- twenty one -

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san peeked through the cracked open door, seeing jongho cupping yeosang's cheek. he felt his protectiveness for the younger taking over, afraid to see jongho hurt. he stood there a moment longer before wooyoung noticed, then gently took his hand.

"sannie... i know you're overprotective of jjong, but nothing bad is going to happen to him. you know sangie's harmless."

"they looked like they were going to kiss..." he muttered. "a-and he said we could talk when they came inside and he hasn't come to me yet..."

"they weren't going to kiss, san. neither of them would move that quick."

"then why was jongho holding yeosang's face like that?"

"you know how i've told you that yeosang doesn't like help when he's having an anxiety attack, even when he needs it?"

san nodded, chewing his lip.

"sometimes i have to grab yeosang and force him to look at me so i can help him to start calming down. as much as he hates it because it makes him feel weak, it works. i think jongho's using a similar tactic... but more gentle."

"do you hurt him to get him to look at you?"

"no, absolutely not. i just feel like sometimes i'm too much."

"so is that why he hasn't come to me yet? i-is yeosang having an anxiety attack?"

"i think so. jongho will come to you when he can, okay?"

san nodded again, feeling guilty this time, then followed wooyoung downstairs.

"yeosang... i know it's hard to let people help you... i-i know better than anyone, i think. please, just stop resisting and let me help you... it hurts to know you're hurting and won't let me help..."

yeosang finally gave in, hyperventilating as he collapsed into jongho's arms, holding onto the boy tightly. jongho didn't say anything for a moment, running his fingers through yeosang's hair and rubbing his back.

"try your best to follow my breathing, okay?" jongho whispered, beginning to take deep breaths.

yeosang nodded against jongho's chest, whimpering as he began to stop hyperventilating.

"i'm not going anywhere, yeo. i promise. i won't leave your side until you're feeling better."

yeosang let out a series of soft noises as he tried to protest and jongho quickly quieted him, knowing that the boy was only going to cause himself more stress by protesting.

"before you try to tell me i don't have to, i know that. i want to. i like spending time with you."

didn't san want to talk to you when we got back inside?

"yes, but making sure you're okay is my priority right now."

yeosang frowned and jongho mimicked the boy's facial expression, causing a quiet laugh from the older.

"there's my yeo..." he whispered, causing a soft blush on both boys' cheeks.

your yeo?

"is that okay?"

yeosang nodded, smiling small.

"i'm really happy that we finally know each other's identities. it makes me feel even closer to you."



thank you.

"you don't have to thank me, yeo. i promise."

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