"Babe? What happened?" Draco says, I shake my head as he gives me my bag.

"Y/n are you okay? What the hell was Potter thinking?" Malia says. I see Harry, Hermione and Ron walk out the class. Harry begins to walk over and I glare at him. What the hell is he playing at?

"Y/n..." He starts. Draco goes to say something clearly thinking the same as I am. Harry knows we need to keep distance.

"What do you want?" Blaise spits looking at him disgusted.

"Leave Potter. We don't need people like you around us" Malia says glaring angrily. I've never heard her use that tone of voice before.

"Malia we were potions partners for two years? We were friends" Harry says, a little shocked. She shakes her head and walks closer to him.

"Until you're pathetic attempt at popularity got my boyfriend killed" She hisses. I take her arm and pull her back. I send Harry a small shake of my head before glaring lightly.

"You heard her Potter. Get lost before I make you" I say. He nods and walks away pushing past Ron and Hermione. I shoot them a small smile so that the others can't see and then turn back to them. "Come on we're going to be late for Potions" The rest of our lessons our uneventful and 6 comes around quicker than I'd like it to. I tell Mal to tell Draco that I'll meet him on patrol after. She nods and rushes off to the common room. I slowly make my way to Umbridge's office and knock on the door.

"Come in" She says, I push the door open and am met with the same bright pink that she wears all the time. I try not to heave as I look at the cats on the wall and the pink rug. She smiles sickly at me. "Sit down please, you're going to be writing lines" I nod slowly without any energy to fight back. I go to get my quill out and I can't find it.

"I'm sorry Professor, I forgot my quill" I say but surprisingly she just smiles.

"You won't need it. You'll be using mine" She says handing me a black quill with a reddish feather. I take it carefully and then look for her ink. "You won't be needing that either. I'd like you to write. I will not be weak" My heart starts racing and my hands shake. How dare she? Who does she think she is? I go to say something but she shakes her head.

"How many times?" I ask quietly. She smiles wider and sits on her chair.

"I'll tell you when to stop," She says. I nod and put the pen to the paper. I take a deep breath before beginning to write the words. I feel my wrist and top of my arm burning. I rub my arm before writing another. I whimper again as the burning gets worse. I see Umbridge looking at a book and pull my sleeve up. I drop the quill and let a tear fall. The words are engraved all over my arm and wrist. "Something wrong?" I look up and stare at her in disbelief.

"Why?" I choke out. She walks over to me and smiles as she sees my arm.

"Because I can't tolerate weak students. Especially you. So expect some extra attention this term. We will be doing this every week until you don't even wince" She says smiling. I bite my lip as blood runs down my arm and I let a few more tears fall. "You may leave" I pull my sleeve down and rush out of the room. I begin rushing down the corridor before my body collides with another. I fall to the floor and finally break down.

"Whoa sorry....Y/N?" A voice says. I bring my knees closer as more tears fall down my face. I look up slightly to see Fred Weasley now knelt in front of me. "What happened? Is it Draco?" I shake my head and choke on a sob. I see his eyes trail to my now blood soaked sleeve.

"I'm fine" I try as I go to get up. Fred grabs my other hand and pulls up my sleeve.

"Did you do this?" He asks his eyes looking over the words. I shake my head and take a deep breath.

"Umbridge" I choke out. He pulls me in for a hug and is careful of my arm. I sob into his chest as my arm stings even more. He rubs circles on my back.

"It's okay, let it all out," He says. I feel my knees buckle and he holds me up. "Y/n?"

"Weasley! It's past curfew!" A voice shouts. I stiffen and Fred pulls away slowly. "Y/n? What...I thought you were in detention?" He hasn't noticed my arm or my tears. He probably feels really betrayed right now finding me and Fred alone in a hall. I can't bring myself to look at him.

"She was," Fred says. He looks down at me and gives me a small smile. He moves slightly and I turn to look at Draco. He looks pissed until he looks at me properly.

"What...what happened?" He asks. I take a deep breath and take a shaky step forward. He does the same and then takes my arm slowly.

"I'm going to leave you both to it" Fred says quietly. Draco nods slowly, still searching my eyes for answers.

"Thank you" I whisper. He nods and smiles before walking down the hall. "Can we go back to the dorm?" He nods slowly and we walk back in absolute silence. Malia, Blaise and the other two are waiting for us. Draco nods for me to go upstairs while he talks to them. I slowly walk over to my bed and peel my shirt off. I go into the bathroom and grab a flannel. I rinse it in warm water and sit on the edge of the bath. I bite my lip as the flannel hits my broken skin, a hiss falling from my lips as I wipe away the dried blood. The words become more clear on my arm. My hands shake as I wipe over them then put the flannel back on the side. There is a knock on the bathroom door and I pull Draco's quidditch jumper from the side slipping it on.

"Can we talk now?" Draco says opening the door. I nod slowly and he kneels in front of me taking my hands. "What happened? Why were you crying to Fred Weasley?" I hear a hint of anger in his voice when he says Fred's name.

"It was about my detention with Umbridge" I say. He looks at me to carry on. I take a deep breath and lift my sleeve carefully. He averts his gaze to my arm and his mouth falls open. "It was because I ran out earlier. She said she doesn't tolerate weak students. It was an enchanted quill. I ran into Fred when coming to find you and he tried to help me" Draco's hand slowly ghosts over the words.

"I'll kill her! She had no right!" He shouts getting up to leave. I shake my head in panic and stand up running after him. I grab his arm as he reaches the door. "Wait till I tell Snape and my father! She'll be gone in seconds!"

"Draco please no! They can't know! It makes me look weak! I can't have you fight this battle especially now with the trials please I'm begging you!" I say, he relaxes slightly and I let go of his hand. I sit down against the end of his bed and take a deep breath not having the energy to cry anymore. I'm so sick of crying, I'm meant to be stronger than this. He walks over to me and slumps next to me.

"It's okay to need help" He whispers. I turn and look at him.

"Not when you're judged so harshly on needing it, I have to be better" I say. He shakes his head.

"You put too much pressure on yourself" He says. I give him a small smile and pull his wand out, holding it out for him. "What are you doing?"

"We have to move on Draco. I can't keep blaming myself for Cedric dying, I should be honouring him. This isn't honouring him" I say, he nods and kneels in front of me. He takes his wand and puts it on my arm.

"Vulnera Sanentur" He whispers and the words close up but they lie deeper. It's like they're embedded on my mind. I have to do better.

His Queen, Her King (Draco x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now