8 - Happy Days (3/3)

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!! Trigger Warning: (Virtual) Violence !!

But I never got the chance to tell them.

After getting dragged into a conversation between Lisa and Clara about a nurse named Gudrun – or grumpy Gudrun, as Clara preferred to call her – who seemed to have some kind of paranoia and kept disturbing her patients, I was twenty minutes late for guild night. So, when I logged into the game, my guildmates were already in the middle of a fight. "Hi every..."

"Boss, get down!"

Too late. AOL's outcry reached my ears just as one of the trolls hit me with a toxic bomb. My caster fell to the ground coughing and I watched with worry how my LP bar kept getting lower and lower. We were already short of one playe - with Defender still missing – so dying on a quest was definitely not an option.

"Boss is down!" Horny was shouting so loud I had to take off my headset to prevent myself from getting deaf. "Boss! Boss!"

"Stop whining and help us already!" Lady Lad yelled at him when I put my headset back on. Without mercy, she shot one arrow after the other at our enemies, but it was only a matter of time until the quiver on her back would run empty.

"Clover, stay down!" I barked at him when I saw that our healer was on the verge of running to my fallen character.

"But boss..."

"Get this quest over with and collect my stuff when I'm gone!" I ordered in a strict voice while nervously watching my comrades fight for their own lives. To just observe and not being able to do anything was nerve-wrecking — my fingers itched, I clenched my teeth — that's why I knew exactly how Clover had to feel in this moment.

But paralyzed and poisoned as he was, my BlackZ caster was nothing but a burden.

"Boss, you'll lose thirteen levels if you kick the bucket in this area," Horny reminded me earnestly.

"He'll level back up in no time," GoldenBoy added and sank his silver sword into the fleshy body of one of the trolls. His scales were covered in bright green troll blood. "Watch out, Horny!"

Horny's elf barely managed to avoid getting hit by a second toxic bomb. "Thanks, man! You saved my ass!"

"No prob...f*ck!" GoldenBoy went down when an arrow hit him right in the chest. "Clover! Help!"

My fingers twitched. I wanted to help them so badly, but my LP were already down to six percent. At zero, my body would be transferred to our makeshift headquarters and I would no longer be able to watch my guild mate's fight.

Right now, though...

"Wait, Clover!" I exclaimed. "Lady Lad, Clover's left side is open. Can you see..."

She jumped into action before I could finish the sentence. With the confidence of a true master of archery, she shot an arrow right into the eye of the troll that had been hiding in the bushes.

"Thanks, boss," whispered Clover.

"Why are you whispering?" Restlessly, my fingers were tapping against the desk.

Clover didn't respond. Instead, he rushed to where GoldenBoy92 was lying on the forest's muddy ground. And I didn't ask again.

Five percent.

Horny finished another enemy. Three to go.

Four percent.

"Okay, guys, I'm almost dead. You got this!"

"Boss!" whined Horny. "You can't leave us!"

"Snap out of it, Horny!" I ordered strictly. "Lady, you're in charge now."

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