Christmas Proposal

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Merry late Christmas. I know this is very late but please enjoy :)

Nervous. That was a word not commonly used to describe the angry, egotistic blonde. Yet, that was all Bakugou was feeling. He glanced over at his boyfriend of four years sitting in the passenger seat, humming in melody to the song that was playing softly on the radio. His soft red hair lay loose just above his shoulders rather than it's spiky formation above his head. His crimson irises almost glowing due to the angle of the sun. His usually prominent jawline, softened as the late evening sun shined through the car window hitting his skin.  Kirishima sat peacefully still humming along to the song as well as slightly bouncing his leg. Kirishima took a quick glance over to the blonde, noticing his  anxious behavior and grabbed his hand. "Why do you look so nervous?" He asked
Bakugou looked back at the road, "M'not nervous dumbass" he responded, fiddling with a small box he had in his pocket.
The red head chuckled, lightly squeezing the others hand, "suuuure"
Bakugou's eyebrows furrowed, "If you keep that up then I will turn this car around an-"
"OK, OK!! I'll stop. I really wanna see where you're taking me" the red head interrupted.
The blonde smiled, "good cause we're here" Just then an arch covered in vines came into view. Followed by a subtle glow of thousands of Christmas lights decorating the garden. Bakugou parked the car, and opened the door, the cold winter air meeting his warm skin. His heart fluttered and his hands got sweaty as he saw Kirishima gaping excitedly at the display. He couldn't mess this up, tonight had to be perfect. If it didn't go well Bakugou didn't know what he would do.
"Holy shit, this is amazing" the red head exclaimed, snapping the blonde out of his trance.
Bakugou blushed , "Yea yea, let's fucking go already" As the couple entered thousands of lights came into view, lighting up the whole scene. Straight ahead there was a large grass field, surrounded by a dirt path. The path was framed by many rare plants, all dotted with lights. The red heads eyes glowed as he admired ever single detail. They chose to go left, leading them to a small waterfall. The water splashing gently against each rock formation as it fell gracefully into the pond below. Fish elegantly swam from the water, their scales glowing under each different color light. Bakugou blushed, admiring his partners expressions. Between the red heads blinding smile, to his ruby red eyes, he was perfect. Perfect to the blonde, in every way possible. Bakugou watched as Kirishima kneeled down, getting closer to the water. Bakugou placed his foot on Kirishima's back applying just a tiny bit of pressure, threatening to push him in, "c'mon, let's keep going shitty hair"
Kirishima fumbled, nearly falling in, "Heeey, that was not cool babe!"
"S'not my fault you were taking forever. " Bakugou said, walking further along the path, "now hurry up, let's go"
Kirishima got up, running to catch up with the blonde, "ok, ok, I'm coming"

The couple continued to walk around, Bakugou constantly fidgeting with the small velvet box in his jacket pocket. They continued down the path, lights.dktting every section of plant, contrasting against the darkness of the night sky. Eventually they came upon a stone bridge. It was covered in vines and surrounded by water. As they walked across Kirishima stopped right in the middle, staring with wonder down at the reflections in the water. The stars and lights creating an eye catching display along the ripples of the water.

Bakugou knew this was it. It was time. He could not mess this up. He anxiously took the velvet box out of his pocket and got down on one knee, waiting for Kirishima to notice. A few moments later the red head turned around, "Are you seeing this it's so co-" he said, stopping suddenly not seeing his boyfriend. Bakugou cleared his  throat making his presence known. Kirishima's head shot down, and be immediately out his hands to his mouth, tears threatening to fall.
Bakugou took a deep breath, " E-Eijro Kirishima"he stammered out, clearly nervous, " E-ever since high school you've always made me feel like my heart's about to explode. And those feelings have only grown since our time together. I love you with all I have, so w-will you marry me?" Kirishima stood there to stunned to speak. His heart felt like it was going to burst out of his chest.
He silently nodded, whispering a quiet, "yes, of course I will" tears streaming down his face in happiness. Bakugou grabbed his left hand, gently placing the ring on his finger. The ring was made of black metal, a large red stone in the center. The initials EB ( Eijiro Bakugou) engraved on the inside of the band. Kirishima launched himself at Bakugou, kissing him passionately.
The blonde pulled away first, placing his forehead against the others, "I love you Eijiro"
"I love you to Katsuki"

Kiribaku Oneshots | Fluff and Angstजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें