Chapter Eleven: Tears of Purple Eyes

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Tears of Purple Eyes

"Our baby is truly beautiful!"

Mireia immediately winced at Adelaide's words as she combed her hair. She was being called a baby by her Aunt Adelaide again.

"It reminds me of when you were just an infant. Oh, you were so adorable," Adelaide added, continuing to comb Mireia's hair.

"Uhm? Auntie? Do you know where the abandoned prairie is? Can you accompany me there?" Mireia changed the subject.

"Abandoned prairie? As far as I know, it's outside of Etherezereferera, near the village that was burned down," Adelaide replied.

"Why would you want me to accompany you there?" she asked further.

"Nothing, auntie. I just want to visit the place where I was created," Mireia simply answered.

"I can accompany you, but I'm not sure if the king will allow us to go there, especially considering your condition," Adelaide stated.

"Perhaps it would be better if I were to accompany you?"

Both Mireia and Adelaide turned towards the voice. Zaphiropoulos had been standing at the door, listening to their conversation. He approached them with a smile. Mireia secretly smiled back, as she often see Zaphiropoulos smiling. He had indeed changed a lot.

"Wear this cape before we head there," Zaphiropoulos said, handing Mireia a green cape. Mireia smiled and accepted it.

As they arrived at the abandoned prairie, Mireia's gaze wandered around. The seven spirits also joined them on their excursion. Mireia couldn't help but feel a sense of regret at what she saw. Everything was lifeless, including the plants and the soil. She had plans for this place, hoping to provide it with protection, just like what Zaphiropoulos had done for Etherezereferera. Her intention was to help the magical beasts in Etaña.

Demon beasts posed a threat to the lives of other magical creatures. She also learned that almost half of the inhabitants in Etaña were now demon beasts. That's why Mireia planned to separate the magical beasts from the demon beasts, to prevent any further chaos in Etaña.

"What are you thinking?"

Mireia immediately turned to Zaphiropoulos.

"I was just thinking if it's possible for me to relocate the endangered magical beasts here from Etaña," she said.

Zaphiropoulos seemed surprised by Mireia's words.

"I want to change this place, just like Etherezereferera. If you would allow me, Your Highness," Mireia added.

Zaphiropoulos surveyed the area before responding. "The space here is not very extensive. But if that's what you desire, then go ahead. I will support you," Zaphiropoulos said with a smile.


Mireia immediately furrowed her brows and her eyes questioned Zaphiropoulos as he struggled to continue his statement.

"...can you, please, stop calling me Your Highness?" Zaphiropoulos said, further wrinkling Mireia's forehead.

"What would you like me to call you, then?" Mireia asked.

"Father... I want you to call me Father," Zaphiropoulos replied with a smile.

"Mireia, would you agree if I were to give birth to you once again, through my fangs, to be my child?" Zaphiropoulos added.

Mireia's eyes widened at what she heard. She didn't know how to react or what to answer to Zaphiropoulos' words.

"Mireia, would you agree if I were to give birth to you once again, through my fangs, to be my child?"

"Mireia, would you agree if I were to give birth to you once again, through my fangs, to be my child?"

"Mireia, would you agree if I were to give birth to you once again, through my fangs, to be my child?"

Mireia seemed to hear that line repeatedly, coming directly from Zaphiropoulos' mouth. She never expected him to say such a thing to her. Deep inside, Mireia felt an overwhelming sense of joy. Throughout her entire life, she had never felt the love of a father. She grew up knowing Adele and Adelaide as her parents.

"Don't worry, I'm not forcing you. You don't have to answer now. Take your time to think it over," Zaphiropoulos reassured when Mireia didn't immediately respond. He thought that Mireia seemed to be rushing into the situation.

After the conversation between Zaphiropoulos and Mireia, a sense of anticipation filled the air. Mireia approached Foreoz and Soleo, their presence glowing with ethereal light. She shared her heartfelt desire to breathe life back into the abandoned prairie, to restore its magical essence.

"Will you lend me your powers, dear spirits, to awaken this dormant land?" Mireia asked, her voice filled with determination.

"Indeed, Your Highness. We shall grant you our aid. Your strength resonates with us," Foreoz replied, his voice echoing with ancient wisdom.

"The task ahead is not without its challenges, but fear not, for we shall work diligently. Step by step, we shall transform this place into a haven for the magical beings. Your vision is a beacon of hope for Orio's kin," Dazzereo chimed in, his voice carrying a melodic resonance. Mireia's heart swelled with gratitude.

Before departing from the abandoned prairie, Mireia, Foreoz, and Soleo stood in a circle, their hands intertwined. They closed their eyes, and a surge of mystical energy radiated from their beings. The ground beneath them trembled, as if awakening from a deep slumber.

A kaleidoscope of colors danced in the air, intertwining with the gentle whispers of the wind. The lifeless earth responded, sprouting vibrant greenery and blossoming flowers that shimmered with a magical glow. The air was filled with the enchanting fragrance of newly awakened life.

Graeme, Cezzady, Dazzereo, and Flameo joined in, their forms surrounded by a radiant aura. They raised their hands, and luminous sparks cascaded like stardust, showering the land with shimmering light. The once barren landscape transformed into a breathtaking tapestry of enchanted flora and majestic trees.

As Mireia opened her eyes, she beheld the wondrous sight before her. The abandoned prairie had been reborn, its magical essence pulsating with renewed vitality. A sense of awe and joy filled her heart, knowing that her vision had become a reality.

In that moment, the spirits and Mireia shared a profound connection, bound by their shared purpose and love for the mystical realm. The magical transformation of the place was a testament to the power of unity and the indomitable spirit of hope.

"Now that this place has been brought back to life, what do you think would be a fitting name for it, Your Highness?" Soleo inquired.

"While the transformation here is not yet complete, from this moment forward, it shall be called Zithèruz. The new dwelling place of the magical beasts..."

Mireia raised her left hand, summoning a radiant light that emanated from her gathered powers.

"This light shall serve as the protection and shield of this place. It shall conceal it from the eyes tainted with malevolence. It will remain hidden from those with wicked intentions," Mireia declared, as she gently scattered the light across the area, creating a shield of protection for its inhabitants.

The light shimmered, intertwining with the surrounding magic, forming an invisible veil that safeguarded the land. Zithèruz became a sanctuary, veiled from the prying eyes of darkness, forever hidden from those who sought to harm.

In that moment, Mireia and her companions had not only revived the abandoned prairie but also bestowed upon it a new name and an impenetrable shield. Zithèruz stood as a testament to the resilience and determination of those who believed in the power of magic and the protection it could provide.

And so, with Zithèruz now bathed in the glow of renewed life and shielded by Mireia's light, the magical beasts found solace in their newfound sanctuary, free to roam and thrive in a world where darkness could not penetrate.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10 ⏰

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