- twenty six -

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yeosang woke up to jongho sitting at the edge of his bed, smiling small at the boy. he returned the smile and crawled over, hugging jongho tightly before going to grab his phone.

you're here early today.

"yeah... i figured i could treat you to breakfast or something. i know this week has been kind of tough since your mom's been stuck in the hospital..."

will you come with me to visit her? i feel bad for never visiting when she's there.

"yeo... don't feel bad for not visiting, i know your mom understands that this is difficult for you."

it still feels wrong to not visit even though it makes me so anxious.

"i understand, bub... here, i'll wait downstairs so you can get ready, then we'll decide where we're going for breakfast and then go to visit your mom. sound good?"

yeosang nodded, hugging onto jongho for a moment before letting him head downstairs to wait.

wooyoung chewed his lip as he looked at jongho from the kitchen, where he was making himself some coffee before he went to visit yeosang's mom and then head to san's. he felt guilty for accusing jongho of hurting yeosang in the future, especially seeing how gentle and caring he was with the boy.

"jjong?" wooyoung asked softly, standing in the doorway.

jongho looked up, tensing slightly when he recalled their argument just a few nights prior.

"i'm sorry... i was out of line to accuse you of hurting yeosang in the future and tell you to distance yourself... you two have a really special friendship and i should've just let things happen without getting involved. i-i'm just really protective over sangie..."

"i know, woo. you're protective over the people you love and i admire that about you. and i appreciate your apology, too."

"i still should've known—"

"woo... stop. it's okay. i know how you are, i've seen it since the first time i met you. you were protective over san when i first started coming to visit him after he got kicked out too. if you should apologize to anyone, it's yeo. he heard everything that night..."

"h-he did?"

jongho nodded.

"oh, fuck... that explains so much... h-he's been so distant lately a-and i thought it was just because his mom's not doing that great... i-i didn't even think about how he came out crying that night while we were arguing."

"it's okay, woo... he's going to understand, you just need to explain it to him."

"i feel horrible..."

jongho went to respond when yeosang walked in, smiling small as he hugged jongho's side.

"hi yeo," jongho whispered, kissing the boy's head.

feeling a slight burst of courage surge through his veins, yeosang tried to say hi rather than typing it, which jongho quickly noticed.

"h— h— h-h—" yeosang stuttered, pouting when he couldn't seem to get the word out.

"good job, yeo... you're getting there," jongho exclaimed.

i just want to be able to say hi at the very least... why is it so hard?

"well it might help if you started going back to therapy, sangie... i know you get frustrated with it, but it may help. it helped you to talk to me, right?" wooyoung piped in.

yeosang nodded slightly, chewing his lip anxiously.

"hey... it's just an option, bub," jongho reminded, rubbing yeosang's back.

"you know, sangie... your therapist might let jongho go with you if you ask her. would you want to try that?"

yeosang shrugged, beginning to feel overwhelmed. wooyoung quickly noticed and let it go, nodding a bit before going to grab his coffee.

"yeo... look at me, it's okay... you don't have to decide right now, yeah?" jongho whispered.

yeosang nodded, looking into jongho's eyes. the younger smiled small, gently brushing some hair out of the older's face, causing him to scrunch up his nose.

"you're cute."

you always say that, yeosang pouted.

"of course i do. it's only the truth, y'know."

no it's not. you're lying...

"what can help me convince you that i'm not lying?"

yeosang just shrugged, hugging himself.

"hey... hug me, not yourself," jongho whined. "i know you're cuddly and all but don't keep it to yourself!"

yeosang giggled slightly and hugged jongho, who pressed a light kiss to the boy's head.

"much better... wanna go get breakfast now? or do you want to order delivery?"

can we do delivery? i don't think i can handle a restaurant right now.

"of course. whatever you'd like, yeo. my treat, yeah?"

you're sure? delivery is expensive...

"don't worry, yeo. i've got it."


jongho and yeosang started to look at various delivery places as wooyoung left, leaving the two alone. they had just ordered when jongho's phone began to ring, san's number flashing across the screen.

"san! hey, what's up?"

"jjong... where are you?" san asked frantically.

"with yeo... why?" jongho responded, beginning to grow concerned.

"i need to see you... i-i think something happened, a-and if it's what i think it is... you and yeo are both in danger. when can i see you?"

"what? san... what do you mean we might be—"

"shhh, don't scare yeosang... just tell me when i can see you."

"i'm taking yeo to see his mom after we eat breakfast... maybe sometime this afternoon? i don't know, i really don't want to have to leave him..."

"woo was going to be coming here but i'll have him wait to come until after we talk, sound good? that way yeosang has some company."

"fine... this afternoon it is. you have a lot of explaining to do though."

"i know. you'll get all the answers this afternoon."

y'all are gonna hate me so much!!!!

anywayssssss happy 3 years of ateez <3
(even tho i'm a day late)

dive into you | jongsang (✓)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora