12 - Will you search for me?

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"The moment I saw her, a part of me walked out of body and wrapped itself around her. And there it still remains."
-Arundhati Roy


Kim Jennie

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Kim Jennie

Switching on the lights of my room, I exhaled a sigh of relief. With exams over, it just hit me how one year went past. The year of such joy, unpredictable moments and the new additions to our group, I could smile just thinking about it.

What brought a smirk to my face is the image of Chaeyoung and Jungkook cuddling when I had gone to check on them out of concern. Slowly closing the laptop at their foot and draping a blanket over them, I had left the apartment. How can anyone be as oblivious and as in denial as these two for that long period of time was beyond me. I was definitely gonna bring it up to tease Chaeyoung.

As fun as teasing her sounded, I was happy for her. Genuinely happy. My chipmunk deserves this happiness. There is something about love stories isn't it? Which makes you crave for it no matter how cringe they sound at times. You don't crave the words, you crave the feeling of warmth and the want of someone having eyes for only you. You crave the pink and bubbly atmosphere which movies and books describe.

I want it too.

I always thought I had a thing for Jimin, but after spending time with Yoongi, I couldn't be more wrong. There is something about him. The tougher the exterior he shows, the softer he is inside. The small gummy smiles he lets slip sometimes makes me want to get up and hug him. People have always treated me differently, whether it's because of my father's wealth or my mother's beauty or the aura people describe I give. He doesn't. He treats me like any other human being, but a little different. Not in a way that annoys me, but in a way that shows he cherishes my company.

The notification on my phone brings me out of thoughts, making me half my brushing of my hair. I peered down at my phone and I felt giddy.

Are you awake?

Yeah, it's late you should be sleeping

Well so should you be but here we are

I laughed at that.

Yes, true 😏

Can I call you?

Instead of answering I called him.

"That was quick." He snickered.

"What can I say, time is too important to waste." I gave a fake dramatic sigh.
Is it weird when you can feel someone smile from the other end?

"As much as I want to talk to you about many other things under the sun, Jin hyung is glaring at me. Do you happen to know where Jungkook is? We can't reach him since morning."

Suffice to say I was a little disappointed. But I ignored that feeling and answered him, all emotion drained from my voice.

"He's with Chaeyoung. He went to take care of her since she was unwell and is still there. Unlike some people he actually cares about the person he's interested in. So if you don't mind, I need to sleep, Yoongi. Good night."

And I cut the call. Though my voice didn't give out any emotion and wasn't cold or angry either, it might've given away the hurt I felt. Why is it taking him an year to admit. One drunken night out, he had already confessed but him not bringing it up later messed up with my feelings. Though Namjoon did say he remembered nothing of the night before and was so drunk, he slept with a cheeto bag next to him saying this is how cheesy as I get, it was difficult not to feel hurt.

But we still continued to be and act as before like nothing happened. There were 3 miss calls from him, but I was in no mood to talk to him. I started reading the book, I had borrowed from Jisoo unnie's shelf.

Getting lost in the world of words and everything perfect, I forgot the time.

When I heard someone knocking my door is when I snapped out of that world.

1 am.

Who can it be? Jisoo unnie sleeps early. And she can sleep through a siren. It wasn't my parents. They were out on a business trip.

The guards wouldn't have let in anyone if it was anyone suspicious. So I opened the door. The sight greeted that greeted me was something I never imagined would see.

Yoongi stood outside my bedroom door, soaked head to toe, his wet hair looking curly now, tousled randomly on his head. I instantly panicked.

Pulling him inside quickly and shouting the door as quickly and such that it didn't make a noise as possible, I wish per shouted "What are you doing here?"

Though earlier on call, my tone wasn't angry, now I did feel so.

"To see why the person I was interested in, not only ignored my calls and messages but also forgot that it worried me why she cut the call so abruptly." He sported a mock thinking expression. "Who could possibly that girl be?"

"Yoongi. Please go home, you're drenched you'd get sick, it's too late to talk about this." I sighed in resignation. His mock expression changed to a equally hurt one.

"Too late as in the time or too late to discuss why I like you."

I blink.



I sat down unable to process.

"What?" It comes out as a whisper, but I know he heard it, become I can feel him walk towards where I sat.

"I said, I like you Jennie Kim. Even if you cut my calls. Even if you get mad at me. Even if you're someone of your status. Even if you think I'm dumb and slow to not have said and done this earlier. I like you. I want to take you out sometime if you agree. We can go and get that disgusting tomato ice cream you like so much."

I laughed from my tears. Feeling no words forming, I just got up and hugged him. Now me also being half drenched from his wet clothes.

Maybe I could have my love story too after all.

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