Chapter Nine: Half Awakened

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Half Awakened

"The only solution that comes to my mind is using Lucia's book. But before that, we must consult Solidad to determine the necessary components for a successful ritual to separate the spirits of Mireia and her twin," said Zaphiropoulos.

"Solidad is one of the oldest living vampires. She is knowledgeable in many things. She is a wise woman when it comes to matters of the unknown," he added.

Zaphiropoulos and his companions immediately made their way to Solidad's residence. Upon learning of their purpose, Adelaide and Ash quickly offered to join them. When they arrived at Solidad's doorstep, Zaphiropoulos knocked on the door. It was immediately answered by Solidad's daughter, Aravila. She greeted the king with respect and smiled at Mireia.

"Good day, Our King. How may I be of service?" Aravila asked politely.

"We wish to speak with your mother," Zaphiropoulos said straightforwardly.

"Please come in. I will just call my mother," she said before bowing and leaving.

"Twin of darkness, light. When united, nothing can break them apart."

Mireia turned to the speaker, wearing a long red dress that belied her age. She was a vision of beauty and grace.

"How may I be of service, Your Highness?" she asked politely.

"I wish to know if you know of a way to separate the spirits of darkness and light within Mireia?" Zaphiropoulos asked seriously.

Solidad's eyes bore into Mireia's, scrutinizing and examining her very being. Orio held Mireia's hand in comfort as he felt the weight of Solidad's gaze.

"Only the purest heart can separate the darkness and light within," Solidad spoke while her eyes remained fixed on Mireia. She gazed intently at Mireia's pitch-black and purple eyes before speaking again.

"Once every ten thousand years, the purest heart reveals itself. It can be found at the deepest depths of the sea. If my calculations are correct, today marks the beginning of the ten-day period when the purest heart will surface again. It only lasts for a month before it disappears once more. Other answers can be found in Lucia's book and one of your familiar spirits." Solidad's eyes lingered on Mireia.

Elva immediately came to Mireia's mind. Solidad was indeed knowledgeable, just as Zaphiropoulos had said. She seemed to know everything, even the spirits that served her. Mireia marveled at Solidad's abilities, thinking that perhaps she had also learned from Lucia.

"Thank you, Solidad," Zaphiropoulos expressed his gratitude.

"It was nothing, Your Highness," Solidad replied.

After their conversation, they bid farewell to Solidad and thanked her for the information she provided. Her knowledge was a great help to them. Before they left, Solidad spoke again, causing them to turn their heads.

"I'm not sure if it's appropriate to say this..." Solidad said, furrowing her brow.

"In separating the darkness and light within, someone will have to make a sacrifice. I couldn't see clearly, so I don't know who it will be," Solidad said.

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