"I wanted to tell you especially..." She starts and I shake my head silencing her.

"Cedric would be happy for you. Just like I am" I tell her and she hugs me. I rub her back when there's a clap behind us.

"Come on ladies this table is not going to set itself" Molly laughs and sends us a wink. I laugh and start placing the cutlery out. "Draco if you keep staring at her you'll have no fingers" I look up at him as he blushes a deep red from being caught out. I smile at him as he mumbles a sorry under his breath and finishes cutting them for Molly. We finish setting up as the food starts cooking and we go into the other room without adults to talk. I sit on the floor with Draco behind me as the others take up places on the couch and floor. Malia sits in between George and Fred.

"We still have ages so why don't we have some fun?" George asks and I shake my head.

"No! No more Weasley sweets" I beg and they laugh shaking their heads.

"We were thinking a truth game but with this" He says holding up a bottle of vita serum. My eyes widen and I feel slightly uncomfortable.

"I mean sure why not" Draco says from behind me. I turn and look at him confused. He wants to play a muggle game. I must still be dreaming.

"That's the spirit Malfoy," Fred says and takes a swig handing it to his brother. We all take a small sip and then George starts.

"We will start nice, so little sister, who do you fancy?" He says. I turn to Ginny and she flushes a deep red before glaring at him. George just smiles amused.

"You're evil George...it's um H..Harry" She says hiding her face from him. My eyes widen slightly and I look at Harry who's eyes have widened. This is awkward.

"Okay my turn" I say with a smile. I turn to George with a wicked idea and he looks terrified. "George, is it true that you hooked up with Angelia in the broom cupboard last term?" Everyone laughs and I can basically feel the tension slip from the room.

"Who told you that?" He says with a dropped jaw. I shrug and he nods slowly. "Yes...You're so screwed Avery" He whispers to Fred and I just shrug not scared of anything coming out.

"Draco..." Fred smirks. Oh no. "Are you a virgin?" My face flushes and Malia smirks at me.

"No I'm not" Draco states not missing a beat. I choke slightly and Fred smirks at George.

"What about you Y/N?" George continues. "Cause there were some weird noises in the Prefects Bathroom a few weeks ago?"

"You didn't!" Hermione shouts gobsmacked. I go a deeper red and look back at Draco who's just laughing. He stops when he sees my glare.

"Oh we did" He says and I hit his arm.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy I will turn you into a ferret again" I threaten and he shakes his head.

"You wouldn't do that to me, darling" He says and I cross my arms. Everyone bursts out laughing as I sulk. We ask a few more random questions, all laughing and joking like normal teenagers for once. I feel myself relax as Molly calls us into the kitchen and we all take our seats. Arthur sat in his wheelchair from the accident at the head of the table making jokes. That's how the meal goes, constant laughter and teasing around the table. The craziest thing is I've never seen Draco so relaxed and carefree. The food is delicious and we finish up with presents.

"And a nice big box for Ron.Big box for you. And..." Molly says as she starts passing boxes around the table."Fred and George. Come on, open up. I want to see your faces"

"Thank you Molly, this is beautiful" I say smiling as Draco and I open our boxes to a dark green jumper.

"Thanks, Mum. It's perfect" George says pulling his hat on. I smile at him as he pulls his hat on. Fred doing the same as Malia adjusts it on his head. She pulls out her matching Slytherin jumper to ours and I see her smile widely at Molly.

"Come on, then, everybody. Let's clear this away" She says and we start to stand grabbing plates and rubbish for her.

"Before we go...A Christmas toast. To Mr. Harry Potter... without whom I would not be here" Arthur says and I smile at Harry. We all toast him and I notice Sirius enter the room.

"Y/n?" Sirius calls, I look up and nod as Ginny takes the plates from my hands and I follow him. "Sorry to do this today but I understand you're leaving tomorrow?"

"Yeah we all have to be back early, Umbridge's orders. What was up?" I ask as he smiles.

"Your powers, I know Remus has been working with you but control them at Hogwarts, people like Umbridge don't take kindly to things they can't explain" He says and I nod understanding as he hugs me. "I wish you the best in your trial and if anytime you want to back out just tell me"

"I will thank you for everything" I tell him and nod before meeting the girls upstairs they are already packing. "Nothings going to be like this for a while is it?" They turn and look at me with a sad smile.

"No it won't but as soon as we beat him it will be like this all the time" Malia says and stands next to me.

"Promise that we all stay friends" Hermione says. I smile widely and nod as we all hug.

"If we'd known we walked into a love fest I'd have stolen Draco away" Fred jokes from the door and we laugh as Draco looks distraught at the idea.

"Sorry Freddie but this one's all mine" I say winking at Draco. He looks at me relieved as we all laugh for a few minutest

"Kids! Cars ready!" Molly shouts. I pale slightly before taking a deep breath and grab my bag of things.

"Let's get this over with" Harry says and we all share a look with a smile.

His Queen, Her King (Draco x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now