"Hi Y/N! You're in with Ginny and I" Hermione says taking my bag. I smile at her gratefully and walk upstairs. My eyes widen when I see Malia with Ginny in the room.

"Y/n?" She asks looking confused. What the hell? How am I going to spin this?

"Mal, I um..." I stutter and Hermione senses my shock and worry.

"Y/n and Draco are on our side to Malia. They have been since last year" She says. Malia nods still looking shocked.

"Draco's here too?" She asks. I nod with a smile. She stands and quickly pulls me into a hug. "Oh thank god! I couldn't stand lying to you anymore. I can't believe it"

"Neither can I" I say with a relieved smile. There's a knock at the door and Fred is stood there looking at Malia.

"I'm not interrupting am I?" He says. I look between them and then it hits me.

"Oh my god! How didn't I see it before?!" I shout. They both shuffle uncomfortably and I smile. "You guys are adorable!"

"Nope! I am not doing it!" Ron shouts walking up the stairs. Fred stops him as we walk into the hall.

"Ron you promised!" Ginny states. I look between them all confused.

"Promised what?" I ask. They all look slightly uncomfortable.

"Promised to be nice to Draco" Fred admits. I sigh and walk over to Ron.

"Listen I know that Draco was a right prick..." I start. He looks up at me and crosses his arms.

"He's an obnoxious, arrogant dick! I will not be nice" He states. This is gonna be harder than I thought.

"You once thought the same of me though? I'll be the first to admit that Draco was all of those things but I promise you if you get to know him better. You don't have to pretend to be nice to him. He's had a hard upbringing Ron. He's constantly having to impress his father. He's never had what you guys have" I start and Ron starts to look intrigued as Harry walks up behind him. "You grew up in a big family, it was just Draco in his house. His father is a hard man to please and his Mother does her best but..."

"It gets incredibly lonely being Draco Malfoy" A small voice says from behind Ron. He turns to see Draco looking uncomfortable. "I'm sorry for the past, for calling you blood traitors and Hermione I'm sorry for the things I've called you but I've changed. I just want a chance to prove it. I never knew love until Y/N and she made me see the world differently. I've only ever known my fathers way until her. And if I mess up you can hex me back to Hogwarts. I just want a chance, you guys never gave me that" I smile softly at him. He looks nervous.

"I can agree that he's not that bad once you get to know him" Malia adds sending Draco a subtle smile and me a wink.

"Well he can't be worse than Umbridge plus new people to prank" George says nudging his brother. I smile at the two.

"I accept your apology" Hermione says. I turn to her shocked but she smiles at me. She looks at Ron and Harry. My heart does a leap when Harry holds out his hand for Draco. Draco looks taken back but accepts it.

"You can share with Harry and I cause god knows what the twins would try and do to you" Ron says with a small smile. I mouth and thank you to him and Harry.

"Thank you, you won't regret it" He says as Ron picks his bag up. I see Sirius watching from his door and he sends Draco a smile.

"Y/n can I have a quick word please?" He asks. I nod and give Draco a kiss on the cheek as I walk past him. Sirius leads me into a room that looks like a library. He closes the door and turns to me with a sympathetic expression. "Harry told me about your mother and your trial"

His Queen, Her King (Draco x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now