I had forgotten about it. Last two days was just Lisa buzzing about the whole trip, packing and unpacking then again packing, an entire ordeal. I smiled after seeing the note.

My bubbly idiot.

I decided to take a bath before eating. After the warm water hit me, tears started flowing too.

Why did that have to happen?

I missed him. I missed his warmth. I missed his scent. I missed that sweet bunny smile. I don't know how long I stood in the shower crying. After finding some strength to leave, I left the bathroom after drying my hair.

I wore Jungkook's large black hoodie, feeling the need of some form of him. Tied up my hair in a messy bun, wearing my socks, I stepped out of the room.

A bell rang before I could enter the kitchen. I thought it must be Jennie or Jisoo, so I opened the door.

Jungkook stood there in his cream hoodie and dark jeans. The sight of him at my door almost like a déjà vu from a month ago. But this time instead of shock, it just made me want to cry.

I stepped aside, letting him enter. Tears flowed down my eyes again. I faced him. His expression was pained. Seeing my tears I could feel them change to panic. He stepped closer to embrace me but I stoped him. Getting a hold of myself, I wiped my tears with the hoodie sleeves.

"Are you here to break up with me?"

"What?" His expression changed to complete blank.

"I said-"

"You think that low of me?"

"It's not what I think. So please put me out of my misery and answer the question. Are you here to break up with me?"

I could see the change in his expression now. It was no longer blank. It was something I'd never seen on Jungkook. Hurt.

"So you just confessed a while back to just break my heart?"

My brain went blank.

"Next time before making any assumptions and conclusions about me bother to ask me once or atleast wait for my answer before running out."

"Jungkook, what are you saying?"

"I love you too."

We both were crying. The distance between us was too much, so I went towards him to hug him, he held me tighter to himself.

"I'm so sorry, Jungkook. I thought you didn't want me."

"You were wrong then. I'd never not want you, baby." I looked up at him, he kissed my forehead and everywhere on my face repeatedly. After the day he'd asked me out, we'd not kissed after that, just small pecks on cheek or the forehead as we always had someone or the other with or around us.

He leaned down to capture my lips. It started slow, but hen it got deeper, The emotions of the day getting better of us. I pressed myself closer to him, he tilted his head to deepen the kiss more, swiping his tongue on lips asking for permission. The gesture making my boy feel like it was burning. I opened my mouth slightly. Our tongues massaged each other, making kissing seem too intimate. His hands locked my waist started rubbing my back, pulling me more closer if possible, my hands tangled in hair, pulling it slightly.

We drew away to catch our breathes feeling kinda dazed. I raised myself on my tiptoes to kiss him again, though this time his hands were on my hips, drawing me closer, my hands locked around his waist, desperate to get closer to him.

He picked me up, between the kiss, So I wrapped my legs around s his torso. He laid me down on the sofa next where were standing, drawing back slightly. My confusion of why he stopped gone completely when he stated placing feather kissed around face, then slowly going down my neck. his hands were roaming on my exposed legs which were still around his torso. I used them to pulled him closer, his his hands now roaming up my thighs while he moved back to devour my mouth again.

He again moved to kiss my neck, which is when I moaned out.

"Jungkook, oh my god"

He groaned a bit, held my thighs tighter, moved back to my lips. Then joined our foreheads together, to catch our breaths. Us still holding each other close. his hands moving to my waist and mine to his sholders.

"That was-" I started.

"The" And pecked my lips.

"Single" pecked them again.

"Most" repeated the same.

"Hottest" pecked them again.

"Thing to happen" This time though he gave a longer kiss. We grinned at each other.

He moved his one of his hands away from my waist to cup my face, looked deep in my eyes and said "I love you, Park Chaeyoung."

His expression was so filled with love that it almost made me choke up.

"I love you too Jeon Jungkook."

The smile he gave after was too cute. How can this person be the same one as the one 10 mins ago. I stroked his face, leaning up to kiss his cheek.

"That's my jacket by the way." He said nudging his nose on my cheek. That's when my stomach grumbled.

Trust me to ruin the mood and embarrass myself infront of him again. I blushed out of embarrassment while he threw his head back and laughed. We got up and headed to the kitchen.

The amount of food Lisa sent was in no way for one person. The note  on it read:

I knew you'd get Jungkook home;)

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