8 - Dream or Reality

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"Ofcourse it's happening inside your head. But why on earth should it mean it's not real."
-Albus Dumbledore


Park Chaeyoung

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Park Chaeyoung

I like you.

I like you-

Like you.



Likes me?

He likes me?

My brain is broken and so is my jaw from hanging. I can't possibly comprehend what's happening. My eyes sting from not blinking and I know they're way too wide open at the moment.

So my body does the next most embarrassing thing. I have a coughing fit from choking on my own saliva.

I can feel Jungkook move from behind me and rush to the kitchen. He enters the room with a water bottle, sitting infront of me patting my back a slowly and handing me the water bottle.

This is beyond embarrassing. Even for my standards. I couldn't possibly meet his eye. So I continue drinking my water looking down at the mattress.

He didn't say anything but I could feel his stare. Slowly gathering the courage, I looked at him.

"Did you mean that?" My voice came out as a soft whisper. I wish I was braver. I saw his body relax and his soften, a smile on his face. He repositioned himself on the bed to now sit right infront of cross legged with our knees touching.

He nodded. Relief and elation passed in my body. He timidly took my hand in his. Looking at how small my hand looked in his large one, made me emotional. My vision slowly became blurry with approaching tears. He felt him look at me.

"Do you?" His unsure and soft voice kind of broke me. Was anything from my behaviour not obvious how crazy i was about him.

I nodded. Now tears starting to fall and smile on my face.

"Are you ok? Oh god!" His panicked voice made me grip his hand tighter, holding him down.

"It's happy tears Jungkookie" My sobs making me stammer.

So he pulled me to him. Hugging me holding me to his chest such that I was partially in his lap, using his hoodie as a napkin. I was shocked at first, but soon relaxed in his embrace and held him tighter. I could feel him stroke my hair slowly, his other hand holding my waist.

We stayed like that for a while until I calm down, and I think he felt that. He topped my chin up slightly to look at me. His other hand left my waist only for him to wipe away the residual tears then just caress my cheek.

"God, I like you so much. You're so beautiful Chae." He said resting his forehead against mine.

"I like you too, I always have, Jungkook."

He kissed my forehead. And I almost fainted. Is this how you feel when someone kisses you? He didn't even kiss my lips, just my forehead, yet my face went crimson for the upteenth time.

"Atleast this time I know, the blush is because of me."

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