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Bakugou has never been one to show many feelings, but ever since he was rescued by Kirishima after being kidnapped he felt weird around the red head. His stomach would get butterflies, his palms would get sweaty and his face would heat up. The blonde didn't really know in the beginning what this feeling was but he soon admitted to himself that he had a crush on Kirishima. Which is why he was on his way to ask the spiky red head on a hike so he could confess his crush and quite possibly get rejected. The blonde pushed the thought out of his mind and knocked on kirishima's door, "Hey shitty hair, it's me"
He heard shuffling from the other side of the door before it opens and was eye to eye with a shirtless sweaty Kirishima, "Hey bro I was just working out, what'd you need?"
Bakugou looked away trying to hide his blush, "Put a damn shirt on and let me in" he said somewhat calm
"S-sorry bro, come on in" the slightly taller boy said,making room for bakugou to come in. Bakugou walked in and sat on Kirishima's bed while kirishima put on a shirt.
"The slightly taller boy sat in his computer chair before asking,"so what did you need bro"
"Do you want to go on a hike with me tomorrow?" The blonde asked bluntly

Kirishima blushed slightly and cracked a big smile, "of course I will, but where are we going and what should I bring?"
The blonde blushed slightly, "Were going to Mount Takao, and we're leaving early so pack tonight, bring water, some snacks and I have some hiking boots you can borrow" With that bakugou left Kirishima's dorm and they both started to pack.

//Time skip 6:30 in the morning//

Both boys were packing last minute supplies for the trip. After about 5 minutes Bakugou was ready, he made his way down the hall to Kirishima's dorm and knocked gently. The red head opened the door, hair slightly disheveled, with slight bags under his eyes.
"The blonde stared at him, "hey shitty hair, ready to go?"
"My hair is not shitty but yea" he said in a soft tired tone.
Just hearing Kirishima's morning voice made him blush a light shade of red as he started to walk away, "Then hurry the Fuck up, I wanna get there before it gets to busy"
"Coming!" Kirishima whisper yelled as he caught up to the blonde.

The two boys were silently walking through the halls, not uncomfortable, but peaceful and calming. When the two made it to the parking lot they got in Bakugou's car and made there way to the mountain. The sun was starting to rise indecating the start of the day. Bakugou driving and kirishima sitting on the passenger seat, both boys gently humming a melody to the song that was playing. Almost as if no time had passed at all they were at the base of a towering mountain sprinkled with different shades of red, and orange from the trees that littered the sides of the mountain. The light blue sky dotted with whispy clouds and birds. The red head stood there in absolute amazement at the scene in front of him.
Bakugou watched kirishima's eyes go wide, and felt his cheeks get hot, "If we want to get to the top we gotta go now shitty hair!" he said while grabbing his stuff, "and put these on. Bakugou tossed a pair of hiking boots at Kirishima.
"Got it bakubro!" Kirishima quickly put on the boots and gathered his things, and they started there ascent up the mountain.

The two boys had made it a little more than two thirds of the way up when the blonde nerves started kicking in. His hands started getting sweaty and his heart was beating out of his chest.(and no it's not from going up a mountain)
Bakugou was removed from his thoughts by a whining Kirishima, "Can we take a breeaak, I'm tiiiiired!?"
The blonde rolled his eyes, "No! We're almost at the fucking top just wait!"
"Uuugh, fine" Kirishima groaned

The boys continued to walk up the mountain, Bakugou in front, and Kirishima tiredly following, untill the made it to a cliff, the edges were blocked off and the view was amazing. The red head immediately perked up and ran to the rail to get a better look. His eyes went wide, watching the trees flow in the breeze along with the clouds, the evening sun starting to set. The blonde walked up to the rail and stood next to him, admiring Kirishima's features. The was the sun hit his skin made it seem like it was glowing. And the way the sun was angled he could see every streak of vibrant color in Kirishima's eyes. Bakugou blushed and looked down.
"You alright bro?" The red head asked, looking down at him slightly concerned

The blonde took this chance to grab Kirishima's face and ouch there lips together, almost immediately the red heads eyes closed and he kissed back, making the blonde relax. Bakugou slowly pulled away looking into the taller boys eyes, "I like you shitty hair" he said still nervous.
Kirishima laughed softly, "I kinda figured that but I like you too" Kirishima placed his hand in Bakugou's hair and gently pecked him on the lips, "will you be my boyfriend?"
Bakugou smiled, "of course, now let's get going, it's getting late"

The two boys then walked backed down the mountain hand in hand.

Just for some clarification this is what they were seeing when they were on the cliff it was just when the sun was setting

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Just for some clarification this is what they were seeing when they were on the cliff it was just when the sun was setting.

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