0 - Memory: The End (4/4)

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Lady Lad is furious when Clover calls her to tell her that we won't join them at our first stop. He puts the phone on speaker and all three of us wince when she releases her anger. But I guess it's her maternal instinct that is speaking to us, because a moment before she hangs up on us, she says: "I hope he's worth it, boss."

Is this really wise?, I wonder while Cooper probably breaks every speed limit we pass by to get us back to the hotel as fast as possible. Probably not, but if I leave now, I am pretty sure that I'll regret it for the rest of my life. Thinking and wondering about the what-ifs once again.

"What're we doing if he left?", asks Clover. He speaks out what has been on my mind for the past minutes.

Cooper, who is driving the car with steady hands towards the silhouette of the hotel that is getting bigger the closer we get, forms a vast contrast to me, who is fidgeting in the back seat. I meet Cooper's eyes in the rearview mirror. "He is still there, Boss."

"How can you be so sure?" I ask in my weak and trembling voice.

He hesitates. "Because he came here with us. How would he have left without a car?"

I blink. "You left him behind knowing that he can't get back?!"

Cooper lifts one fair brow. "I see, you're defending him now?"

I wince. He's right.

"He could've called an Uber," mutters Clover. "This is 2021, not 2011."

My shoulders slump. Yeah, he probably found a way to leave.

Cooper groans. "Awesome, Ben."

When Clover notices his mistake, he stammers: "Um...I mean...it's...sorry."

"It's fine," I mumble. "If he's no longer there, I'll take it as a sign."

My hand reaches for the door handle on its own account, but my mind makes me hesitate. What will happen if I leave this car now? Will I finally get my closure...or will it only cause more pain?


I look at Clover with wide eyes.

My guildmate reaches out to squeeze my shoulder. "Don't think, boss. Go."

"We'll be here in case you need us," offers Cooper and turns off the engine. "Go get him. Or kick his ass. Whatever."

"Thanks," I say with a hoarse voice and leave the cool car to enter the burning heat of the August sun.

I cast one last glance at Cooper's car before heading straight for the hotel lobby. He's here. He has to be. But no matter how many people I ask; from the hotel's employees to the guests, no one has seen him.

And I begin to wonder if Cooper is wrong. Maybe he really left.

"Looking for somebody?"

I whirl around. Will has just exited the staff room behind the reception desk. The casual leather jacket and the matte black helmet in his hand tell me that he's about to head out.

I gulp. "Yeah."

Will waves at his colleagues behind the reception desk before he comes over and puts one large hand on my back. "Let's go."

"W...what?" I stammer when he leads me out of the building and stops only after we reach his shiny red motorcycle. "I..."

"Told you it's my day off."

I frown. That's not why I came back.

Will smirks. "Don't make such a grumpy face, sweetcakes." He points at a spot behind me. "He went that way."

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