Sandy Shores (Ch.20)

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He reached out and pulled off her gag; she bit her lip and shook her head.

Trevor: "Listen... Beautiful, y'know. I'm sorry about everything that's happened, and I y'know. I can't guarantee no harm's going to come to you... Might have to chop you up into little pieces before spraying your pulped mess down the drain, but... I hope it doesn't come to that."

???: "I appreciate your honesty. You are a good man; I can see that."

Michael: "You need your eyes examined then.

Trevor bit his lip and handed his beer to Michael as he walked off to speak with Ron. I looked at Michael and then scratched my neck. As my stomach acted up again, this place was putrid and disgusting.

Y/N: "Please tell me there is a motel or something nearby?"

Michael: "I'm not sure; I guess we're stuck here for now."

Shaking my head, I walked back to the caravan entrance and gagged as I threw the beer across the road. Michael stepped out with me as I pulled out my cigarette and took a very long drag.

Y/N: "Any idea as to how clean this place is?"

Michael: "It's temporary."

Y/N: "Don't tell me that; tell that to Trevor."

Michael: "Sorry, kid."

Taking another drag, I chuckled and looked back to the woman in the seat still tied up. Not even trying to break out and looked back to my sports car.

Y/N: "You know, driving in, I saw a seven eleven. I'm going to go buy some gloves and hopefully dinner; want anything?"

Michael: "Beer and a lot of it."

Y/N: "Done... And you, ma'am?"

She didn't answer.

Y/N: "Alright then, guess you're going hungry."

Pulling out my keys and unlocking the car, I heard her speak up.

???: "Anything with chicken... Please."

Y/N: "I'll have a look around."

[Time Skip]

Finding a seven-eleven was easy; they had already prepared meals. Buying a case of two cold beers and several sandwiches for dinner. I stopped by the tool section and grabbed several things. Wrench, hammer, nails and so on.

Arriving back, Michael was passed out on the couch with the woman still tied up. Throwing a sandwich at Michael, he quickly woke up and scarfed it down. As I untied one of the ladies' hands, allowing her to feed herself.

In between bites, the woman spoke up. I had learned her name was Patricia and was Martin Madrazo's wife. She also mentioned how filthy the place was, and I couldn't help from agreeing with her. Opening a beer, she quickly drank it and handed her another. Michael had soon passed out once more while I watched the sunrise, and finally, Trevor had arrived back bloodied. But happy.

Trevor: "Good morning... Wow... You look like shit."

Y/N: "Thanks listen; I'm going to sleep in my car now."

Trevor: "Wow, good buddy, you're practically going to be boiling in that thing...."

Y/N: "I don't care unless you've got a place that has shade?"

Trevor: "Park your car in the garage?"

Y/N: "I don't know why I'm surprised anymore."

[Time Skip]

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2021 ⏰

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